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Trump concealed details of meetings with Putin from senior officials: report (1 Viewer)


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President Trump concealed details about encounters with Russian President Vladimir Putin from officials in his administration on multiple occasions, current and former U.S. officials told the The Washington Post in a report published on Saturday.

The Post reported that there is reportedly a lack of detailed records on five of Trump’s face-to-face meetings with Putin.
Trump reportedly took the notes on an encounter from his own interpreter and directed a linguist not to discuss the meeting with other officials in his administration.

Why am I not surprised that Comrade Trump would not be forthcoming with details of meetings with his paymaster?
Isn't there a law he's broken here? And can the interpreter(s) be subpoenaed to recall such information as they can?
Isn't there a law he's broken here? And can the interpreter(s) be subpoenaed to recall such information as they can?

Perhaps one on a list of laws he's broken in the past 2 years.
Isn't there a law he's broken here? And can the interpreter(s) be subpoenaed to recall such information as they can?

I believe the president can claim executive privilege here.
Isn't there something about presidential records?

That doesn't apply to verbal exchanges.

You think every single conversation that Obama had, with anyone, is recorded? Why hell no it isn't.
Isn't there a law he's broken here?

Beside the point. Not everything is automatically placed into "legal" and "illegal" boxes.

And can the interpreter(s) be subpoenaed to recall such information as they can?

As I understand it, yes. It was a conversation between Trump and another leader, not trump and an adviser, and therefore the conversation isn't protected by executive privilege.

But it's not black and white, as legal professionals demonstrate in this conversation between Renato Mariotti, Asha Rangappa and George Conway:


What makes it complicated is that at no time when considering the matter of Executive Privilege has the President been considered a credible national security risk and a Russian agent.

Oh, and before anybody jumps down my throat for calling him a Russian agent, a foreign agent is defined as,

"...anyone who actively carries out the interests of a foreign country while located in another host country, generally outside the protections offered to those working in their official capacity for a diplomatic mission. Foreign agents may be citizens of the host country."

Which pretty much describes Trump to a t.

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That doesn't apply to verbal exchanges.

You think every single conversation that Obama had, with anyone, is recorded? Why hell no it isn't.

When he met the leader of an enemy nation, you bet it was.
When he met the leader of an enemy nation, you bet it was.

Russia isn't an "enemy nation". Just like Russia wasn't an enemy nation when Obama had a private meeting with Putin.

Even if there was a declaration of war on Russia, it wouldn't be illegal.

You dudes aren't the least bit embarassed about the retarded **** y'all say?
That doesn't apply to verbal exchanges.

You think every single conversation that Obama had, with anyone, is recorded? Why hell no it isn't.

What About What About Obama...Typical trump supporter excuse
What About What About Obama...Typical trump supporter excuse

"Yeah, but that's differeeeeeeeeeent!"...typical response from a Trump hater.

Historical facts are a real bitch for you people. That's why you don't want to discuss them; to avoid looking stupid.
"Yeah, but that's differeeeeeeeeeent!"...typical response from a Trump hater.

Historical facts are a real bitch for you people. That's why you don't want to discuss them; to avoid looking stupid.

Shouldn't you be out blaming President Obama (a real President) for something?
Shouldn't you be out blaming President Obama (a real President) for something?

We know you're going to give Obama (worst president evah) a free pass on everything.
Russia isn't an "enemy nation". Just like Russia wasn't an enemy nation when Obama had a private meeting with Putin.

Even if there was a declaration of war on Russia, it wouldn't be illegal.

You dudes aren't the least bit embarassed about the retarded **** y'all say?

It is when U.S. intelligence agencies maintain they acted to subvert our election process.

Well, that never happened.

What planet do you live on? :lamo

Russia isn't an "enemy nation". Just like Russia wasn't an enemy nation when Obama had a private meeting with Putin.

Even if there was a declaration of war on Russia, it wouldn't be illegal.

