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Trump attacks another Military Man. His own former Chief of Staff. (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 4, 2017
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Trump blasts retired U.S. Marine Corps Gen. John Kelly

"Trump said Kelly was unable to handle the pressure of his job at the White House. He said Kelly “did not do a good job,” was “unable to function” and he was “exhausted” by the time he left the job in January 2019.Trump said Kelly was unable to handle the pressure of his job at the White House. He said Kelly “did not do a good job,” was “unable to function” and he was “exhausted” by the time he left the job in January 2019."

I'm ashamed for you Trump voters. I hope every one of your kids are watching.
Trump blasts retired U.S. Marine Corps Gen. John Kelly

"Trump said Kelly was unable to handle the pressure of his job at the White House. He said Kelly “did not do a good job,” was “unable to function” and he was “exhausted” by the time he left the job in January 2019.Trump said Kelly was unable to handle the pressure of his job at the White House. He said Kelly “did not do a good job,” was “unable to function” and he was “exhausted” by the time he left the job in January 2019."

I'm ashamed for you Trump voters. I hope every one of your kids are watching.
Yeup, working in a nuthouse is tough exhausting work, especially one where the biggest nutjob is in charge.
That said, how anyone serving can have any respect for their current C&C is beyond me.
Trump blasts retired U.S. Marine Corps Gen. John Kelly

"Trump said Kelly was unable to handle the pressure of his job at the White House. He said Kelly “did not do a good job,” was “unable to function” and he was “exhausted” by the time he left the job in January 2019.Trump said Kelly was unable to handle the pressure of his job at the White House. He said Kelly “did not do a good job,” was “unable to function” and he was “exhausted” by the time he left the job in January 2019."

I'm ashamed for you Trump voters. I hope every one of your kids are watching.

and it looks like a lot of other people that use to work fro Trump were in the same boat
maybe it is just working for him that is so stressful they can't take it
Or is it that they are afraid to tell him things he doesn't want to hear , because he might fire them
or they just hate watching him act like a little baby when he hears the truth
Have a nice night
and it looks like a lot of other people that use to work fro Trump were in the same boat
maybe it is just working for him that is so stressful they can't take it
Or is it that they are afraid to tell him things he doesn't want to hear , because he might fire them
or they just hate watching him act like a little baby when he hears the truth
Have a nice night

my hope is that every Trump voter has to work as Trump's secretary before they leave this earth.
my hope is that every Trump voter has to work as Trump's secretary before they leave this earth.

sounds a little vindictive
I don't know if I would wish that on my worse enemy
( I am with you on that one )
Have a nice day
Trump blasts retired U.S. Marine Corps Gen. John Kelly

"Trump said Kelly was unable to handle the pressure of his job at the White House. He said Kelly “did not do a good job,” was “unable to function” and he was “exhausted” by the time he left the job in January 2019.Trump said Kelly was unable to handle the pressure of his job at the White House. He said Kelly “did not do a good job,” was “unable to function” and he was “exhausted” by the time he left the job in January 2019."

I'm ashamed for you Trump voters. I hope every one of your kids are watching.

Trump is a vile little man and his orcs are beneath him.
sounds a little vindictive
I don't know if I would wish that on my worse enemy
( I am with you on that one )
Have a nice day

They deserve it.
I don't doubt that working for a genuinely evil and cowardly person can be exhausting.
They really are.

Probably most feel like their lot in life was "stolen"

Oh they do, by them "uppity Negros" "wet backs" and the like.

and it was all the DEms fault.
The Democrat desperation is palpable. You guys better get ready for all that extra rioting you're threatening when you lose.:lol:
Trump will probably double his black support from 2016. Keep up the good work!

yeah, you believe that

every black American who supports TRump has a job on Fox news as a talking head. That is it. There are no more or Fox would gobble them up as part of the show.
yeah, you believe that

every black American who supports TRump has a job on Fox news as a talking head. That is it. There are no more or Fox would gobble them up as part of the show.

Sure they do. You guys were calling the black business owners, elected officials and civic leaders who appeared at the RNC, a "minstrel show". Like I said, keep up the good work!

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