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Trump Loses Significant Voter Support After Woodward Tapes (1 Viewer)


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Aug 3, 2020
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Davidson, NC
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New polling shows that President Donald Trump has dropped further behind Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden in the wake of The Atlantic article and journalist Bob Woodward's coronavirus tapes.

In the Yahoo News/YouGov poll—conducted between September 9-11 and released Saturday—shows Biden widening his lead over Trump by 10 percentage points among registered voters. About 49 percent of registered voters say they will vote for Biden, compared to Trump's 39 percent.

The results represent a four-point rise from the same poll conducted at the end of August when Biden was only ahead by six points.

Trump Loses Significant Voter Support After Allegedly Disparaging U.S. Soldiers, Woodward COVID Tapes
I'd like to think this number will hold because people have finally come to their senses. But it's likely that the next scandal will eclipse it, an October Surprise will weaken Biden and of course the polls will naturally tighten closer to election day.

I don't think there'll be an October Surprise for Trump. A new revelation comes out about him every week, sometimes twice a week, but nothing seems to truly sink him. He takes a small hit, creeps back, then takes the same hit again.
President Trump lied, but I doubt you can blame all of the CV deaths on him.
New polling shows that President Donald Trump has dropped further behind Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden in the wake of The Atlantic article and journalist Bob Woodward's coronavirus tapes.

In the Yahoo News/YouGov poll—conducted between September 9-11 and released Saturday—shows Biden widening his lead over Trump by 10 percentage points among registered voters. About 49 percent of registered voters say they will vote for Biden, compared to Trump's 39 percent.

The results represent a four-point rise from the same poll conducted at the end of August when Biden was only ahead by six points.

Trump Loses Significant Voter Support After Allegedly Disparaging U.S. Soldiers, Woodward COVID Tapes

The trouble I have with the yahoo/yougov poll is that it is a generic poll , and does not take into account any individual state. A much more informative poll would be 'battle ground state' polls
I'd like to think this number will hold because people have finally come to their senses. But it's likely that the next scandal will eclipse it, an October Surprise will weaken Biden and of course the polls will naturally tighten closer to election day.

I don't think there'll be an October Surprise for Trump. A new revelation comes out about him every week, sometimes twice a week, but nothing seems to truly sink him. He takes a small hit, creeps back, then takes the same hit again.

He has a very "resilient" base for sure. The problem is it is the same as in 2016. The Dems will mobilize twice as many Democrats to vote as in that election. Incumbents also do not usually gain in the post convention time period. I think Biden has it in the bag already as long as the dems get out and vote.
New polling shows that President Donald Trump has dropped further behind Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden in the wake of The Atlantic article and journalist Bob Woodward's coronavirus tapes.

In the Yahoo News/YouGov poll—conducted between September 9-11 and released Saturday—shows Biden widening his lead over Trump by 10 percentage points among registered voters. About 49 percent of registered voters say they will vote for Biden, compared to Trump's 39 percent.

The results represent a four-point rise from the same poll conducted at the end of August when Biden was only ahead by six points.

Trump Loses Significant Voter Support After Allegedly Disparaging U.S. Soldiers, Woodward COVID Tapes

Lol based on one poll?

Where Biden moved from +9 to +10???

This article is borderline fraud. There was a YouGuv poll last week where Biden was +9.

RealClearPolitics - Election 2020 - General Election: Trump vs. Biden

Come on...:mrgreen:
Rasmussen has his Approval steady at 48%.

Lol I can't believe Newsweek put this article out.

(1)The entire premise of the article is based on one poll.

(2)Instead of comparing the poll to the one conducted a few days earlier, they cherrypick a poll from the end of August.

(3)Including in the headline "Allegedly Disparaging U. S. Soldiers" is equivalent to including a headline that Biden "Allegedly Is Taking Performance Enhancing Drugs." If liberals want to go this route, fine. ;)
Real Clear Politics has Biden up 7.5 :confused:

If you look at the YouGuv polls on RCP, the poll dated 9/6-9/8 has Biden +9.

The article states that a YouGuv poll just released has Biden +10.

Considering the Margin Of Error, the headline of this article is fraudulent.

Even if Yahoo News wasn't involved in the 9/6-9/8 poll, YouGuv is well aware of how much movement there has been as a result of the Woodward tapes. Which, according to YouGuv, is hardly any.

Rasmussen's daily presidential approval tracking poll has him holding steady at 48%. After the Woodward tapes were released.
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New polling shows that President Donald Trump has dropped further behind Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden in the wake of The Atlantic article and journalist Bob Woodward's coronavirus tapes.

In the Yahoo News/YouGov poll—conducted between September 9-11 and released Saturday—shows Biden widening his lead over Trump by 10 percentage points among registered voters. About 49 percent of registered voters say they will vote for Biden, compared to Trump's 39 percent.

The results represent a four-point rise from the same poll conducted at the end of August when Biden was only ahead by six points.

Trump Loses Significant Voter Support After Allegedly Disparaging U.S. Soldiers, Woodward COVID Tapes

Wow ........Newsweek reported on the 10th that Trump had a 10+ lead over Biden in polling military families.

Trump Leads Biden by 10 Points Among Military Households, Poll Finds
President Trump lied, but I doubt you can blame all of the CV deaths on him.

