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Trump and his credibility about immigration. (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jan 16, 2019
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Trump and his credibility about immigration.

After firing folks who worked for the trump organization for years and yeas for being here with false documents do you find it credible that trump did not know some of them were here illegally? Why do they not use e-verify if the trump organization is so concerned about illegal immigrants? Didn't I see him campaigning on hiring american?

If you are going to reply the organization is innocent they didn't know, how do you suppose after all these years they realized the workers had false documentation?

And his son needs foreign workers for his grapes? He can't find twenty six people in america to take those jobs?

Trump the tv personality and consummate liar has duped the republican party, it's a tough pill to swallow.

So, does this president have the credibility to talk about an immigration crisis when he's hiring workers from the crisis.
Trump and his credibility about immigration.

After firing folks who worked for the trump organization for years and yeas for being here with false documents do you find it credible that trump did not know some of them were here illegally? Why do they not use e-verify if the trump organization is so concerned about illegal immigrants? Didn't I see him campaigning on hiring american?

If you are going to reply the organization is innocent they didn't know, how do you suppose after all these years they realized the workers had false documentation?

And his son needs foreign workers for his grapes? He can't find twenty six people in america to take those jobs?

Trump the tv personality and consummate liar has duped the republican party, it's a tough pill to swallow.

So, does this president have the credibility to talk about an immigration crisis when he's hiring workers from the crisis.

Seeing as he is the president, yes he does.
I'm going to go ahead and say that it's more than plausible for a worker to fly so far under the radar that the person owning said business, might not even know they exist. After working with several private contract firms for about six years. I've seen more than enough examples of people being hired on, that aren't legally citizens and still managed to spend literal years, working for the company. My step father even had to make sure that his Honduran workers, never met their boss, simply because it would let them work and keep their profits up. This isn't anything new.

Though it is good to see you admit that this is a crisis... even though the media started that little fizzle.

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