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Trump hailed as new Gandhi: Watch leftist heads explode (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jan 29, 2015
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Trump hailed as new Gandhi: Watch leftist heads explode​

By Monica Showalter~~ As the showdown over the border wall and the government shutdown bores through, American Spectator writer Jeffrey Lord has recognized something interesting about President Trump's unwavering stance:... He's just like Gandhi.
That should set a few lefties' hair on fire. After all, isn't Mohandas Gandhi, whose nonviolent resistance won India its independence, the left's favorite peacenik? Didn't Hollywood's lefties hand the Gandhi movie an Academy Award?
They'll go nuts at this New Gandhi paradigm, but Lord's argument is good for understanding Trump and why he's likely to win his border wall battle, even with a leftist House to work with.... The secret, Lord says, is that Trump has Gandhi's intense and singular focus in an against-all-odds environment. He writes:
Trump, like Gandhi, knows exactly what he is after: the wall and border security. And the Trump version of Gandhi's "non-cooperation" is…shutting down the government. Like Gandhi, he refuses to budge. And as with the British Viceroy and other Brits involved in running India, Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer simply don't get it.... There is nothing more amusing at this point then [sic] watching Nancy and Chuck fume and stammer in self-righteous indignation as they defend a system that is killing all manner of American kids with drugs, not to mention, as with the murder of California's police officer Ronil Singh, producing illegals and gang members bent on murdering Americans.... Lord goes on to compare that steadfastness to President Ronald Reagan's unwavering stance on the U.S. air traffic controllers and their illegal strike, something that caught the Kremlin's eye and forced the old gray men on the top of Lenin's tomb to adjust their expectations accordingly.
But he need not have gone that far back to prove the merits of his argument. Trump himself has shown the steel mettle not to back down in at least two noteworthy instances two years into his presidency: in the spectacular tax cut won in Congress that set the stage for the current economic takeoff, and his absolute and utter refusal to back down on the Supreme Court nomination of Brett Kavanaugh, which had been subject to the Democrats' foulest and dirtiest tricks.
crats who already hated Trump before the shutdown. Pelosi owes them far more than Trump owes them, and if anything, the shutdown demonstrates for him how useless they are given that most of the government is still operating rather smoothly. That leaves Pelosi to take the heat as she works to get these sinecures paid.
Gandhi, indeed. It sounds as though Trump is going to win, and that's some impressive nonviolent resistance he's using – to the most horrid swamp any new president has ever encountered.

I expect some compromises before this confrontation is over.
Indeed, The Democrats do not have a legitimate argument against The Wall. More has been spent freebies to Iraq, Pakistan, and Iran. Discrimination? Foreign citizens are NOT American citizens. Unnecessary? American citizens are being murdered by illegals, we can finally clamp down the drug trade, and its the MINIMAL we need to keep out terrorists. The ONLY reason the Progressive Marxist Socialist Democrats have is to keep new Dem voters streaming in. They're giving Americans the finger and saying illegals are more important than you because it'll keep US in power.
To paraphrase Trump negotiation tactics. 'If you want to win be prepared to walk out of any deal'. Yesterday he proved it when he walked out of the meeting.
Anyone who underestimate Trump shrewdness does it on his/her own peril. Politicians like Schumer, Pelosi and Obama are just starting to this out. .
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Explode from laughter, maybe. :)

Knowing what you want and being stubborn about it isn’t what makes someone like Gandhi.
I can’t wait to see Trump in a loin cloth............:lamo
Trump hailed as new Gandhi: Watch leftist heads explode​

