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Trump covid parties/Darwinism in real time??? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 18, 2017
Reaction score
SW Wisconsin
Political Leaning
Slightly Liberal
Considering Trump's mishandling of this pandemic has already killed more than twice the amount of Americans than won the electoral college for him, why is he throwing covid parties to kill off even more of his base?

This is like watching the Jim Jones camp as they pass out tbe kool aid.

We are actually watching the culling of the lesser of the fittest in real time.

It is truly amazing to witness
Considering Trump's mishandling of this pandemic has already killed more than twice the amount of Americans than won the electoral college for him, why is he throwing covid parties to kill off even more of his base?

This is like watching the Jim Jones camp as they pass out tbe kool aid.

We are actually watching the culling of the lesser of the fittest in real time.

It is truly amazing to witness
Well Social Darwinism a traditionally a far right political stance so it fits.

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