If zero attempt is made to stop or mitigate the outbreak, then yes, you could.
If zero attempt is made to stop or mitigate the outbreak, then yes, you could.

Do you have any anger, at all, at President Xi?

Because if you don't, that makes this whole thing political BS. :mrgreen:
He has a very "resilient" base for sure. The problem is it is the same as in 2016. The Dems will mobilize twice as many Democrats to vote as in that election. Incumbents also do not usually gain in the post convention time period. I think Biden has it in the bag already as long as the dems get out and vote.

And as long as the Republicans fail to effectively suppress that vote.
Do you have any anger, at all, at President Xi?

Because if you don't, that makes this whole thing political BS. :mrgreen:

Deflections and non existent preconditions.

Trump's mistakes were made after the risk of the virus was known. Its rapid spread in the US is due to his negligence. He's on tape acknowledging it.

And the irony is lost on some...

Irony lost.jpg
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the race will still tighten up, IMO. those who oppose this reality tv show debacle will have to vote if they want it to stop.
Deflections and non existent preconditions.

Trump's mistakes were made after the risk of the virus was known. It's rapid spread in the US is due to his negligence. He's on tape acknowledging it.

He's acknowledging that he downplayed the virus in order to save the economy from complete disaster.

Our deaths per cases is 2.9%. Because Trump restricted travel from China, and bought most (not all, but most) hospitals weeks of valuable time.

A President Joe, God forbid, would not have restricted travel, per his own statements on tape, and our deaths per cases would have been similar to Italy's, 12.5%.

Andrew Cuomo had been in office 9 years. He should have known to make sure his own state-run hospitals were prepared. This is Cuomo's responsibility, Trump doesn't run hospitals.



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    ANDREW CUOMO 2.jpg
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The trouble I have with the yahoo/yougov poll is that it is a generic poll , and does not take into account any individual state. A much more informative poll would be 'battle ground state' polls
State polls are very noisy this cycle and so really, nationals polls are a better read of where the race is it, even if it's hard to nail down exactly where Biden is ahead.

Clinton lost by a hair with a 2.5% win, so 7-11% lead is a decisive and clear win for Biden if that emerges on election day.
State polls are very noisy this cycle and so really, nationals polls are a better read of where the race is it, even if it's hard to nail down exactly where Biden is ahead.

Clinton lost by a hair with a 2.5% win, so 7-11% lead is a decisive and clear win for Biden if that emerges on election day.

I am interested in seeing how the senate goes too.
Deflections and non existent preconditions.

Trump's mistakes were made after the risk of the virus was known. Its rapid spread in the US is due to his negligence. He's on tape acknowledging it.

And the irony is lost on some...

View attachment 67295112

Exactly! "After the risk of the virus was known", he admitted it and yet the lies, the obfuscation, the disinformation continue even now. Even the GOP hasn't challenged the fact that the lies, obfuscation and disinformation continue. They cannot challenge the facts and therefore they have not.
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Exactly! "After the risk of the virus was known", he admitted it and yet the lies, the obfuscation, the disinformation continue even now. Even the GOP hasn't challenged the fact that the lies, obfuscation and disinformation continue. They cannot challenge the facts and therefore they have not.

Who was in the political situation to have saved the most lives?

If you look at the YouGuv polls on RCP, the poll dated 9/6-9/8 has Biden +9.

The article states that a YouGuv poll just released has Biden +10.

Considering the Margin Of Error, the headline of this article is fraudulent.

Even if Yahoo News wasn't involved in the 9/6-9/8 poll, YouGuv is well aware of how much movement there has been as a result of the Woodward tapes. Which, according to YouGuv, is hardly any.

Rasmussen's daily presidential approval tracking poll has him holding steady at 48%. After the Woodward tapes were released.

Please, dont ever mention Rasmussen to me again...I am more than happy to go back and forth with you, hopefully in a civil manner, but noway will I ever consider Rasmussen legitimate.
Please, dont ever mention Rasmussen to me again...I am more than happy to go back and forth with you, hopefully in a civil manner, but noway will I ever consider Rasmussen legitimate.

You do understand that Rasmussen was the MOST ACCURATE POLLING FIRM in 2016, the last time, obviously, Trump was a candidate.

Rasmussen had Hillary at +1.7, she won by 2.1 ;)

In terms of all this asinine Trump causing deaths nonsense, look at how we rank compared to other nations in deaths per cases...

You all better start giving Trump some credit.

Italy 12.4% Deaths per Cases
United Kingdom 11.4% Deaths per Cases
Belgium 10.7% Deaths per Cases
Mexico 10.6% Deaths per Cases
France 8.3% Deaths per Cases
Netherlands 7.7% Deaths per Cases
Canada 6.7% Deaths per Cases
Ireland 5.8% Deaths per Cases
Iran 5.7% Deaths per Cases
China 5.4% Deaths per Cases
Hungary 5.3% Deaths per Cases
Spain 5.2% Deaths per Cases
Switzerland 4.3% Deaths per Cases
Syria 4.3% Deaths per Cases
Peru 4.2% Deaths per Cases
Germany 3.6% Deaths per Cases
Poland 3.0% Deaths per Cases
Australia 3.0% Deaths per Cases
Brazil 3.0% Deaths per Cases
United States 3.0% Deaths per Cases
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The dems are just mad because they just found out a few days ago that Covid was deadly and that the virus was contagious.

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