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Trump issues unfunded mandate. Proudly. (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
May 26, 2020
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menifee calif.
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Obama set up Obamacare, to compensate insurers, for covering preexisting conditions. Trump on the other hand, is issuing an edict, that the insurers will simply cover them, without any compensation. That, used to be considered unconstitutional by Republicans. Then the Republicans turned commie. Trump has every right to pick winners and losers in the free market.

Trump to sign executive orders protecting preexisting conditions and seeking a way to prevent ....

Obama set up Obamacare, to compensate insurers, for covering preexisting conditions. Trump on the other hand, is issuing an edict, that the insurers will simply cover them, without any compensation. That, used to be considered unconstitutional by Republicans. Then the Republicans turned commie. Trump has every right to pick winners and losers in the free market.

Trump to sign executive orders protecting preexisting conditions and seeking a way to prevent ....

I don't think you understand what the phrase, "picking winners and losers" means.

Moving on...

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