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Trump Is Too Looney Even For Laura Ingraham (1 Viewer)

President Trump, during an interview on Monday with Fox News’s Laura Ingraham, a spin artist for the president and a purveyor of anti-immigrant sentiment, claimed that Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden is controlled by mysterious people. (Disclaimer: I am an MSNBC contributor.)

In concocting his tale, Trump fantasized of “people that you’ve never heard of, people that are in the dark shadows.”

Ingraham, as though trying her best to stop his self-immolation, responded, “That sounds like conspiracy theory.” No luck. Trump continued: “They are people that are on the streets, they’re people that are controlling the streets. We had somebody get on a plane from a certain city this weekend. And in the plane, it was almost completely loaded with thugs, wearing these dark uniforms, black uniforms, with gear and this and that.” This is simply bonkers.

Ingraham then stopped him from digging himself a deeper hole when he suggested police who kill unarmed people are akin to a golfer missing a three-foot putt. “But they choke, just like in a golf tournament, they miss a three-foot [putt],” Trump said. Ingraham leaped in: “You’re not comparing it to golf, because that’s what the media [would say].”

In other words, actual reporters would recognize what he was saying was morally offensive and so lacking in self-awareness as to suggest Trump cannot even fake normal behavior.
I think a cop that shoots because he’s nervous IS like a golfer missing a put because he’s nervous...think pro golfer who makes the putt 100% of the time except when things get serious. A cop could be the same way...awesome until things get real-real and their grasp on reality fades due to nerves.

It’s sorta normal though. Under pressure even the most rational people might have a 1-2% “mistake rate”. Unless we have robot cops there’s no way to really take nerves/human error out of policing others. And cops are mostly average people plucked from society so you’ve got to expect mistakes to be made. Double the pay that cops make and you may get a MUCH larger pool of candidate to pluck out elite people.
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There is some correctness to people making some mistakes.

That's not the case in many of these police killings that are cold-blooded murder. Knee on neck eight minutes isn't a split-second shot.

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