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Trump losing support amongst White Voters. (1 Viewer)


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Aug 3, 2020
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Davidson, NC
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Trumps bigger problem is the demographic that sent him to the White House — white voters, whose embrace of Trump appears to be slipping in critical, predominantly white swing states.

In Minnesota, where the contest between Trump and Joe Biden had seemed to tighten in recent weeks — and where both candidates stumped on Friday — a CBS News/YouGov survey last week had Trump running 2 percentage points behind Biden with white voters, after carrying them by 7 points in 2016. Even among white voters without college degrees — Trump’s base — the president was far short of the margin he put up against Hillary Clinton there.

It’s the same story in Wisconsin, where Trump won non-college educated white women by 16 percentage points four years ago but is now losing them by 9 percentage points, according to an ABC News/Washington Post poll. In Pennsylvania, Biden has now pulled even with Trump among white voters, according to an NBC News/Marist Poll.

If Trump wins anything less than 57% of the white vote he will get crushed.

The GOP can't win an election on a national level without near 60% of the white vote.
Trumps bigger problem is the demographic that sent him to the White House — white voters, whose embrace of Trump appears to be slipping in critical, predominantly white swing states.

In Minnesota, where the contest between Trump and Joe Biden had seemed to tighten in recent weeks — and where both candidates stumped on Friday — a CBS News/YouGov survey last week had Trump running 2 percentage points behind Biden with white voters, after carrying them by 7 points in 2016. Even among white voters without college degrees — Trump’s base — the president was far short of the margin he put up against Hillary Clinton there.

It’s the same story in Wisconsin, where Trump won non-college educated white women by 16 percentage points four years ago but is now losing them by 9 percentage points, according to an ABC News/Washington Post poll. In Pennsylvania, Biden has now pulled even with Trump among white voters, according to an NBC News/Marist Poll.

He is losing support among anyone that has anything above a brain stem.

His cult just blunders along in their abject stupidity.

But, he will always carry the white "gonna get my GED someday" crowd.
Some additional perspective. I think this is going to be a tighter race than some think it will be.

Yeah, I read that.

If Biden wins, it probably won't be based on the "Obama coalition" from 2008/2012, but more specifically the Clinton coalition from the 1990's. Then again, I'm not entirely convinced Biden is doing as bad with "hispanics" as the media claims he is. In 2018 they kept claiming Democrats had a hispanic problem...and when the results fully came in, Democrats did about as well as they normally do with hispanics.
Nobody has a goddamn idea what is going to happen in November. Both Trump and Biden are supposed to win by a large margin, and it's going to be a dead heat, and Trump is going to have more votes until all the MIB are counted and Biden wins. Basically, whatever happens, it will be a shit show. Tensions and hostility will only go higher. People saying Trump shouldn't or won't vacate the office and the army will get involved are full of shit. Both sides have rumblings of this every single time the office could switch parties.
Yeah, I read that.

If Biden wins, it probably won't be based on the "Obama coalition" from 2008/2012, but more specifically the Clinton coalition from the 1990's. Then again, I'm not entirely convinced Biden is doing as bad with "hispanics" as the media claims he is. In 2018 they kept claiming Democrats had a hispanic problem...and when the results fully came in, Democrats did about as well as they normally do with hispanics.

If he keeps playing "Despacito" to them he might very well scare the rest of them off.
Trumps bigger problem is the demographic that sent him to the White House — white voters, whose embrace of Trump appears to be slipping in critical, predominantly white swing states.

In Minnesota, where the contest between Trump and Joe Biden had seemed to tighten in recent weeks — and where both candidates stumped on Friday — a CBS News/YouGov survey last week had Trump running 2 percentage points behind Biden with white voters, after carrying them by 7 points in 2016. Even among white voters without college degrees — Trump’s base — the president was far short of the margin he put up against Hillary Clinton there.

It’s the same story in Wisconsin, where Trump won non-college educated white women by 16 percentage points four years ago but is now losing them by 9 percentage points, according to an ABC News/Washington Post poll. In Pennsylvania, Biden has now pulled even with Trump among white voters, according to an NBC News/Marist Poll.

I hope you're not counting on this. :ROFLMAO:
Trumps bigger problem is the demographic that sent him to the White House — white voters, whose embrace of Trump appears to be slipping in critical, predominantly white swing states.

In Minnesota, where the contest between Trump and Joe Biden had seemed to tighten in recent weeks — and where both candidates stumped on Friday — a CBS News/YouGov survey last week had Trump running 2 percentage points behind Biden with white voters, after carrying them by 7 points in 2016. Even among white voters without college degrees — Trump’s base — the president was far short of the margin he put up against Hillary Clinton there.

It’s the same story in Wisconsin, where Trump won non-college educated white women by 16 percentage points four years ago but is now losing them by 9 percentage points, according to an ABC News/Washington Post poll. In Pennsylvania, Biden has now pulled even with Trump among white voters, according to an NBC News/Marist Poll.

Where is your data that Trump is losing support among white voters? There are plenty of nonwhite voters in urban areas of both Minnesota and Wisconsin.

Nationwide, he’s gaining support among nonwhite voters, convenient that you left that out lol.

The YouGuv just out has Trump’s approval up to 47%, and that’s liberally slanted YouGuv.

Harris has Trump’s approval up to 48%.

Momentum is clearly in Trump’s direction.

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