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Trump failed the biggest test of his presidency (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 10, 2013
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Cambridge, MA
Political Leaning
Slightly Liberal
The new ABC News/Ipsos poll underscores the central fact of this election: when it comes to the biggest test of his presidency, the public overwhelmingly believes Trump botched it. Not only did he fail, the public doesn't trust him to even speak on the topic.

Hard to run as the incumbent with a glaring catastrophic failure on your record.

Deep skepticism for Trump's coronavirus response endures: POLL
Most Americans are skeptical of President Donald Trump's performance on the coronavirus pandemic -- disapproving of his response, disbelieving of his rhetoric on the virus and critical of what they view as his lagging approach to containing it, a new ABC News/Ipsos poll released Sunday finds.

Trump's approval for his handling of COVID-19 lands at 35% in the new survey, which was conducted by Ipsos in partnership with ABC News using Ipsos' Knowledge Panel, compared to 65% who disapprove. This marks the fourth straight poll with Trump's COVID response approval hovering in the low-to-mid 30s since early July.
Roughly two-thirds of the country think the president acted too slowly in responding to the outbreak and also distrust what he has said about the coronavirus -- a precarious reality for Trump who is facing reelection in less than two months in a campaign largely seen as a referendum on his response to the unprecedented crisis.
The percentage of Americans who distrust what Trump says about the coronavirus pandemic is similar to an ABC News/Washington Post poll from mid-July, in which only 34% of Americans trusted the president on the virus, while 64% were wary of his rhetoric.
The new ABC News/Ipsos poll underscores the central fact of this election: when it comes to the biggest test of his presidency, the public overwhelmingly believes Trump botched it. Not only did he fail, the public doesn't trust him to even speak on the topic.

Hard to run as the incumbent with a glaring catastrophic failure on your record.

Deep skepticism for Trump's coronavirus response endures: POLL

That’s the election.

Trump’s entire re-election was covid. That was it. Nothing else that happened will matter. And a lot that happened prior to covid was cause to lose an election on its own.
That’s the election.

Trump’s entire re-election was covid. That was it. Nothing else that happened will matter. And a lot that happened prior to covid was cause to lose an election on its own.

The pandemic response will certainly be an issue, but I don't discount the fear based rhetoric the Trump campaign is using to woo suburbanites over as well as painting a picture of this election being existential choices on a variety of issues. The Biden campaign is doing the same, so I think we're going to be seeing a lot of apocalyptic-styled ads depicting the end of this country should candidate X win.
The pandemic response will certainly be an issue, but I don't discount the fear based rhetoric the Trump campaign is using to woo suburbanites over as well as painting a picture of this election being existential choices on a variety of issues.

Reminiscent of the caravans last go around. But much like the scale of the GOP's screw-up with their awful health care bill swamping any chance voters would fall for the caravan scare, the effects of Trump's failure on COVID are likely to linger.
Reminiscent of the caravans last go around. But much like the scale of the GOP's screw-up with their awful health care bill swamping any chance voters would fall for the caravan scare, the effects of Trump's failure on COVID are likely to linger.

Yeah, except this time it's brown people crossing the urban/suburban border.
The new ABC News/Ipsos poll underscores the central fact of this election: when it comes to the biggest test of his presidency, the public overwhelmingly believes Trump botched it. Not only did he fail, the public doesn't trust him to even speak on the topic.

Hard to run as the incumbent with a glaring catastrophic failure on your record.

They are ready with the October surprise of the miracle vaccine announcement...

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