You dudes aren't the least bit embarassed about the retarded **** y'all say?

President Obama NEVER had a private meeting with Vladimir Putin without someone else from the United States in that room. That just never happened because Barack Obama had a brain, he was smart, he knew that to do that was reckless and dangerous for a multitude of reasons.

There's another offense that Trump committed by taking that meeting with Putin in private, only with translators. He broke another law created by Congress in 1981. It's called the Presidential Records Act. Helsinki was not the first time Trump broke that law, he did it when he had Sergei Lavrov and Sergey Kisylak in the Oval Office for a private meeting with NO U.S. press and NO other administrative support present to give evidence as to what was discussed with those two Russian operatives. Isn't it just a bizarre coincidence that he has done this twice, but ONLY WITH RUSSIANS?

The Presidential Records Act (PRA) of 1978, 44 U.S.C. §§ 2201–2207, is an Act of Congress of the United States governing the official records of Presidents and Vice Presidents created or received after January 20, 1981, and mandating the preservation of all presidential records. Enacted November 4, 1978,[1] the PRA changed the legal ownership of the official records of the President from private to public, and established a new statutory structure under which Presidents must manage their records.
President Obama NEVER had a private meeting with Vladimir Putin without someone else from the United States in that room. That just never happened because Barack Obama had a brain, he was smart, he knew that to do that was reckless and dangerous for a multitude of reasons.

There's another offense that Trump committed by taking that meeting with Putin in private, only with translators. He broke another law created by Congress in 1981. It's called the Presidential Records Act. Helsinki was not the first time Trump broke that law, he did it when he had Sergei Lavrov and Sergey Kisylak in the Oval Office for a private meeting with NO U.S. press and NO other administrative support present to give evidence as to what was discussed with those two Russian operatives. Isn't it just a bizarre coincidence that he has done this twice, but ONLY WITH RUSSIANS?

The Presidential Records Act (PRA) of 1978, 44 U.S.C. §§ 2201–2207, is an Act of Congress of the United States governing the official records of Presidents and Vice Presidents created or received after January 20, 1981, and mandating the preservation of all presidential records. Enacted November 4, 1978,[1] the PRA changed the legal ownership of the official records of the President from private to public, and established a new statutory structure under which Presidents must manage their records.

That isn't true.

It's public knowledge what that meeting with Putin concerned, it was all about Syria. The content of the less than 30 minute meeting was fully disclosed and they didn't meet 'alone' as Fox implies, unless Barack Obama learned the Russian language fluently before the G20 which I doubt. The President never meets with any adversarial foreign head of state without someone else present. Do we know what Trump's private meeting with Putin was about?

President Obama met privately with Russian President Vladimir Putin Friday in the midst of their public dispute over how to respond to a chemical weapons attack in Syria.

Mr. Obama told reporters at the G-20 summit in St. Petersburg, Russia, that his conversation with Mr. Putin was “candid.” And he said a looming United Nations report about chemical weapons use by the Syrian regime would make it tougher for Mr. Putin to oppose punishing Syria militarily.

“I said [to Mr. Putin], ‘Listen, I don’t expect us to agree on this issue of chemical weapons use,’ although it is possible that after the U.N. inspector’s report, it may be more difficult for Mr. Putin to maintain his current positions about the evidence,” Mr. Obama said.

Mr. Putin, who is blocking U.N. action against Syria, has said there is evidence that rebel groups fighting the regime of Syrian President Bashar Assad have used chemical weapons in the civil war.

The president said he also told Mr. Putin, “We both agree that the underlying conflict can only be resolved through a political transition.”

Mr. Obama said he didn’t discuss the case of fugitive National Security Agency leaker Edward Snowden with Mr. Putin. Russia granted asylum to Mr. Snowden last month, prompting Mr. Obama to cancel a formal one-on-one meeting with Mr. Putin in Moscow prior to the summit.

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