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Trump Has a Decision to Make Soon (1 Viewer)


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When/if will Trump endorse DeSantis in the FL gubernatorial race?

When/if will Trump endorse DeSantis in the FL gubernatorial race?

Interesting dynamics at play, alright.

As stated in the article, DeSantis won't come to Trump unless he believes he needs him to win, and Trump won't endorse DeSantis without a pledge of allegiance.

Since DeSantis likely believes he's likely got the election in the bag at this time, no movement from either is taking place.
Hell yes, "Trump Has a Decision to Make Soon."

Real simple... get the **** out of politics.

Take your overprivileged band of terrible kids with you, run off with some Russian prostitute to golden show Trump again, and leave the politics to those not quite as morally and ethically corrupt as the whole Trump family seems to be.
Trump will not endorse DeSantis. There is no personal benefit for Trump to do so. Trump doesn't give a fat rat's ass about the GOP.

Now, IF DeSantis would enter into a secret agreement to pardon Trump if DeSantis is elected President for Trump's endorsement then maybe. But I don't see that as a possibility.

There is no way I can imagine that kind of agreement between two narcissistic authoritarian slime balls. Neither are trustworthy.

DeSantis is more Trumplike than any other possible GOP candidate. He doesn't need Trump's endorsement. Q-fools, fascists, authoritarian butt lickers, white nationalists and religionists will vote for DeSantis if Trump isn't a candidate.
Interesting dynamics at play, alright.

As stated in the article, DeSantis won't come to Trump unless he believes he needs him to win, and Trump won't endorse DeSantis without a pledge of allegiance.

Since DeSantis likely believes he's likely got the election in the bag at this time, no movement from either is taking place.

That (bolded above) is ridiculous. Trump appears to fear that DeSantis will run for POTUS in 2024 and how stupid it would look (and for good reason) if he openly endorses DeSantis (yet again) and later tries to bash him on the 2024 campaign trail.

Trump knows that he would have a very hard time trying to argue that DeSantis has ‘dangerous’ or even significantly different policy positions that he has. Trump has foolishly tried to paint DeSantis as only having being elected governor because of his prior endorsement. DeSantis should let Trump continue to assume that he might run for POTUS in 2024.
Interesting dynamics at play, alright.

As stated in the article, DeSantis won't come to Trump unless he believes he needs him to win, and Trump won't endorse DeSantis without a pledge of allegiance.

Since DeSantis likely believes he's likely got the election in the bag at this time, no movement from either is taking place.
DeSantis doesn't need Trump to win the governor or GOP nomination, but he most definitely needs Trump to win the presidency.
DeSantis doesn't need Trump to win the GOP nomination, but he most definitely needs Trump to win the presidency.

Of course!
Trump will not endorse DeSantis. There is no personal benefit for Trump to do so. Trump doesn't give a fat rat's ass about the GOP.

Now, IF DeSantis would enter into a secret agreement to pardon Trump if DeSantis is elected President for Trump's endorsement then maybe. But I don't see that as a possibility.

There is no way I can imagine that kind of agreement between two narcissistic authoritarian slime balls. Neither are trustworthy.

DeSantis is more Trumplike than any other possible GOP candidate. He doesn't need Trump's endorsement. Q-fools, fascists, authoritarian butt lickers, white nationalists and religionists will vote for DeSantis if Trump isn't a candidate.
DeSantis is a smarter version of Trump, imo.
Of course!
In that respect, I'm surprised he isn't courting Trump more than he is. Maybe he is waiting to see Trump's fate before he wastes his time?
That (bolded above) is ridiculous. Trump appears to fear that DeSantis will run for POTUS in 2024 and how stupid it would look (and for good reason) if he openly endorses DeSantis (yet again) and later tries to bash him on the 2024 campaign trail.

Trump knows that he would have a very hard time trying to argue that DeSantis has ‘dangerous’ or even significantly different policy positions that he has. Trump has foolishly tried to paint DeSantis as only having being elected governor because of his prior endorsement. DeSantis should let Trump continue to assume that he might run for POTUS in 2024.
Kinda like playing with two like pole magnets……….
DeSantis doesn't need Trump to win the GOP nomination, but he most definitely needs Trump to win the presidency.

That makes no sense. If DeSantis (or anyone else) beats Trump in the 2024 RNC POTUS primary then they would obviously have no further need for Trump. Did you forget that Trump lost to Joe “Where am I?” Biden in 2020?
That (bolded above) is ridiculous.

Actually, the bolded was also in the article.

Trump appears to fear that DeSantis will run for POTUS in 2024 and how stupid it would look (and for good reason) if he openly endorses DeSantis (yet again) and later tries to bash him on the 2024 campaign trail.

Trump knows that he would have a very hard time trying to argue that DeSantis has ‘dangerous’ or even significantly different policy positions that he has.

I don't think it maters what Trump says today, tomorrow, or whenever, in terms of Republican support. Nor, do I think he cares.

But your rationale is interesting, and I won't fault it.

