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Trump claims Democrats 'using COVID to steal an election' (1 Viewer)


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Trump claims Democrats 'using COVID to steal an election' | TheHill

Trump claims Democrats 'using COVID to steal an election'
© Getty Images
President Trump on Monday claimed Democrats are using the coronavirus to "steal" the 2020 election, arguing closures of businesses and demands for mail-in voting are not driven by a pandemic that has killed nearly 180,000 Americans in five months, but to defeat him.

"What they’re doing is using COVID to steal an election," Trump told delegates at the Republican National Convention gathering in Charlotte, N.C. "They’re using COVID to defraud the American people, all of our people, of a fair and free election. We can’t do that."

The remarks come at the outset of the Republican National Convention as as the president finds himself trailing Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden in national polls and a number of surveys of swing states.
Trump's election strategies are becoming murkier & murkier.
Trump claims Democrats 'using COVID to steal an election' | TheHill

Trump claims Democrats 'using COVID to steal an election'
© Getty Images
President Trump on Monday claimed Democrats are using the coronavirus to "steal" the 2020 election, arguing closures of businesses and demands for mail-in voting are not driven by a pandemic that has killed nearly 180,000 Americans in five months, but to defeat him.

"What they’re doing is using COVID to steal an election," Trump told delegates at the Republican National Convention gathering in Charlotte, N.C. "They’re using COVID to defraud the American people, all of our people, of a fair and free election. We can’t do that."

The remarks come at the outset of the Republican National Convention as as the president finds himself trailing Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden in national polls and a number of surveys of swing states.
Trump's election strategies are becoming murkier & murkier.

That's how it looks to me... Democrats have proven that they support cheating elections by their push for open borders, their opposition to the deportation of illegal aliens, and their outspoken objections to voter ID laws. This fit's perfectly with that pattern. They completely ignored what Doctor Fauci said during an interview with ABC News a week ago about whether it was ok to vote in person, when he said “If you go and wear a mask, if you observe the physical distancing, and don’t have a crowded situation, there’s no reason why we shouldn’t be able to do that.”

People still work and go grocery shopping don't they?

Don't you think it speaks volumes when democrats raise hell about how dangerous Trump rallies and conservative protests are, but don't say a word about BLM and ANTIFA protests/rioting being dangerous? Now they want us all to believe that going to vote is some kind of suicide mission... Sorry, but I'm not buying it... It's pure politics.

Republicans spread Covid intentionally.........yet dems are using it "steal" an election.
Trump and his people could have ended this virus and used it to coast to victory as a leader. Instead Trump and Trumpists decided to murder Americans and ensure our economic struggles go on far longer than needed. Dems aren't stealing anything. Trump, his ego, his ineptitude, and his supporters are handing dems the election with their reaction to Covid.

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