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Trump as a disturbed juvenile (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jul 17, 2020
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Springfield MO
Political Leaning
There is some information that you run across that just strikes you as totally in concert with reality. This is a paragraph from a Letter to the Editor from a woman who has taught young boys with behavioral problems:

"Watching Donald Trump display juvenile behaviors in his 70s has been a very disturbing and disorienting experience. He mocks the disabled, invents hurtful nicknames for those who cross him, belittles anything he doesn’t understand, refuses to accept science, is ignorant of history, lies constantly, makes threats, boasts of superiority, stokes fears, breaks rules, sows division, disrespects authority, acts only in his own selfish interest, demonstrates no empathy for those hurt by his actions. If he had been in my classroom, I would have referred him for every special service possible in hopes that he could learn self-control — perhaps even achieving a level of integrity."


For the complete letter: Springfield News-Leader

Look under the heading "Trump will never change"
I mean, he's a disturbed adult, should we really be surprised?
There is some information that you run across that just strikes you as totally in concert with reality. This is a paragraph from a Letter to the Editor from a woman who has taught young boys with behavioral problems:

"Watching Donald Trump display juvenile behaviors in his 70s has been a very disturbing and disorienting experience. He mocks the disabled, invents hurtful nicknames for those who cross him, belittles anything he doesn’t understand, refuses to accept science, is ignorant of history, lies constantly, makes threats, boasts of superiority, stokes fears, breaks rules, sows division, disrespects authority, acts only in his own selfish interest, demonstrates no empathy for those hurt by his actions. If he had been in my classroom, I would have referred him for every special service possible in hopes that he could learn self-control — perhaps even achieving a level of integrity."


For the complete letter: Springfield News-Leader

Look under the heading "Trump will never change"
You call HIM names and he's the juvenile? :no:
I think he would've acted far better as president if his critics had simply left him alone.
oh, he's distributed.

and a champion for millions of Republicans.
There is some information that you run across that just strikes you as totally in concert with reality. This is a paragraph from a Letter to the Editor from a woman who has taught young boys with behavioral problems:

"Watching Donald Trump display juvenile behaviors in his 70s has been a very disturbing and disorienting experience. He mocks the disabled, invents hurtful nicknames for those who cross him, belittles anything he doesn’t understand, refuses to accept science, is ignorant of history, lies constantly, makes threats, boasts of superiority, stokes fears, breaks rules, sows division, disrespects authority, acts only in his own selfish interest, demonstrates no empathy for those hurt by his actions. If he had been in my classroom, I would have referred him for every special service possible in hopes that he could learn self-control — perhaps even achieving a level of integrity."


For the complete letter: Springfield News-Leader

Look under the heading "Trump will never change"

I don't suppose you see the hypocrisy by the author of your smear the president opinion piece, do you?
I don't suppose you see the hypocrisy by the author of your smear the president opinion piece, do you?

I guess you must have been hiding under some rock or in a mine underground for the last 3.5 years
The truth must really hurt you
If you call pointing out the truth as a " smear " of a President then you also need some help
Have a nice evening
You call HIM names and he's the juvenile? :no:

It's not calling names. It's listing traits. I notice that you didn't find even one that you disagree with.
Point proven.

Is it okay with you that he mocked a disabled reporter? And that he invents hurtful nicknames for those who cross him?
He's a child. He is so petty that he can't take even the least bit of criticism without "hitting back" at the person with childish insults. That's what two-year-olds do---and Trump.
I think he would've acted far better as president if his critics had simply left him alone.

No one is allowed to criticize the president? Where were you when Obama was president and Republicans piled it on...on a daily basis. And yet he was not so childish and petty that he constantly had to "hit back" at his critics.
Wouldn't it be nice to once again have an adult in the WH instead of someone who even many of those who worked with him have identified him as a "f****** idiiot".
I don't suppose you see the hypocrisy by the author of your smear the president opinion piece, do you?

Where is the smear? Which one of those traits do you not agree with? They all look completely accurate to me!
I guess you must have been hiding under some rock or in a mine underground for the last 3.5 years
The truth must really hurt you
If you call pointing out the truth as a " smear " of a President then you also need some help
Have a nice evening

Where is the smear? Which one of those attributes is incorrect? Did he or did he not mock a disabled reporter? Does he or does he notinvents hurtful nicknames for those who cross him? Does he belittle others constantly? Like Birx and Fauci. How many thousands of lies have been documented now? Does he or does he not constantly boast? Etc, etc etc. Do those traits make you proud of him?
Not me. He is a petty incompetent lying adulterer. This is absolute fact.

Wouldn't it be nice to have an adult in the WH once again? Instead of someone who has been called a "f****** Idiot" by a number of those who worked for him?
I think he would've acted far better as president if his critics had simply left him alone.

No he would have been even worse.
No one is allowed to criticize the president? Where were you when Obama was president and Republicans piled it on...on a daily basis. And yet he was not so childish and petty that he constantly had to "hit back" at his critics.
Wouldn't it be nice to once again have an adult in the WH instead of someone who even many of those who worked with him have identified him as a "f****** idiiot".

1) I never said that people shouldn't "criticize the president". But there is a staggering difference between honest criticism and the constant personal attacks and insults directed on President Trump and his family.