By Monica Showalter~~ As the showdown over the border wall and the government shutdown bores through, American Spectator writer Jeffrey Lord has recognized something interesting about President Trump's unwavering stance:... He's just like Gandhi.
That should set a few lefties' hair on fire. After all, isn't Mohandas Gandhi, whose nonviolent resistance won India its independence, the left's favorite peacenik? Didn't Hollywood's lefties hand the Gandhi movie an Academy Award?
They'll go nuts at this New Gandhi paradigm, but Lord's argument is good for understanding Trump and why he's likely to win his border wall battle, even with a leftist House to work with.... The secret, Lord says, is that Trump has Gandhi's intense and singular focus in an against-all-odds environment. He writes:
Trump, like Gandhi, knows exactly what he is after: the wall and border security. And the Trump version of Gandhi's "non-cooperation" is…shutting down the government. Like Gandhi, he refuses to budge. And as with the British Viceroy and other Brits involved in running India, Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer simply don't get it.... There is nothing more amusing at this point then [sic] watching Nancy and Chuck fume and stammer in self-righteous indignation as they defend a system that is killing all manner of American kids with drugs, not to mention, as with the murder of California's police officer Ronil Singh, producing illegals and gang members bent on murdering Americans.... Lord goes on to compare that steadfastness to President Ronald Reagan's unwavering stance on the U.S. air traffic controllers and their illegal strike, something that caught the Kremlin's eye and forced the old gray men on the top of Lenin's tomb to adjust their expectations accordingly.
But he need not have gone that far back to prove the merits of his argument. Trump himself has shown the steel mettle not to back down in at least two noteworthy instances two years into his presidency: in the spectacular tax cut won in Congress that set the stage for the current economic takeoff, and his absolute and utter refusal to back down on the Supreme Court nomination of Brett Kavanaugh, which had been subject to the Democrats' foulest and dirtiest tricks.
crats who already hated Trump before the shutdown. Pelosi owes them far more than Trump owes them, and if anything, the shutdown demonstrates for him how useless they are given that most of the government is still operating rather smoothly. That leaves Pelosi to take the heat as she works to get these sinecures paid.
Gandhi, indeed. It sounds as though Trump is going to win, and that's some impressive nonviolent resistance he's using – to the most horrid swamp any new president has ever encountered.

I expect some compromises before this confrontation is over.
Indeed, The Democrats do not have a legitimate argument against The Wall. More has been spent freebies to Iraq, Pakistan, and Iran. Discrimination? Foreign citizens are NOT American citizens. Unnecessary? American citizens are being murdered by illegals, we can finally clamp down the drug trade, and its the MINIMAL we need to keep out terrorists. The ONLY reason the Progressive Marxist Socialist Democrats have is to keep new Dem voters streaming in. They're giving Americans the finger and saying illegals are more important than you because it'll keep US in power.
To paraphrase Trump negotiation tactics. 'If you want to win be prepared to walk out of any deal'. Yesterday he proved it when he walked out of the meeting.
Anyone who underestimate Trump shrewdness does it on his/her own peril. Politicians like Schumer, Pelosi and Obama are just starting to this out. .

My life is my message ~ Mahatma Gandhi
Trump hailed as new Gandhi: Watch leftist heads explode​

By Monica Showalter~~ As the showdown over the border wall and the government shutdown bores through, American Spectator writer Jeffrey Lord has recognized something interesting about President Trump's unwavering stance:... He's just like Gandhi.
That should set a few lefties' hair on fire. After all, isn't Mohandas Gandhi, whose nonviolent resistance won India its independence, the left's favorite peacenik? Didn't Hollywood's lefties hand the Gandhi movie an Academy Award?
They'll go nuts at this New Gandhi paradigm, but Lord's argument is good for understanding Trump and why he's likely to win his border wall battle, even with a leftist House to work with.... The secret, Lord says, is that Trump has Gandhi's intense and singular focus in an against-all-odds environment. He writes:
Trump, like Gandhi, knows exactly what he is after: the wall and border security. And the Trump version of Gandhi's "non-cooperation" is…shutting down the government. Like Gandhi, he refuses to budge. And as with the British Viceroy and other Brits involved in running India, Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer simply don't get it.... There is nothing more amusing at this point then [sic] watching Nancy and Chuck fume and stammer in self-righteous indignation as they defend a system that is killing all manner of American kids with drugs, not to mention, as with the murder of California's police officer Ronil Singh, producing illegals and gang members bent on murdering Americans.... Lord goes on to compare that steadfastness to President Ronald Reagan's unwavering stance on the U.S. air traffic controllers and their illegal strike, something that caught the Kremlin's eye and forced the old gray men on the top of Lenin's tomb to adjust their expectations accordingly.
But he need not have gone that far back to prove the merits of his argument. Trump himself has shown the steel mettle not to back down in at least two noteworthy instances two years into his presidency: in the spectacular tax cut won in Congress that set the stage for the current economic takeoff, and his absolute and utter refusal to back down on the Supreme Court nomination of Brett Kavanaugh, which had been subject to the Democrats' foulest and dirtiest tricks.
crats who already hated Trump before the shutdown. Pelosi owes them far more than Trump owes them, and if anything, the shutdown demonstrates for him how useless they are given that most of the government is still operating rather smoothly. That leaves Pelosi to take the heat as she works to get these sinecures paid.
Gandhi, indeed. It sounds as though Trump is going to win, and that's some impressive nonviolent resistance he's using – to the most horrid swamp any new president has ever encountered.

