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Trump declares 'dawn of a new Middle East' as he presides over signing of historic deals (1 Viewer)


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Dec 9, 2009
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Houston, TX
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Trump declares '''dawn of a new Middle East''' as he presides over signing of historic deals | Fox News

President Trump on Tuesday declared the "dawn of a new Middle East” as he presided over the signing of two historic Middle East diplomatic deals between Israel and two Gulf nations.

“We’re here this afternoon to change the course of history. After decades of division and conflict we mark the dawn of a new Middle East," he said at the ceremony in the South Lawn of the White House.

Incredible foreign policy success for Trump leading up to two Nobel Peace Prize nominations. Would be touted as a huge success had this been done by Obama but now ignored by the radical left who cannot give Trump credit for anything positive.
Trump declares '''dawn of a new Middle East''' as he presides over signing of historic deals | Fox News

Incredible foreign policy success for Trump leading up to two Nobel Peace Prize nominations. Would be touted as a huge success had this been done by Obama but now ignored by the radical left who cannot give Trump credit for anything positive.[/FONT][/FONT]

What is the opposite of peace? What prior hostilities can you name between Israel and the two other countries?
Trump declares '''dawn of a new Middle East''' as he presides over signing of historic deals | Fox News

Incredible foreign policy success for Trump leading up to two Nobel Peace Prize nominations. Would be touted as a huge success had this been done by Obama but now ignored by the radical left who cannot give Trump credit for anything positive.[/FONT][/FONT]
The left has been putting Party over people, Party over country, and now Party over Peace.

What makes his successes all the more remarkable is that he's had the Democrats yapping at his heels for the past four years.
What is the opposite of peace? What prior hostilities can you name between Israel and the two other countries?

This is a positive step forward, an official document and agreement that has never happened before.
The left has been putting Party over people, Party over country, and now Party over Peace.

What makes his successes all the more remarkable is that he's had the Democrats yapping at his heels for the past four years.

What big heels you have, grandpa!

What is the opposite of peace? What prior hostilities can you name between Israel and the two other countries?
Getting 2 Arab nations to form official diplomatic & economic bonds with Israel is a great thing because it relieves tension...and it isolates Iran further.
Cool. I hope these agreements last and lead to further peaceful diplomacy in the region in the future.

Not sure it is a "New Middle East", but certainly a positive step forward. The world needs good news like this this year.
Apparently Pete Buttplug doesn't think it's a "yawn".
Your homophobia notwithstanding, this not nearly a major accomplishment as all the ass kissers try to present it. It certainly is not bad or negative, but considering all the other **** ups by Trump at least it is not a failure.
Your homophobia notwithstanding, this not nearly a major accomplishment as all the ass kissers try to present it. It certainly is not bad or negative, but considering all the other **** ups by Trump at least it is not a failure.
All the signatories to the deal feel it's a great achievement and an indication of better things to come. Are these international leaders all 'ass kissers' also? Or do you really not have a clue about Mideast politics?
Getting 2 Arab nations to form official diplomatic & economic bonds with Israel is a great thing because it relieves tension...and it isolates Iran further.

What true tension existed?
Right we cannot have any good news on the eve of an election especially in the Middle East, can't give Trump credit, can you? Indoctrinated by the left?

People don't care during covid.
Indoctrinated by stupid?
Trump declares '''dawn of a new Middle East''' as he presides over signing of historic deals | Fox News

Incredible foreign policy success for Trump leading up to two Nobel Peace Prize nominations. Would be touted as a huge success had this been done by Obama but now ignored by the radical left who cannot give Trump credit for anything positive.[/FONT][/FONT]

Sit down, he got countries that were at peace with each other and quietly talked to each other to agree to continue to be at peace with each other and talk to each other. Stop praising your cult leader over this dog and pony show. Only the dimwits are impressed.
All the signatories to the deal feel it's a great achievement and an indication of better things to come. Are these international leaders all 'ass kissers' also? Or do you really not have a clue about Mideast politics?

The leaders of Israel, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates have a stake in President Trump’s re-election and helped him become a peacemaker.

"Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel has long owed a debt to President Trump, who has repeatedly bestowed diplomatic gifts at crucial moments as Mr. Netanyahu has battled for his political survival.

Leaders of the Persian Gulf states are similarly grateful to Mr. Trump, who has embraced their governments, cracked down on their archnemesis, Iran, and defended them from intense political criticism in Washington. Like Mr. Netanyahu, they are eager to see Mr. Trump win a second term in November."
What is the opposite of peace? What prior hostilities can you name between Israel and the two other countries?

Indeed. Even touting it as a peace deal is a misnomer - as you've pointed out, they were never actually at war. It's merely restoring diplomatic relations. This is a nice gesture and hopefully step in the right direction, but unless it leads to these countries helping broker a solution to the major historical issue of the region, it's not much more than symbolic. It's more likely about confronting Iran rather than resolving the perennial dispute.
The leaders of Israel, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates have a stake in President Trump’s re-election and helped him become a peacemaker.

"Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel has long owed a debt to President Trump, who has repeatedly bestowed diplomatic gifts at crucial moments as Mr. Netanyahu has battled for his political survival.

Leaders of the Persian Gulf states are similarly grateful to Mr. Trump, who has embraced their governments, cracked down on their archnemesis, Iran, and defended them from intense political criticism in Washington. Like Mr. Netanyahu, they are eager to see Mr. Trump win a second term in November."
This is all good news, right?
Indeed. Even touting it as a peace deal is a misnomer - as you've pointed out, they were never actually at war. It's merely restoring diplomatic relations. This is a nice gesture and hopefully step in the right direction, but unless it leads to these countries helping broker a solution to the major historical issue of the region, it's not much more than symbolic. It's more likely about confronting Iran rather than resolving the perennial dispute.
Did anyone expect all of this to be done in one day? It's a step, and a very big one. There'll be more coming on board.

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