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Trump Has a Decision to Make Soon (1 Viewer)

The greatest “conservative” politician of all time, let him tell you, would never try that. After all, he wiped out 16, the most in all of history, RNC POTUS primary challengers in 2016 and created the Trump party. Traditionally, third party POTUS candidates simply hand the election to the other major political party’s candidate.

If Trump had that much power then he would win the RNC POTUS primary again. Trump can’t get a “third party” social media website off the ground.
Well don't tell Trump that.

Trump is a wildcard here. Just because he would never even come close to winning a third party run and doing so would hand the entire election to Joe Biden wouldn't necessarily stop him from trying. Anyone who thinks they can predict what Donald Trump is going to do hasn't been paying attention. If DeSantis or the GOP pisses him off in some way, (like abandoning him to criminal charges and embracing DeSantis for 2024?) he might just torpedo the entire Republican Party out of spite. Or even out of a delusion that he could still possibly win a grassroots third party run. That no rational person would do this is irrelevant when we're talking about Donald Trump. He isn't motivated by anything other than his own ego.
Interesting dynamics at play, alright.

As stated in the article, DeSantis won't come to Trump unless he believes he needs him to win, and Trump won't endorse DeSantis without a pledge of allegiance.

Since DeSantis likely believes he's likely got the election in the bag at this time, no movement from either is taking place.
Here's the latest from RCP

I wouldn't say DeSantis has the election in the bag. But he does have a comfortable lead at the moment. Interesting DeSantis probably opponent Charlie Crist was once a Republican Governor of Florida. Now he's a Democrats and the probable opponent of DeSantis in November.
Hell yes, "Trump Has a Decision to Make Soon."

Real simple... get the **** out of politics.

Take your overprivileged band of terrible kids with you, run off with some Russian prostitute to golden show Trump again, and leave the politics to those not quite as morally and ethically corrupt as the whole Trump family seems to be.
How much of the GOP do you think that leaves?
I hope that he will endorse the Florida governor.

The people of Florida will probably elect him governor again anyway.

I also hope that neither The Donald nor the governor will seek the GOP nomination.

I do not think either can win the general election.

Both are rather obnoxious in their own way.

We need a Republican candidate who has a pleasant personality and who is seen as a moderate on political matters.

In other words, someone like President Eisenhower. ("I like Ike.")
I believe you summed it up very well, thank you. I still think trump will not risk another loss, so he won't run.

As for the gop itself, it seems like different factions and different states are in competition in their race to the bottom of being human. They've gotten so bad, in oklahoma the gop is in women's vaginas. How arrogant that these white males can rule over women's reproductive rights. Talk about control freaks.

Tell it, brother! There does indeed seem to be a race to the bottom by different factions and states.

I don’t think Trump will run either. His rallies are showing much lower attendance. Many people who attend now are homeless people looking for a free bottle of water and a decent place to cop a squat.
OK, then DeSantis poses no threat and should have already gotten Trump’s endorsement (for FL governor). It certainly appears that Trump sees DeSantis as a threat.
DeSantis doesn't need Trump's endorsement now.
When/if will Trump endorse DeSantis in the FL gubernatorial race?

I don't believe he will do it. If he does it will cut into his "fundraising" operation.
That makes no sense. If DeSantis (or anyone else) beats Trump in the 2024 RNC POTUS primary then they would obviously have no further need for Trump. Did you forget that Trump lost to Joe “Where am I?” Biden in 2020?
Bit off topic, but I think the narrative about Biden being mentally confused and/or senile is overdone - I don't think he's as bad as made out to be.
The greatest “conservative” politician of all time, let him tell you, would never try that. After all, he wiped out 16, the most in all of history, RNC POTUS primary challengers in 2016 and created the Trump party. Traditionally, third party POTUS candidates simply hand the election to the other major political party’s candidate.

If Trump had that much power then he would win the RNC POTUS primary again. Trump can’t get a “third party” social media website off the ground.
Not sure the bolded was ever the plan. Trump doesn’t seem to frequent the place.

When/if will Trump endorse DeSantis in the FL gubernatorial race?

Oh....I can't wait to hear the juicy news. Keeps me up at night wondering what Trump is going to do.
Tell it, brother! There does indeed seem to be a race to the bottom by different factions and states.

I don’t think Trump will run either. His rallies are showing much lower attendance. Many people who attend now are homeless people looking for a free bottle of water and a decent place to cop a squat.
Do you live in the northeastern part of the country? I haven't heard the term cop a squat in ages, nice.
Here's the latest from RCP

I wouldn't say DeSantis has the election in the bag. But he does have a comfortable lead at the moment. Interesting DeSantis probably opponent Charlie Crist was once a Republican Governor of Florida. Now he's a Democrats and the probable opponent of DeSantis in November.

Crist is an interesting candidate, but barring a Black Swan Event, in my mind DeSantis is a done deal.
OK, then DeSantis poses no threat and should have already gotten Trump’s endorsement (for FL governor). It certainly appears that Trump sees DeSantis as a threat.

Of course.

But this is simply what Trump does as a matter of recourse; he's purely transactional.
I think we both agree that Trump is a narcissistic fool who lost to Joe “Where am I?” Biden and then resorted to claiming that he really won (much like Stacey Abrahams). I can’t stand Trump’s sing song style of spewing superlative laden gibberish at ‘rallies’, which I call TrumpSpeak.

You know, we're all unique it seems, with unique personalities and resonations.

Like yourself, I can't stand Trump's deliveries, as I perceive they smack of hyperbolic conmanship.

But others, many others, perceive he's a truth sayer!

"Pretty amazing differences we have", is all I've got to say!
Just delusional thinking.
I said IF we were fortunate.
And if any of the investigations of Trump would be resolved against him do you think he would not hesitate to look for another country with no extradition?
Of course he would.
You know, we're all unique it seems, with unique personalities and resonations.

Like yourself, I can't stand Trump's deliveries, as I perceive they smack of hyperbolic conmanship.

But others, many others, perceive he's a truth sayer!

"Pretty amazing differences we have", is all I've got to say!
This is the most troubling circumstance, imo.
Even if Trump doesn't run, he could still do damage to a DeSantis race. Can he afford to risk alienating Trump's base when facing an incumbent Democrat in 2024?

Agreed! Absolutely.

I suspect we will see Trump and DeSantis teaming up before too long. DeSantis would be a fool not to, as he loses nothing and gains die-hard Trump supporters.

I think as long as DeSantis looks solid in his gubernatorial bid, nothing will occur or be said until either throws their hat in the ring for the nomination. The real deal will be the game of chicken, as to who goes first. My guess is Trump will hold out longer.
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Crist is an interesting candidate, but barring a Black Swan Event, in my mind DeSantis is a done deal.
Both Rubio in the senate and DeSantis in the governor's race have comfortable leads. But there's still a long way to go before November. I'm very comfortable in forecasting both as winners. At least going by this month's numbers. But no one knows what next month's numbers will bring. These two I would place in my likely column. Meaning the races aren't competitive yet, but could become so in the future. They're by no means solid or safe or written in stone or in the bag.
I just want him gone. Dont care…
Both Rubio in the senate and DeSantis in the governor's race have comfortable leads. But there's still a long way to go before November. I'm very comfortable in forecasting both as winners. At least going by this month's numbers. But no one knows what next month's numbers will bring. These two I would place in my likely column. Meaning the races aren't competitive yet, but could become so in the future. They're by no means solid or safe or written in stone or in the bag.

You're more measured than I, and that's fair.

Remember when HRC was a shoe-in? ;)

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