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Trump considers ousting national security deputy over feud with first lady: sources (1 Viewer)

Atomic Kid

DP Veteran
Apr 17, 2018
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Slightly Liberal

President Donald Trump is moving to replace his deputy national security adviser after she feuded with first lady Melania Trump, two sources familiar with the matter told Reuters on Tuesday. The first lady complained to the president that she was unhappy with how she was being treated by Mira Ricardel, a former Boeing executive who worked on the Trump presidential campaign and was picked by National Security Adviser John Bolton to be his deputy earlier this year, the sources said.

The sources said that Melania Trump explicitly asked the president to oust Ricardel. The sources said the dispute between the first lady and the deputy security advisor intensified over a trip Melania Trump made to Africa in October..

So Melania is getting involved in firings? Wonder if this has any bearing on the Nielsen rumors. Things are getting juicier.
Not getting along with Melania is a better reason to fire someone than for following rules of justice department ethics.

Yeah, this would be one of the least problematic firings he has done if he does it and if the story is true.

I can’t imagine the First Lady and the Deputy National Security Advisor would have much interaction, though.
Firing a deputy adviser for an ongoing personality clash with the first lady is not the worst thing he could do. The top echelons need to get along and like it or not Melania is there all the time. He could just get someone she can work with.

Now Kelly, that's a different kettle of fish...
Not getting along with Melania is a better reason to fire someone than for following rules of justice department ethics.

Given recent news cycles of her husband's direct involvement in hush money payoffs he probably has his work out really cut out for him in keeping her happy.
Firing a deputy adviser for an ongoing personality clash with the first lady is not the worst thing he could do. The top echelons need to get along and like it or not Melania is there all the time. He could just get someone she can work with.

Now Kelly, that's a different kettle of fish...

And what about Kirstjen Nielson? What if her firing ties into this?
Hilarious. Obviously trump grabbed Mira's ***** and Melanoma is jealous. Worst president and first lady in history. Send the whore back to Slovenia.

What a disgusting attack on her. Show some class
And what about Kirstjen Nielson? What if her firing ties into this?

Then it's worse: if Melania is house cleaning, she shouldn't be calling the shots.

But then again, expect a lot of people to leave in the post-midterm shakeup. Mueller is dipping his quill and preparing indictments.
Given recent news cycles of her husband's direct involvement in hush money payoffs he probably has his work out really cut out for him in keeping her happy.

i think it obvious she will take accept a cash reward for any transgressions,,,, not sure why Donald should pay since she has a history of two-timing him
Thanks for the linc. It sounds like a cluster**** all the way around. Why shouldn't Melania have input along with everyone else?

......because she wasn’t elected?
Thanks for the linc. It sounds like a cluster**** all the way around. Why shouldn't Melania have input along with everyone else?

From what I see she was a problem child for quite some time. The incident with the 1st Lady pushed it right on Hubbys plate. We know how he dithers.

^^ that was my first thought

It's part of her recent transition from someone who seemed to deserve our sympathy in spite of her choice of husband, to someone who is showing how she and Donald deserve each other. (Poor abused victims that they are.)

My next thought was a realization of how futile it was for us to try to guess who "Anonymous" was, who made that infamous NYT op-ed. Could have been someone like Mira Ricardel, a name completely off the radar, and only known to us now that the Trumps are ousting her.
Neither does John Bolton who named her for the position. Maybe that's what he liked about her.

Bolton is an outlier, perhaps they clicked???
From what I see she was a problem child for quite some time. The incident with the 1st Lady pushed it right on Hubbys plate. We know how he dithers.

From what I see Trump appears to be hiding behind her skirt. This statement from the First Lady's spokesperson is quite interesting."It is the position of the Office of the First Lady that she no longer deserves the honor of serving in this White House". I thought senior level officials served at the pleasure of the President. Not the First Lady. I would also like to hear in more detail what NSA "resources" it was exactly the First Lady complained had been denied to her by Ricardel on her African trip and what they were for. Was it monies appropriated to the NSA?
From what I see Trump appears to be hiding behind her skirt. This statement from the First Lady's spokesperson is quite interesting."It is the position of the Office of the First Lady that she no longer deserves the honor of serving in this White House". I thought senior level officials served at the pleasure of the President. Not the First Lady. I would also like to hear in more detail what NSA "resources" it was exactly the First Lady complained had been denied to her by Ricardel on her African trip and what they were for. Was it monies appropriated to the NSA?

Now is she fair game after stepping into politics?
Bolton is an outlier, perhaps they clicked???

An outlier who happens to be our President's National Security Advisor. Not hard to guess which qualities Bolton possesses that so endears him to Trump.

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