I expect some compromises before this confrontation is over.
Indeed, The Democrats do not have a legitimate argument against The Wall. More has been spent freebies to Iraq, Pakistan, and Iran. Discrimination? Foreign citizens are NOT American citizens. Unnecessary? American citizens are being murdered by illegals, we can finally clamp down the drug trade, and its the MINIMAL we need to keep out terrorists. The ONLY reason the Progressive Marxist Socialist Democrats have is to keep new Dem voters streaming in. They're giving Americans the finger and saying illegals are more important than you because it'll keep US in power.
To paraphrase Trump negotiation tactics. 'If you want to win be prepared to walk out of any deal'. Yesterday he proved it when he walked out of the meeting.
Anyone who underestimate Trump shrewdness does it on his/her own peril. Politicians like Schumer, Pelosi and Obama are just starting to this out. .

OMG Did He really say that?
I can’t wait to see Trump in a loin cloth............:lamo

I hear he sat in his residence, alone, during Christmas and New Year's , wearing a dhoti, while personally weaving cloth for his new branding, Club Fed Jumpsuits available in CHEETO-orange and Tang-erine.
Trump hailed as new Gandhi: Watch leftist heads explode​

By Monica Showalter~~ As the showdown over the border wall and the government shutdown bores through, American Spectator writer Jeffrey Lord has recognized something interesting about President Trump's unwavering stance:... He's just like Gandhi.
That should set a few lefties' hair on fire. After all, isn't Mohandas Gandhi, whose nonviolent resistance won India its independence, the left's favorite peacenik? Didn't Hollywood's lefties hand the Gandhi movie an Academy Award?
They'll go nuts at this New Gandhi paradigm, but Lord's argument is good for understanding Trump and why he's likely to win his border wall battle, even with a leftist House to work with.... The secret, Lord says, is that Trump has Gandhi's intense and singular focus in an against-all-odds environment. He writes:
Trump, like Gandhi, knows exactly what he is after: the wall and border security. And the Trump version of Gandhi's "non-cooperation" is…shutting down the government. Like Gandhi, he refuses to budge. And as with the British Viceroy and other Brits involved in running India, Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer simply don't get it.... There is nothing more amusing at this point then [sic] watching Nancy and Chuck fume and stammer in self-righteous indignation as they defend a system that is killing all manner of American kids with drugs, not to mention, as with the murder of California's police officer Ronil Singh, producing illegals and gang members bent on murdering Americans.... Lord goes on to compare that steadfastness to President Ronald Reagan's unwavering stance on the U.S. air traffic controllers and their illegal strike, something that caught the Kremlin's eye and forced the old gray men on the top of Lenin's tomb to adjust their expectations accordingly.
But he need not have gone that far back to prove the merits of his argument. Trump himself has shown the steel mettle not to back down in at least two noteworthy instances two years into his presidency: in the spectacular tax cut won in Congress that set the stage for the current economic takeoff, and his absolute and utter refusal to back down on the Supreme Court nomination of Brett Kavanaugh, which had been subject to the Democrats' foulest and dirtiest tricks.
crats who already hated Trump before the shutdown. Pelosi owes them far more than Trump owes them, and if anything, the shutdown demonstrates for him how useless they are given that most of the government is still operating rather smoothly. That leaves Pelosi to take the heat as she works to get these sinecures paid.
Gandhi, indeed. It sounds as though Trump is going to win, and that's some impressive nonviolent resistance he's using – to the most horrid swamp any new president has ever encountered.

