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Trump is a national threat (1 Viewer)


USMC 1988-1996
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Sep 18, 2011
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This is trump at CPAC tonight. Trump hasn't read the room. Well, he read that room he's standing in but not the pulse of America.

I said in another thread, I think Ukraine might finally be a wedge issue Republicans can use to split off from trump. Of course his comments were imbecilic and unpatriotic and anti-democracy. CPAC is appalling so it's no surprise they appallingly liked his comments.
I said in another thread, I think Ukraine might finally be a wedge issue Republicans can use to split off from trump. Of course his comments were imbecilic and unpatriotic and anti-democracy. CPAC is appalling so it's no surprise they appallingly liked his comments.
It is the opposite. Republicans do not in any way think the policies created by Biden are smart or effective. The invasion of Ukraine is steeling the resolve of Americans about needing a smart and strong foreign policy. Biden is already the third rail for Democrats running for election. None of them want to touch him.
It is the opposite. Republicans do not in any way think the policies created by Biden are smart or effective. The invasion of Ukraine is steeling the resolve of Americans about needing a smart and strong foreign policy. Biden is already the third rail for Democrats running for election. None of them want to touch him.
How embarrassing for you.
People with your politics are like little pull-string dolls who repeat a few talking points however imbecilic. You're clueless about Bernie's trip.
ooo. A little sensitive about Bernie's love for the USSR.
No I am proud to be for smart policies.

Which you wouldn't know if they punched you.

Embarrassing is the idiot in office right now who can't stay awake or remember people's names or where he is.

People with your politics are like little pull-string dolls who repeat a few talking points however imbecilic.
Who really cares what Trump says today about running in 2024? That's a long ways out and this Ukraine mess will be done and over before summer. Trump still has a lot of hurdles before he can commit to running as he may not even be qualified to run which is why he has not officially announced anything yet. His violation of the Presidential Documents Act alone will disqualify him from running if the DOJ does their job let alone all the other issues including his horrible favorability numbers. Trump still has 3 years to turn off voters with his nonsense, he can't help himself. All the trumpers that are getting excited by his offhanded comments tonight need to settle down, the political climate will shift again and again in the next three years. FYI, anyone watching CPAC this year knows how foolish and embarrassing the right is looking right now. I saw enough to make me want to tear up my GOP card.

The day he does announce there will be a huge party at the DNC.
He is running in 2024!
Let the screaming start. 😎
Looking at the major media and they are not reporting this?

Trump just announced he’s running in 2024…​

Posted by Kane on February 26, 2022 7:37 pm


"We did it twice, and we'll do it again. We'll be doing it again a third time."#Trump2024 pic.twitter.com/Y6XH4f6LV5
(@RSBNetwork) February 27, 2022

Hot off the presses in the last 10 minutes. Trump at CPAC.
I said in another thread, I think Ukraine might finally be a wedge issue Republicans can use to split off from trump. Of course his comments were imbecilic and unpatriotic and anti-democracy. CPAC is appalling so it's no surprise they appallingly liked his comments.

No chance of that happening. One a Trumper always a Trumper. They would have started hating him before i joined Debate Politics.
Who really cares what Trump says today about running in 2024? That's a long ways out and this Ukraine mess will be done and over before summer. Trump still has a lot of hurdles before he can commit to running as he may not even be qualified to run which is why he has not officially announced anything yet. His violation of the Presidential Documents Act alone will disqualify him from running if the DOJ does their job let alone all the other issues including his horrible favorability numbers. Trump still has 3 years to turn off voters with his nonsense, he can't help himself. All the trumpers that are getting excited by his offhanded comments tonight need to settle down, the political climate will shift again and again in the next three years. FYI, anyone watching CPAC this year knows how foolish and embarrassing the right is looking right now. I saw enough to make me want to tear up my GOP card.

The day he does announce there will be a huge party at the DNC.
Unfortunately, this Ukraine tragedy will be going on for years.

Ha! I remember Dems wishing Trump to run before thinking he would get destroyed by Hillary Clinton. Ahh. Good times.
No chance of that happening. One a Trumper always a Trumper. They would have started hating him before i joined Debate Politics.
Just like once a grifter, once a conman, once an ignoramus, once a sociopath, that their leader is.
This is trump at CPAC tonight. Trump hasn't read the room. Well, he read that room he's standing in but not the pulse of America.

The truth is only dangerous if we don't learn from it. Like him or not Putin played the rest of the world like a cheap guitar. There is nothing wrong will acknowledge your opponent ate your lunch as long as you don't cook him another one.

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