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Trump announces commission to further 'patriotic education' (1 Viewer)


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Apr 6, 2017
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President Trump on Thursday described America’s heritage and history as under assault from the left, decrying anti-racism teachings and "cancel culture" while announcing plans for a new commission to promote "patriotic education" in U.S. schools.
In a speech delivered in somber tones at the National Archives Museum, Trump painted a dramatic and dark portrait of an effort by liberals to “indoctrinate” America’s children and repress American values, culture and faith.

Trump announces commission to further '''patriotic education'''

This is disturbing on multiple levels.
President Trump on Thursday described America’s heritage and history as under assault from the left, decrying anti-racism teachings and "cancel culture" while announcing plans for a new commission to promote "patriotic education" in U.S. schools.
In a speech delivered in somber tones at the National Archives Museum, Trump painted a dramatic and dark portrait of an effort by liberals to “indoctrinate” America’s children and repress American values, culture and faith.

Trump announces commission to further '''patriotic education'''

This is disturbing on multiple levels.

It must suck to wake up every morning and hate this country the way Trump hates it.
Kudos to President Trump on his efforts to stop cancel culture and all the other craziness that has gripped this nation since the Dems retook the House.

Sadly, the commission will barely have three months of life.

It is clear that the Dems will win the Executive & Legislative branches, for the leftist media have successfully indoctrinated many Americans into believing that they are bigots if they fail to support the Dem agenda.

Starting in 2021 under the Harris-Biden administration, we may have to kneel at the beginning of each work day, and libraries may be cleared of any books that do not meet the approval of BLM, the DNC, & MSNBC. Needless to say, we ain't seen nothing yet when it comes to Internet censorship.
President Trump on Thursday described America’s heritage and history as under assault from the left, decrying anti-racism teachings and "cancel culture" while announcing plans for a new commission to promote "patriotic education" in U.S. schools.
In a speech delivered in somber tones at the National Archives Museum, Trump painted a dramatic and dark portrait of an effort by liberals to “indoctrinate” America’s children and repress American values, culture and faith.

Trump announces commission to further '''patriotic education'''

This is disturbing on multiple levels.

It's disturbing to teach kids that The United States is a great country?
Of course you would think that's what I was referring to...lol

Perhaps you should then present us with verifiable evidence to back up your personal pontification?
President Trump on Thursday described America’s heritage and history as under assault from the left, decrying anti-racism teachings and "cancel culture" while announcing plans for a new commission to promote "patriotic education" in U.S. schools.
In a speech delivered in somber tones at the National Archives Museum, Trump painted a dramatic and dark portrait of an effort by liberals to “indoctrinate” America’s children and repress American values, culture and faith.

Trump announces commission to further '''patriotic education'''

This is disturbing on multiple levels.

Trump announce plans to promote the white nationalist point of view in education and call it patriotic
The Trump administration isn't going to go through with this because if they do then Trump's thuggish, authoritarian, fascist followers will end up learning about the Declaration of Independence and the Enlightenment-era classical liberal ideas embodied in the document, which are inherently anti-fascist.
It's disturbing to teach kids that The United States is a great country?

That American exceptionalism is what got us where we are; is Bagdad exceptional?
President Trump on Thursday described America’s heritage and history as under assault from the left, decrying anti-racism teachings and "cancel culture" while announcing plans for a new commission to promote "patriotic education" in U.S. schools.
In a speech delivered in somber tones at the National Archives Museum, Trump painted a dramatic and dark portrait of an effort by liberals to “indoctrinate” America’s children and repress American values, culture and faith.

Trump announces commission to further '''patriotic education'''

This is disturbing on multiple levels.

Will the kids get new brown shirts?
Give Trump credit for actually saying Rush/Sean things from the actual Oval Office.

I didn't think we'd ever see a president go in this deep.
Kudos to President Trump on his efforts to stop cancel culture and all the other craziness that has gripped this nation since the Dems retook the House.

Sadly, the commission will barely have three months of life.

It is clear that the Dems will win the Executive & Legislative branches, for the leftist media have successfully indoctrinated many Americans into believing that they are bigots if they fail to support the Dem agenda.

Starting in 2021 under the Harris-Biden administration, we may have to kneel at the beginning of each work day, and libraries may be cleared of any books that do not meet the approval of BLM, the DNC, & MSNBC. Needless to say, we ain't seen nothing yet when it comes to Internet censorship.

I see you're still having those crazy dreams.
Leave it to the Leftists to think rooting for The United States is a bad thing. :lamo

Where is the verifiable evidence I asked you for to support your personal pontification that the 1619 effort was communism?
Leave it to the Leftists to think rooting for The United States is a bad thing. :lamo

Propaganda is a bad thing, no matter where it comes from..........
The Trump administration isn't going to go through with this because if they do then Trump's thuggish, authoritarian, fascist followers will end up learning about the Declaration of Independence and the Enlightenment-era classical liberal ideas embodied in the document, which are inherently anti-fascist.

A few weeks ago, Joe Biden lamented the sorry state of American education. Why, he exclaimed in shock, Americans actually think Thomas Edison invented the lightbulb.

Over the summer, we all saw the absolute ignorance and lack of education of the young rioters and protesters, young millennials and old Gen Z types, as they tore down and defaced statues nationwide. The icing on the cake on their desperate need for an education was the recent survey that these Americans generally don't know what the Holocaust is.

Given a choice between the "patriotic" education of Mr. Trump, or the mumblings from Biden about alleged wrongs done to Lewis Howard Lattimer, its clear the country would be better served by the former and not the latter.
It's disturbing to teach kids that The United States is a great country?

Which version?the one where it fits your agenda or the one where trump said we aren't innocent either while defending Russia?

There isn't nothing I can't turn against you with trump.
This is why you guys shouldn't play both sides of the field and continually defend a liar.

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