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Trump calls QAnon GOP primary winner a 'future Republican Star' (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 4, 2017
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Trump calls QAnon GOP primary winner a 'future Republican Star' | TheHill

Heck, I agree with Trump this time. Those nut jobs are the future of the Republican Party...

"Congratulations to future Republican Star Marjorie Taylor Greene on a big songressional primary win in Georgia against a very tough and smart opponent," Trump tweeted. "Marjorie is strong on everything and never gives up — a real WINNER!"

Good job President Trump. You just legitimized and added fuel for the nut jobs in QAnon.
President OrangeGlow praising QAnon... it would be nice to be surprised but, no... par for the course from him.
morons gonna moron.
Every QpubliQan running for office, such as MqQonnell, now has MTG hung around their neck as an albatross.
morons gonna moron.

i think the Republican Party goes much, much lower. the desperation for those aged 50-80 has set in.
morons gonna moron.

A bunch of Republicans and "conservatives" clinging to QAnon... could there be anything more ironic?
i think the Republican Party goes much, much lower. the desperation for those aged 50-80 has set in.
TrumpQins — QOP — Qpubs — Qons — QKK
Perhaps we should consider making a proposal to the reddest states: if you still want to secede, go for it and this time we won't stop you.

We changed our minds.

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