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Trump asks Putin to release info on Hunter Biden business deal (1 Viewer)

Rogue Valley

Lead or get out of the way
DP Veteran
Apr 18, 2013
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Former President Donald Trump said Russian leader Vladimir Putin should “release” information on an alleged business deal involving Hunter Biden, President Joe Biden’s embattled son. Trump’s comments on Putin came as the Russian president has been sanctioned and ostracized by the West for his continued assault on Ukraine. Trump has condemned the invasion but had fielded some criticism for calling Putin “savvy” and “smart” as the Russian leader amassed troops along the Ukraine border in preparation for the invasion. During his first campaign for president in 2016, Trump had called on Russia to release emails from his Democratic opponent Hillary Clinton. “I think you would probably be rewarded mightily by our press,” Trump said at the time. In 2019, he was impeached but later acquitted for asking Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky to announce an investigation into Joe Biden, who was expected to challenge him in the 2020 election.

Trump is still the slimey sleazeball he has always been. The Putin regime misses him terribly.....

How much more despicable can this person get? How can any American sit back and accept this from any politician much less one who claims to be seeking the WH again? Asking Putin at the height of his brutality towards the people of Ukraine and a demonstrated enemy of the US to dig up dirt on the son of the sitting President and CiC is beyond disgusting it is unpatriotic! Undermining the CiC at a time of national crisis! What will it take for Trump supporters to wake up to what this man is! I will be shocked if any Trump supporter shows up on this thread. The only reasonable post would be one of condemnation and they haven't the backbone for that. Silence is complicity!
Just truly mind blowing.
He is so totally and completely wrapped up in himself to the exclusion of all else that he simply can't help himself. Not just a narcissist, but one with absolutely zero impulse control.
His great big brain can't slow down just long enough to appreciate how reprehensible it is to ask for political favors from a dictator waging war against one of our allies.

Come on Trumpers- watcha' got?
Fake news- he never really said what was in the video?
It's bad but don't forget Antifa and BLM rioted 1 1/2 years ago?
once again he wants to collude with his handler. What a treasonist!!
Has Trump stumped even his most unapologetic defenders with his reprehensible narcissistic comments this time?
But nah, there was no collusion! Trump never wanted Russia's help! Russia was trying to hurt Trump and help Clinton because everyone knows how tough Trump is on Russia!

The idiocy of Trump defenders never goes unpunished by Trump's own words.
Apparently it has as you haven't offered up some excuse.

Oh wait, I've got it: you have the perfect excuse but don't feel the need to share it with the rest of us because we aren't worth the time, or the issue of Trump asking Putin for help while he invades Ukraine is not an issue worth your time? I remember that line from another thread.
Apparently it has as you haven't offered up some excuse.

Oh wait, I've got it: you have the perfect excuse but don't feel the need to share it with the rest of us because we aren't worth the time, or the issue of Trump asking Putin for help while he invades Ukraine is not an issue worth your time? I remember that line from another thread.
Good to know my posts are so memorable😘
Seems Trump and his defenders will have to pick their poison:

1. He did take calls thru the WH channels, but he had the record of those calls scrubbed, in violation of law.

2. He made calls during that period but used unauthorized means to circumvent them being documented/recorded, such as using staffers phones, or burner phones. Also, a violation of law.

3. While his supporters were violently storming the capitol, for 7-8 hours he did nothing and talked to nobody outside of his office. An obvious dereliction of duty if in fact it occurred.

So, Donald, and Trumpers, which is it going to be?
Apparently it has as you haven't offered up some excuse.

Oh wait, I've got it: you have the perfect excuse but don't feel the need to share it with the rest of us because we aren't worth the time, or the issue of Trump asking Putin for help while he invades Ukraine is not an issue worth your time? I remember that line from another thread.
There will be no explanation because she either thinks it's perfectly OK for Trump to say what he said and hasn't the backbone to state it openly or the opposite......she knows it's reprehensible to undermine the CiC especially right now and hasn't the backbone to state it openly.
See? They still do whatever they can to deflect, even if it's just kindergarten-level trolling.

Trumpism: evil is the point.
Sorry, you seem offended by my ranking education.


Trump is still the slimey sleazeball he has always been. The Putin regime misses him terribly.....

The OP reminds me of all of the "tip of the iceberg" reports about Trump and the Trump Whitehouse in the first couple of years of his failed presidency.

Remember when the WSJ reported that the US Intelligence community was actually screening some of the most sensitive intel they presented to Trump, because they had reason to believe (based upon their early briefings with Trump) that whatever they told Trump was likely to become "known" by Russia?

Remember when Newsweek reported that one of our "Western Allies" (allegedly France) had intercepted phone calls between Russia's ambassador and Trump's disgraced/fired NSA Michael Flynn that were "shocking" in content?

Remember when former NSA analyst and Naval War College professor John Schindler tweeted, cryptically: "He will die in jail" in response to Trump accusing the US Intel Community of treason against his administration?

At this point, there is no rational defense of Trump remaining (and I would argue that's been the case since early 2017). Not even by the most delusional, pro-Putin Trumpsters.
I gave up thinking Trump could not go lower than the lowest a long time ago.
He brings new meaning to the terms, corruption and sleeze. But until held accountable for ANYTHING, expect more actions like this.

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