Trump has foolishly tried to paint DeSantis as only having being elected governor because of his prior endorsement. DeSantis should let Trump continue to assume that he might run for POTUS in 2024.

That's Trump being Trump. I don't think it's any more 'foolish' than anything else he does, and he'll continue straight through wit it until the election.
That makes no sense. If DeSantis (or anyone else) beats Trump in the 2024 RNC POTUS primary then they would obviously have no further need for Trump. Did you forget that Trump lost to Joe “Where am I?” Biden in 2020?
What if Trump decided to run third party?

Trump has the power to siphon enough votes away from DeSantis to allow Biden to retain the White House.
That makes no sense. If DeSantis (or anyone else) beats Trump in the 2024 RNC POTUS primary then they would obviously have no further need for Trump. Did you forget that Trump lost to Joe “Where am I?” Biden in 2020?

For DeSantis to beat Trump in the primary would require DeSantis to sway the Trump base away from Trump. I don't see that happening.
If the country is fortunate the only decision Trump will have to make is which country to seek asylum in and not face prison time in the US.
In that respect, I'm surprised he isn't courting Trump more than he is. Maybe he is waiting to see Trump's fate before he wastes his time?

He doesn't need Trump for the Gubernatorial. And, he doesn't know if Trump will run in 2024.
He doesn't need Trump for the Gubernatorial. And, he doesn't know if Trump will run in 2024.
Even if Trump doesn't run, he could still do damage to a DeSantis race. Can he afford to risk alienating Trump's base when facing an incumbent Democrat in 2024?

I suspect we will see Trump and DeSantis teaming up before too long. DeSantis would be a fool not to, as he loses nothing and gains die-hard Trump supporters.
Actually, the bolded was also in the article.

I don't think it maters what Trump says today, tomorrow, or whenever, in terms of Republican support. Nor, do I think he cares.

But your rationale is interesting, and I won't fault it.

That's Trump being Trump. I don't think it's any more 'foolish' than anything else he does, and he'll continue straight through wit it until the election.

I think we both agree that Trump is a narcissistic fool who lost to Joe “Where am I?” Biden and then resorted to claiming that he really won (much like Stacey Abrahams). I can’t stand Trump’s sing song style of spewing superlative laden gibberish at ‘rallies’, which I call TrumpSpeak.
If Trump gets really angry with DeSantis and publicly (and loudly) endorses a challenger--and if DeSantis wins anyway--then that will be the end of Trump's influence all over the U.S.

(As Trump goes down for the count, he'll be claiming that DeSantis somehow "rigged" the election to win.)

Anyway, that my prediction.
What if Trump decided to run third party?

The greatest “conservative” politician of all time, let him tell you, would never try that. After all, he wiped out 16, the most in all of history, RNC POTUS primary challengers in 2016 and created the Trump party. Traditionally, third party POTUS candidates simply hand the election to the other major political party’s candidate.

Trump has the power to siphon enough votes away from DeSantis to allow Biden to retain the White House.

If Trump had that much power then he would win the RNC POTUS primary again. Trump can’t get a “third party” social media website off the ground.
When/if will Trump endorse DeSantis in the FL gubernatorial race?

one of his biggest potential rivals for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination.​

Nonsense. DeSantis won't be able to take the Republican nomination away from Trump if Trump decides to run. There is no "potential" about it.

So no...the only decision Trump has to make is whether he is going to run or not. (I suspect he has already told DeSantis what his decision is.)
For DeSantis to beat Trump in the primary would require DeSantis to sway the Trump base away from Trump. I don't see that happening.

OK, then DeSantis poses no threat and should have already gotten Trump’s endorsement (for FL governor). It certainly appears that Trump sees DeSantis as a threat.
Hell yes, "Trump Has a Decision to Make Soon."

Real simple... get the **** out of politics.

Take your overprivileged band of terrible kids with you, run off with some Russian prostitute to golden show Trump again, and leave the politics to those not quite as morally and ethically corrupt as the whole Trump family seems to be.
The law is closing on, o wonder if he has an exit strategy…
Trump will not endorse DeSantis. There is no personal benefit for Trump to do so. Trump doesn't give a fat rat's ass about the GOP.

Now, IF DeSantis would enter into a secret agreement to pardon Trump if DeSantis is elected President for Trump's endorsement then maybe. But I don't see that as a possibility.

There is no way I can imagine that kind of agreement between two narcissistic authoritarian slime balls. Neither are trustworthy.

DeSantis is more Trumplike than any other possible GOP candidate. He doesn't need Trump's endorsement. Q-fools, fascists, authoritarian butt lickers, white nationalists and religionists will vote for DeSantis if Trump isn't a candidate.
I believe you summed it up very well, thank you. I still think trump will not risk another loss, so he won't run.

As for the gop itself, it seems like different factions and different states are in competition in their race to the bottom of being human. They've gotten so bad, in oklahoma the gop is in women's vaginas. How arrogant that these white males can rule over women's reproductive rights. Talk about control freaks.

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