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Trump-Kim summit: Second meeting by end of February (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Oct 13, 2011
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US President Donald Trump is to meet North Korean leader Kim Jong-un for a second summit by the end of February, the White House says.

The announcement came after Mr Trump met top North Korean negotiator Kim Yong-chol at the White House.

He had been expected to deliver a letter from Kim Jong-un to Mr Trump.

Little progress has been made on denuclearisation since their historic summit in Singapore last June. No venue has been announced for the new summit.

Speculation is mounting that it could be held in Vietnam.

Another great photo-shoot for both leaders and another opportunity for Kim to further validate himself on the world stage and for Trump to distract his own people from the ongoing investigation and the shutdown.

Get the popcorn ready! Can't wait to see these two " heavyweights" flirt with each other again.
Maybe the “love-birds” can save and get a double room.....
At least Kim is willing to meet with Trump. It seems these days North Koreans are easier to deal with than Democrats.

US President Donald Trump is to meet North Korean leader Kim Jong-un for a second summit by the end of February, the White House says.

The announcement came after Mr Trump met top North Korean negotiator Kim Yong-chol at the White House.

He had been expected to deliver a letter from Kim Jong-un to Mr Trump.

Little progress has been made on denuclearisation since their historic summit in Singapore last June. No venue has been announced for the new summit.

Speculation is mounting that it could be held in Vietnam.

Another great photo-shoot for both leaders and another opportunity for Kim to further validate himself on the world stage and for Trump to distract his own people from the ongoing investigation and the shutdown.

Get the popcorn ready! Can't wait to see these two " heavyweights" flirt with each other again.

Kim is going to play Trump like a fine guitar. It is a horrible time for Trump to be "negotiating" with North Korea. Trump would no doubt be willing to blow Kim for the PR win he needs right now.
Why do we need another summit? Trump specifically told us there was no longer a threat from NK.
Trump's latest attempt to distract from everything that's going on with his disastrous presidency.
Trump to Putin on Trump's burner phone: Vlad, I need help. It's bad here. **** is getting thick and I'm in the middle of it. Do something to take the heat off me. I need to divert all this with big positive PR. Help, quick.

Putin on his hot tub phone while kicking back with a few fine Russian women: Donald! Donald! Listen to me. LISTEN TO ME! Stop the whining and dial the panic back down. Jesus! You are a pain in the ass. A pain in the ass with tiny hands.

I'll reach out to Kim and tell him to send an envoy to you. Next you announce a meeting between you and Kim. Kim will make big promises you can spam it all over social media. It'll be a big PR event for both of you. Kim will want something for all this, maybe a blowjob. Don't worry it will be nothing you haven't done before.

I'm only doing this for you because you got the sanctions lifted.
Was Dennis instrumental in the first summit? If he was, will he be of any use this second time?
Was Dennis even consulted the first time? Was Bill Richardson?
Making an informed guess as to the second time without knowing who was “ brought in “ the first time is assinine.

US President Donald Trump is to meet North Korean leader Kim Jong-un for a second summit by the end of February, the White House says.

The announcement came after Mr Trump met top North Korean negotiator Kim Yong-chol at the White House.

He had been expected to deliver a letter from Kim Jong-un to Mr Trump.

Little progress has been made on denuclearisation since their historic summit in Singapore last June. No venue has been announced for the new summit.

Speculation is mounting that it could be held in Vietnam.

Another great photo-shoot for both leaders and another opportunity for Kim to further validate himself on the world stage and for Trump to distract his own people from the ongoing investigation and the shutdown.

Get the popcorn ready! Can't wait to see these two " heavyweights" flirt with each other again.

LOL, Squirrel!

Kim Jong Un must love having an American POTUS at his beck and call.
i hope that they mint a new collectible commemorative coin for the meeting.
Was Dennis instrumental in the first summit? If he was, will he be of any use this second time?
Was Dennis even consulted the first time? Was Bill Richardson?
Making an informed guess as to the second time without knowing who was “ brought in “ the first time is assinine.

They should let Dennis throw free throws for nukes. Everyone he sinks they have to destroy a missile, sell it on pay per view to help pay for Trumps upcoming legal costs. Everyone is a winner.
i hope that they mint a new collectible commemorative coin for the meeting.

......make sure to update your White House Gift Shop app!

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