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Trump did not tell Erdogan he would extradite Gulen: White House officia (1 Viewer)


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WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump did not commit during a meeting with Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan at the G20 summit two weeks ago to extradite a Muslim cleric based in the United States, a senior White House official said on Monday.

“While meeting with President Erdogan at the G20, the president did not commit to extradite Fethullah Gulen,” said the official, who spoke on condition of anonymity.
Gulen has a Green Card which guarantees him the right to expect due process. Railroading this guy back to Turkey & a vengeful Erdogan will make a mockery of the American justice system.

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump did not commit during a meeting with Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan at the G20 summit two weeks ago to extradite a Muslim cleric based in the United States, a senior White House official said on Monday.

“While meeting with President Erdogan at the G20, the president did not commit to extradite Fethullah Gulen,” said the official, who spoke on condition of anonymity.
Gulen has a Green Card which guarantees him the right to expect due process. Railroading this guy back to Turkey & a vengeful Erdogan will make a mockery of the American justice system.

If trump says he didn't say this - then you know 100% for sure - HE DID SAY IT.

The douche lies on average 4 times a DAY. Right now Nixon is dancing in his grave. He is no longer the worst liar in presidential history.
I'd tell Eroded to go **** a goat and then pull all our military assets out of Turkey.
If trump says he didn't say this - then you know 100% for sure - HE DID SAY IT.

The douche lies on average 4 times a DAY. Right now Nixon is dancing in his grave. He is no longer the worst liar in presidential history.

Trump may be lying, but you can rest assured Gulen has the same status as Libya Colonel Haftar. A CIA asset awaiting a moment in history that he can be used. They're not going to give him up to Erdogan.
If trump says he didn't say this - then you know 100% for sure - HE DID SAY IT.

The douche lies on average 4 times a DAY. Right now Nixon is dancing in his grave. He is no longer the worst liar in presidential history.

I agree completely. This topic had to have come up during the meeting as Erdogan has become obsessed with getting Gulen out of the U.S. & back to some hell hole of a prison in Turkey. For reference watch the movie 'Midnight Express.' Flynn's company was paid by Turkey to figure out how to get Gulen out of the U.S. & back to Turkey.

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump did not commit during a meeting with Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan at the G20 summit two weeks ago to extradite a Muslim cleric based in the United States, a senior White House official said on Monday.

“While meeting with President Erdogan at the G20, the president did not commit to extradite Fethullah Gulen,” said the official, who spoke on condition of anonymity.
Gulen has a Green Card which guarantees him the right to expect due process. Railroading this guy back to Turkey & a vengeful Erdogan will make a mockery of the American justice system.

Yet I feel there is something troubling about how the words "the President did not commit". What exactly does that mean? Did the President give Erdogan a little wink and a 'we'll see what happens' ?
Trump doesn’t have the power to unilaterally deport a US permanent resident. You can’t deport a green card holder unless they have committed a crime or broken immigration rules. But as they say, “show me the man and I’ll show you the crime”. If I were Galen I would be paranoid even about even getting a ticket for speeding or jaywalking under the circumstances. A petty crime could mean his death sentence.
Yet I feel there is something troubling about how the words "the President did not commit". What exactly does that mean? Did the President give Erdogan a little wink and a 'we'll see what happens' ?

Are you suggesting that a spokesman for Trump is parsing words? I'm shocked!

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