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Trump cleans up Manhattan (1 Viewer)


Such slavish idiocy...
Was this Trump as he got into the street sweeper?

I guess the naysayers like all the trash and unsafe conditions 🤷‍♀️
Trump got elected, causing "trash" and "unsafe conditions" to stop existing, and haters hate that. That must be it.

Every time I think MAGA can't come up with anything dumber....
OP has never been to Manhattan, another stupid propaganda post.
I wonder what that street would look like today if Harris had won.
Do you?
Tell me, do you honestly think Trump cleaned a street in Manhattan?
I've never been to Manhattan but it's like Trumps hometown and I've read about how he's regarded by Manhattanites.
Do you?
Tell me, do you honestly think Trump cleaned a street in Manhattan?
Are you seriously suggesting I think Trump personally cleaned that street? 🤣 🤣 🤣

I've never been to Manhattan but it's like Trumps hometown and I've read about how he's regarded by Manhattanites.
I've been to Manhattan but not since the invasion of illegals that Biden waved in.
All I see is your idiotic posts. :ROFLMAO:
You're involved in so many conversations, but that's all you see? Yikes. I'm sure you get this a lot, but I will be avoiding you, from now on.
Are you seriously suggesting I think Trump personally cleaned that street? 🤣 🤣 🤣

I've been to Manhattan but not since the invasion of illegals that Biden waved in.
Trump cleaned up my cat litter box

It was dirty under Biden now it was clean or at least was 3 hr ago. Trump is due back to clean it in 7 hrs
You're involved in so many conversations, but that's all you see? Yikes. I'm sure you get this a lot, but I will be avoiding you, from now on.
I accept your surrender lol

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