2) How President Obama was treated is utterly irrelevant to how President Trump is treated. If you want to go that route all I have to do is go back and point out how President George W. Bush was treated in comparison to President Obama.
It's not calling names. It's listing traits. I notice that you didn't find even one that you disagree with.
Point proven.
Why would I want to start a conversion based on a slobber-slinging post?
watsup said:
Is it okay with you that he mocked a disabled reporter? And that he invents hurtful nicknames for those who cross him?
He's a child. He is so petty that he can't take even the least bit of criticism without "hitting back" at the person with childish insults. That's what two-year-olds do---and Trump.
Yaaawwwwnnnnn. Can't you guys ever come up with something original?
His niece confirms that it was his bad behavior that got him sent to military school
1) I never said that people shouldn't "criticize the president". But there is a staggering difference between honest criticism and the constant personal attacks and insults directed on President Trump and his family.

2) How President Obama was treated is utterly irrelevant to how President Trump is treated. If you want to go that route all I have to do is go back and point out how President George W. Bush was treated in comparison to President Obama.

There were no insults directed towards Obama AND towards Michelle during those eight years? Where were you, asleep with Rip Van Winkle. It was constant and it was hateful. Do you know what "birtherism" is"? And yet Obama acted like an ADULT--for the most part, he just let them roll off his back. That's what adults do.
People of many decades who feel the need to insult every person who offers a criticism towards him is the equivalent of a two-year-old "hitting back". That's even what Trump calls it. He's petty, that's the only word that can describe such conduct.
Are you proud of him for that? Proud of him for mocking a disabled reporter.
You are just in denial. All that was done was to REPORT his conduct. He's the one who acted like a petty child. But you Repubs have made excuses for him for three plus years now, so I don't suppose it will stop anytime soon.

And GW Bush started a war for no good reason just because he wanted to "get" Saddam. He gave an unneeded huge tax cut to the wealthy elite just like Trump later did. And quite frankly, he just wasn't that bright. Anybody who watched him for any period of time could tell that.
Although I will admit that he was a "gentleman". No, he didn't exhibit the pettiness that Trump constantly does. At least that was good on him.....
Why would I want to start a conversion based on a slobber-slinging post?
Yaaawwwwnnnnn. Can't you guys ever come up with something original?

Ad hom towards me. Okay, no big deal. Unlike Trump, I can take it without making a petty insult towards anyone who criticizes me.

And did he or did he not mock a disabled reporter? How many lies of his have been documented? And all the rest of the paragraph is totally true. Which trait do you disagree with? Are you proud of how he conducts himself?
Yes, you Repubs have been in denial of his incompetence and childish conduct for three plus years now. I surely don't know why.
And GW Bush started a war for no good reason just because he wanted to "get" Saddam. He gave an unneeded huge tax cut to the wealthy elite just like Trump later did. And quite frankly, he just wasn't that bright.

That is your opinion. And your opinion is not valid reason to insult and attack someone. and once again, President Obama's treatment is completely irrelevant to the treatment of President Trump.
That is your opinion. And your opinion is not valid reason to insult and attack someone. and once again, President Obama's treatment is completely irrelevant to the treatment of President Trump.

Umm, you are the one who was comparing Obama's treatment with Trump. I was merely responding to your post.
And what "treatment of Trump". As I said, all that I am doing is telling the TRUTH about him. Which of the traits listed in that paragraph do you disagree with?
The truth is that if he wanted good press and people to respect him, all that he would have to do is to act like a decent person instead of a megalomaniac petty scumbag. How hard could that possibly be?
For Trump, it appears impossible.
And did he or did he not mock a disabled reporter? How many lies of his have been documented? .

1) I don't like it but then again I get tired of the idea being implied that disabled people are some kind of sacred cow that we should avoid criticism and comments regarding except to say something like "they're so brave....".

2) I've seen the lists of the "lies" that President Trump has supposedly told since he took office. He has lied many times of course, but probably no more or less than the typical politician. I've seen "lies" in the list that were simply campaign promises that even if false cannot be classified as "lies" until President Trump is out of office and failed to fulfill them.
oh, he's distributed.

and a champion for millions of Republicans.

Champion for the deplorables, not republicans. Trumpism has nothing in common with the GOp except that Trump hijacked a portion of it and corrupted it beyond anything every seen before.
Umm, you are the one who was comparing Obama's treatment with Trump. I was merely responding to your post.
And what "treatment of Trump". As I said, all that I am doing is telling the TRUTH about him. Which of the traits listed in that paragraph do you disagree with?
The truth is that if he wanted good press and people to respect him, all that he would have to do is to act like a decent person instead of a megalomaniac petty scumbag. How hard could that possibly be?
For Trump, it appears impossible.

You're assuming that just because I defend President Trump and believe he has been unfairly maligned that I find his character to be admirable in some way. For the most part I don't.
I don't suppose you see the hypocrisy by the author of your smear the president opinion piece, do you?

another whine about Trump thread by a recent joiner. what else is new?
Champion for the deplorables, not republicans. Trumpism has nothing in common with the GOp except that Trump hijacked a portion of it and corrupted it beyond anything every seen before.

who are you voting for for president then?
1) I don't like it but then again I get tired of the idea being implied that disabled people are some kind of sacred cow that we should avoid criticism and comments regarding except to say something like "they're so brave....".

2) I've seen the lists of the "lies" that President Trump has supposedly told since he took office. He has lied many times of course, but probably no more or less than the typical politician. I've seen "lies" in the list that were simply campaign promises that even if false cannot be classified as "lies" until President Trump is out of office and failed to fulfill them.

Okay, I get it. It's okay with you if Trump mocks a disabled person. Isn't it strange that Repubs will just look the other way at his reprehensible conduct and make lame excuses for him.
And actually, he lies way way more than the "average politician". He apparently has no idea of what truth actually is. He lies about big things, and he lies about the littlest things. No matter the topic or subject, if a lie is handier than the truth, that's what comes out of his mouth.

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