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Trump Calls London Mayor 'Rude' (1 Viewer)


Ignorance is Virtue
DP Veteran
May 16, 2016
Reaction score
Political Leaning
Very Conservative
In the interview conducted Saturday, Trump also describes London’s new mayor, Sadiq Khan, as “rude” for calling [Trump] ignorant. The real estate tycoon said he would “remember” the mayor’s hostile reaction to the idea that Khan, a Muslim, would be given an exception to the temporary ban.

“He doesn’t know me, hasn’t met me, doesn’t know what I’m all about. I think they were very rude statements and, frankly, tell him I will remember those statements,” Trump said. “They are very nasty statements.”

With that bit, it looks like Trump has won the Hypocrisy Sweepstakes outright.

Hail Trump, the greatest hypocrite in our country, and by a wide margin!

In the interview conducted Saturday, Trump also describes London’s new mayor, Sadiq Khan, as “rude” for calling [Trump] ignorant. The real estate tycoon said he would “remember” the mayor’s hostile reaction to the idea that Khan, a Muslim, would be given an exception to the temporary ban.

“He doesn’t know me, hasn’t met me, doesn’t know what I’m all about. I think they were very rude statements and, frankly, tell him I will remember those statements,” Trump said. “They are very nasty statements.”

With that bit, it looks like Trump has won the Hypocrisy Sweepstakes outright.

Hail Trump, the greatest hypocrite in our country, and by a wide margin!


I'm sure Trump will be able to handle more of these verbal attacks by foreigners. Especially when they come calling, hat in hand, to the White House wanting American help.

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