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Trump holds up coronavirus aid to block funding for mail-in voting (1 Viewer)


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Dec 3, 2017
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Trump holds up coronavirus aid to block funding for mail-in voting - Reuters

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump said on Thursday he was blocking Democrats’ effort to include funds for the U.S. Postal Service and election infrastructure in a new coronavirus relief bill, in a bid to block more Americans from voting by mail during the pandemic.

Congressional Democrats accused Trump of trying to damage the struggling Postal Service to improve his chances of being re-elected in November, as opinion polls show the Republican facing a tough fight from presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden.

Trump has been railing against mail-in ballots for months as a possible source of fraud, although millions of Americans - including much of the military - have cast absentee ballots by mail for years without such problems.
The Biden line that Trump can't beat: mass murderer.
This is nuts.

But Trump supporters don’t care.

The ugliness is the point.

The clear support of cheating, is the point.

The complete and total abandonment of any and all democratic values is the point.

The “leader of the free world” as a concept, as an idea and as a position is now gone, finished for so long as around 40% of the population outright approves of this type of leadership.

This is the beginning of the end I think, a democratic nation that allows this to go on cannot survive as a democratic nation.

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