I expect some compromises before this confrontation is over.
Indeed, The Democrats do not have a legitimate argument against The Wall. More has been spent freebies to Iraq, Pakistan, and Iran. Discrimination? Foreign citizens are NOT American citizens. Unnecessary? American citizens are being murdered by illegals, we can finally clamp down the drug trade, and its the MINIMAL we need to keep out terrorists. The ONLY reason the Progressive Marxist Socialist Democrats have is to keep new Dem voters streaming in. They're giving Americans the finger and saying illegals are more important than you because it'll keep US in power.
To paraphrase Trump negotiation tactics. 'If you want to win be prepared to walk out of any deal'. Yesterday he proved it when he walked out of the meeting.
Anyone who underestimate Trump shrewdness does it on his/her own peril. Politicians like Schumer, Pelosi and Obama are just starting to this out. .

This stupidity is right up there with thinking he would win the Nobel prize for a peace talks with NK.
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Trump hailed as new Gandhi:

The Ghandi clown? Is there such a thing? Would a Ghandi Trump still be the biggest laughing stock in the world? If not, then obviously that won't work because Trump is the biggest laughing stock in the world. A spoiled man-child that the world mocks, and that makes your country a mockery.

America the laughingstock
Trump Has Made America Into A Laughingstock
The year the world laughed at U.S.
European diplomats: Trump is a 'laughing stock'
'People here think Trump is a laughingstock'
Trump is making America the laughingstock of the world
Trump hailed as new Gandhi: Watch leftist heads explode​

By Monica Showalter~~ As the showdown over the border wall and the government shutdown bores through, American Spectator writer Jeffrey Lord has recognized something interesting about President Trump's unwavering stance:... He's just like Gandhi.
That should set a few lefties' hair on fire. After all, isn't Mohandas Gandhi, whose nonviolent resistance won India its independence, the left's favorite peacenik? Didn't Hollywood's lefties hand the Gandhi movie an Academy Award?
They'll go nuts at this New Gandhi paradigm, but Lord's argument is good for understanding Trump and why he's likely to win his border wall battle, even with a leftist House to work with.... The secret, Lord says, is that Trump has Gandhi's intense and singular focus in an against-all-odds environment. He writes:
Trump, like Gandhi, knows exactly what he is after: the wall and border security. And the Trump version of Gandhi's "non-cooperation" is…shutting down the government. Like Gandhi, he refuses to budge. And as with the British Viceroy and other Brits involved in running India, Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer simply don't get it.... There is nothing more amusing at this point then [sic] watching Nancy and Chuck fume and stammer in self-righteous indignation as they defend a system that is killing all manner of American kids with drugs, not to mention, as with the murder of California's police officer Ronil Singh, producing illegals and gang members bent on murdering Americans.... Lord goes on to compare that steadfastness to President Ronald Reagan's unwavering stance on the U.S. air traffic controllers and their illegal strike, something that caught the Kremlin's eye and forced the old gray men on the top of Lenin's tomb to adjust their expectations accordingly.
But he need not have gone that far back to prove the merits of his argument. Trump himself has shown the steel mettle not to back down in at least two noteworthy instances two years into his presidency: in the spectacular tax cut won in Congress that set the stage for the current economic takeoff, and his absolute and utter refusal to back down on the Supreme Court nomination of Brett Kavanaugh, which had been subject to the Democrats' foulest and dirtiest tricks.
crats who already hated Trump before the shutdown. Pelosi owes them far more than Trump owes them, and if anything, the shutdown demonstrates for him how useless they are given that most of the government is still operating rather smoothly. That leaves Pelosi to take the heat as she works to get these sinecures paid.
Gandhi, indeed. It sounds as though Trump is going to win, and that's some impressive nonviolent resistance he's using – to the most horrid swamp any new president has ever encountered.

