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Trump’s Threat on Pledge Could Cost Him South Carolina Delegates (1 Viewer)


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May 6, 2012
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Sarasota, Florida
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Donald Trump's Threat on Pledge Could Cost Him Delegates
Trump’s Threat on Pledge Could Cost Him South Carolina Delegates

“………….The loyalty pledge is nothing new in South Carolina, where it has been required for decades, but took on new focus in light of Trump’s public musings about a third-party run or withdrawing his support from the eventual nominee if he is stopped at a contested convention…..

………..When asked about if he still would pledge to support the eventual Republican nominee during a town hall Tuesday with CNN’s Anderson Cooper, Trump said “No. I don’t anymore,” adding that he has been “treated very unfairly.”
“Donald Trump’s announcement that he no longer stands by a pledge to support the GOP has thrown his hold on South Carolina’s 50 delegates in doubt,” Time reports……………..

……….“The Palmetto State was one of several that required candidates to pledge their loyalty to the party’s eventual nominee in order to secure a slot on the primary ballot. Though Trump won all of the state’s delegates in the Feb. 20 primary, anti-Trump forces are plotting to contest their binding to Trump because of his threat on the pledge Tuesday.”………….”

More trouble for Trump and the delegates he thinks he has…………..as the newbie “Politian” blunders along the Donald is so the work of the establishment elists and in the end will remain the buffoon he always was/is/continue to be
Just because Trump won't be a good little RNC puppet, South Carolina will quite possibly defy the will of the Voters and strip him of his delegates.
In other words, they will CHEAT.

Reason #1,894,169 the primary system needs to be seriously revamped.
More trouble for Trump and the delegates he thinks he has…

Not really. The only other remaining candidates said the same so its a rather meaningless maneuver unless the establishment is planning a coup against all of them.
Just because Trump won't be a good little RNC puppet, South Carolina will quite possibly defy the will of the Voters and strip him of his delegates.
In other words, they will CHEAT.

Reason #1,894,169 the primary system needs to be seriously revamped.

Sorry that you were let to believe that the nominating process was democratic; its a republic. Its also hard to fault the party for trying to stave off certain annihilation. Its the right of any living organism to do what it needs to survive, even though resistance, in this case, is futile.
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Just because Trump won't be a good little RNC puppet, South Carolina will quite possibly defy the will of the Voters and strip him of his delegates.
In other words, they will CHEAT.

Reason #1,894,169 the primary system needs to be seriously revamped.

Trump breaks a rule and goes back on his own pledge, and people responding in kind to deal with his lying and rule breaking are called "cheating" by trump supporters, perfectly illustrating the mentality of said supporters.
Not really. The only other remaining candidates said the same so its a rather meaningless maneuver unless the establishment is planning a coup against all of them.

You're absolutely right. Can't believe I missed that.
Not really. The only other remaining candidates said the same so its a rather meaningless maneuver unless the establishment is planning a coup against all of them.

You know a political party is not a democracy...........It's the delegates that select to nominee.......and it must be the majority of the delegates.............but yall talk about the will of the people...........

When are yall going to wake up? The party makes the choice ................when did the party ever care about the "will of the people? Wake up and join the real world.............

If yall did not know that......or know the rules...............go cry in your beer
Its also hard to fault the party for trying to stave off certain annihilation.

And WTF do you think will happen to the party if they start fiddling with the rules to fit their agenda?

If you think the voters are pissed off at the RNC cartel now, imagine them after the RNC pulls this ****.
Trump breaks a rule and goes back on his own pledge, and people responding in kind to deal with his lying and rule breaking are called "cheating" by trump supporters, perfectly illustrating the mentality of said supporters.

Trump laid out a caveat of his own when he signed that pledge: **** me over and i'll rip this up.

The RNC has been trying to sabotage him since their little boy Marco Polo dropped out. Hell..they may have been trying since their other little boy, Jebbie, dropped out.
And WTF do you think will happen to the party if they start fiddling with the rules to fit their agenda?

If you think the voters are pissed off at the RNC cartel now, imagine them after the RNC pulls this ****.

....as I pointed out in the next statement, their attempts will be futile. Yes, they will be annihilated with Trump as the candidate (as the polls show him going down to a big defeat) or with another candidate, because many will perceive (likely including Trump) that Trump got the shaft. Either way, the White House is out of reach. I just understand the Republican party thinking they have no shot with Trump and maybe a shot with Kasich or Cruz, who at least poll in contention with Hillary.
the republican establishment should take note, trump voters will not turn out to vote if they rig the convention. i'm no liberal, but i would gladly hand the house, the senate, the WH, and the supreme court, to the democrats, if the alternative is another handpicked GOP fatcat. i might even vote for clinton.
Trump laid out a caveat of his own when he signed that pledge: **** me over and i'll rip this up.

Trump LOSING according to the rules that were long established when he began running for office is not "****[ing] him over", but that just highlights further the mentality of Trump and his supporters. Either everyone bend over backwards and accept Trumps bull****, or **** anything else. Anything that doesn't result in the Donald getting what the Donald wants is "****ing him over".

He has a very simple way of getting the nomination; get the necessary delegate count before the convention. If he FAILS at that, then his next step is convincing delegates to come to his side. If he FAILS at that, then DONALD ****ed Donald.
the republican establishment should take note, trump voters will not turn out to vote if they rig the convention. i'm no liberal, but i would gladly hand the house, the senate, the WH, and the supreme court, to the democrats, if the alternative is another handpicked GOP fatcat. i might even vote for clinton.

Cool...then hopefully you're not one the ridiculous Trump Supporters, like Sean Hannity, that demands everyone else hold their nose and get on board with Trump if he's the nominee.

If Trump Supporters don't want to vote for anyone else, that's fine. Same goes for those that refuse to vote for Trump
The Republican Party, in backing Cruz, is doing what it takes to survive. Donald Trump is a total idiot, and is destroying the GOP.... Result : Bring on survival mode.

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