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Trump: 57% Disapproval (1 Viewer)

Lmao.....if they were smart we couldn't laugh at them. Lmao
Russians and the Shutdown drag the man's numbers down to historic levels.

Poll: Shutdown, Russia drive Trump to all-time high disapproval

All that winning...

Quick, blame someone else, Donny.

I'll admit that the steady downward slide is unique, but 41% approval from likely or registered voters is still well within his normal range. When he hits 37% I'll admit that something truly new is happening.

Trump has really master negotiated himself into a corner. The vast majority of Americans don’t want a wall and blame Trump for the shutdown, and Democrats have no motivation to bail him out of the doomed scenario that he created and took responsibility for on national television.

Caving would be like apologizing. Trump doesn’t do that. Expect his numbers to keep falling.

His only real option is to make the hilarious choice of declaring a national emergency.

I look forward to that.

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