I expect some compromises before this confrontation is over.
Indeed, The Democrats do not have a legitimate argument against The Wall. More has been spent freebies to Iraq, Pakistan, and Iran. Discrimination? Foreign citizens are NOT American citizens. Unnecessary? American citizens are being murdered by illegals, we can finally clamp down the drug trade, and its the MINIMAL we need to keep out terrorists. The ONLY reason the Progressive Marxist Socialist Democrats have is to keep new Dem voters streaming in. They're giving Americans the finger and saying illegals are more important than you because it'll keep US in power.
To paraphrase Trump negotiation tactics. 'If you want to win be prepared to walk out of any deal'. Yesterday he proved it when he walked out of the meeting.
Anyone who underestimate Trump shrewdness does it on his/her own peril. Politicians like Schumer, Pelosi and Obama are just starting to this out. .

The only plane in which these two figures intersect is that, like Ghandi, Donald Trump pushes extremely protectionist economic policies. Of course it was that very same protectionism that helped keep most of India a stultified and impoverished backwater for over half a century. Of course, that was not what Jeffrey Lord was referring to.
Trump hailed as new Gandhi: Watch leftist heads explode​

By Monica Showalter~~ As the showdown over the border wall and the government shutdown bores through, American Spectator writer Jeffrey Lord has recognized something interesting about President Trump's unwavering stance:... He's just like Gandhi.
That should set a few lefties' hair on fire. After all, isn't Mohandas Gandhi, whose nonviolent resistance won India its independence, the left's favorite peacenik? Didn't Hollywood's lefties hand the Gandhi movie an Academy Award?
They'll go nuts at this New Gandhi paradigm, but Lord's argument is good for understanding Trump and why he's likely to win his border wall battle, even with a leftist House to work with.... The secret, Lord says, is that Trump has Gandhi's intense and singular focus in an against-all-odds environment. He writes:
Trump, like Gandhi, knows exactly what he is after: the wall and border security. And the Trump version of Gandhi's "non-cooperation" is…shutting down the government. Like Gandhi, he refuses to budge. And as with the British Viceroy and other Brits involved in running India, Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer simply don't get it.... There is nothing more amusing at this point then [sic] watching Nancy and Chuck fume and stammer in self-righteous indignation as they defend a system that is killing all manner of American kids with drugs, not to mention, as with the murder of California's police officer Ronil Singh, producing illegals and gang members bent on murdering Americans.... Lord goes on to compare that steadfastness to President Ronald Reagan's unwavering stance on the U.S. air traffic controllers and their illegal strike, something that caught the Kremlin's eye and forced the old gray men on the top of Lenin's tomb to adjust their expectations accordingly.
But he need not have gone that far back to prove the merits of his argument. Trump himself has shown the steel mettle not to back down in at least two noteworthy instances two years into his presidency: in the spectacular tax cut won in Congress that set the stage for the current economic takeoff, and his absolute and utter refusal to back down on the Supreme Court nomination of Brett Kavanaugh, which had been subject to the Democrats' foulest and dirtiest tricks.
crats who already hated Trump before the shutdown. Pelosi owes them far more than Trump owes them, and if anything, the shutdown demonstrates for him how useless they are given that most of the government is still operating rather smoothly. That leaves Pelosi to take the heat as she works to get these sinecures paid.
Gandhi, indeed. It sounds as though Trump is going to win, and that's some impressive nonviolent resistance he's using – to the most horrid swamp any new president has ever encountered.

I expect some compromises before this confrontation is over.
Indeed, The Democrats do not have a legitimate argument against The Wall. More has been spent freebies to Iraq, Pakistan, and Iran. Discrimination? Foreign citizens are NOT American citizens. Unnecessary? American citizens are being murdered by illegals, we can finally clamp down the drug trade, and its the MINIMAL we need to keep out terrorists. The ONLY reason the Progressive Marxist Socialist Democrats have is to keep new Dem voters streaming in. They're giving Americans the finger and saying illegals are more important than you because it'll keep US in power.
To paraphrase Trump negotiation tactics. 'If you want to win be prepared to walk out of any deal'. Yesterday he proved it when he walked out of the meeting.
Anyone who underestimate Trump shrewdness does it on his/her own peril. Politicians like Schumer, Pelosi and Obama are just starting to this out. .

He is not getting the 5 billion from the American tax payer. The polls consistently prove Americans do not want it. In addition the polls put the shutdown on Trump and the GOP. Trump should just give it up, its not going to happen.

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