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Trump Declines To Commit To A Peaceful Transfer Of Power | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC (video) (1 Viewer)


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Rachel Maddow shares remarks by President Trump in which declines to commit to a peaceful transition of power and seems to suggest that balloting for the 2020 election is already tainted and the election's outcome should be placed in the hands of the Supreme Court. Aired on 09/23/2020.
If he refuses to accept the vote result, it will wind up in a hyper-conservative SCOTUS. The risk is he loses the popular vote but Republican cronies i the Electoral College will install him as essentially a dictator.
How is this at all surprising?

Rachel Maddow shares remarks by President Trump in which declines to commit to a peaceful transition of power and seems to suggest that balloting for the 2020 election is already tainted and the election's outcome should be placed in the hands of the Supreme Court. Aired on 09/23/2020.
If he refuses to accept the vote result, it will wind up in a hyper-conservative SCOTUS. The risk is he loses the popular vote but Republican cronies i the Electoral College will install him as essentially a dictator.

If Trump becomes dictator you can kiss your ACA, Social Security & Medicare goodbye.
If Trump becomes dictator you can kiss your ACA, Social Security & Medicare goodbye.

So many "ifs" so few days until the election.
Do you really think anyone with an IQ of 42 is buying your fear-mongering? :D

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