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Trump’s Business Partners Allegedly Involved In Human Trafficking, Mafia Matters, Money Laundering (1 Viewer)


Active member
Aug 3, 2020
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Davidson, NC
Political Leaning
Re: Trump’s Business Partners Allegedly Involved In Human Trafficking, Mafia Matters, Money Launde

Trump hires the best people.

I think this is full proof of that.

You’re just not considering what he actually hires them to do.

More Trump hate.
Re: Trump’s Business Partners Allegedly Involved In Human Trafficking, Mafia Matters, Money Launde

A new report from the U.S. Senate Select Committee on Intelligence offers a damning portrait of the people Donald Trump chose as his partners for potential projects in Russia. They include individuals with alleged connections to the mob, to Vladimir Putin and to human trafficking.

Is anyone really surprised though?

Source: Trump’s Business Partners Allegedly Involved In Human Trafficking, Mafia Matters, Probable Money Laundering


Association by way of innuendo, speculation, spin and hyperbole.

Trump hater stock in trade.

Moving on...
Re: Trump’s Business Partners Allegedly Involved In Human Trafficking, Mafia Matters, Money Launde


Association by way of innuendo, speculation, spin and hyperbole.

Trump hater stock in trade.

Moving on...

A Trump supporter willing to ignore his Criminal Connections......... Groundbreaking. No one's really shocked.
Re: Trump’s Business Partners Allegedly Involved In Human Trafficking, Mafia Matters, Money Launde


Association by way of innuendo, speculation, spin and hyperbole.

Trump hater stock in trade.

Moving on...

Here's a link for the GOP led Intel Committee report. Senate Report Concludes Russia Used Paul Manafort, WikiLeaks To Boost Trump In 2016 | HuffPost

Read it and come back to us. Don't scroll by the former-Miss Moscow and the strip-club sections. (BTW, if you don't trust HuffPo, try Senate.gov.)
Re: Trump’s Business Partners Allegedly Involved In Human Trafficking, Mafia Matters, Money Launde

A new report from the U.S. Senate Select Committee on Intelligence offers a damning portrait of the people Donald Trump chose as his partners for potential projects in Russia. They include individuals with alleged connections to the mob, to Vladimir Putin and to human trafficking.

Is anyone really surprised though?

Source: Trump’s Business Partners Allegedly Involved In Human Trafficking, Mafia Matters, Probable Money Laundering

Key word : Allegedly.
Re: Trump’s Business Partners Allegedly Involved In Human Trafficking, Mafia Matters, Money Launde

Here's a link for the GOP led Intel Committee report. Senate Report Concludes Russia Used Paul Manafort, WikiLeaks To Boost Trump In 2016 | HuffPost

Read it and come back to us. Don't scroll by the former-Miss Moscow and the strip-club sections. (BTW, if you don't trust HuffPo, try Senate.gov.)

I've looked it over. It's the same kind of spin fodder, based on nothing, that we saw in the Weissmann report.

If you believe the Senate Intel Committee you will believe anything any Trump hater tells you...no matter how false.

Tell you what...ask Burr and Warner about Wolfe. Then you get back to me.
Re: Trump’s Business Partners Allegedly Involved In Human Trafficking, Mafia Matters, Money Launde

I've looked it over. It's the same kind of spin fodder, based on nothing, that we saw in the Weissmann report.

If you believe the Senate Intel Committee you will believe anything any Trump hater tells you...no matter how false.

Tell you what...ask Burr and Warner about Wolfe. Then you get back to me.

So, you're waiting for the graphic novel version?

Re: Trump’s Business Partners Allegedly Involved In Human Trafficking, Mafia Matters, Money Launde

So, you're waiting for the graphic novel version?


No. I'm waiting for honesty.

But I won't hold my breath waiting...not from Trump haters.

Wait...do you even know who Wolfe is?
Re: Trump’s Business Partners Allegedly Involved In Human Trafficking, Mafia Matters, Money Launde

No. I'm waiting for honesty.

But I won't hold my breath waiting...not from Trump haters.

Wait...do you even know who Wolfe is?

You're busted. And dismissed.
Re: Trump’s Business Partners Allegedly Involved In Human Trafficking, Mafia Matters, Money Launde

I've looked it over. It's the same kind of spin fodder, based on nothing, that we saw in the Weissmann report.

If you believe the Senate Intel Committee you will believe anything any Trump hater tells you...no matter how false.

Tell you what...ask Burr and Warner about Wolfe. Then you get back to me.

But you'll believe any whispers and innuendo Trump lovers tell you, Qanon, conspiracy wingnuts, etc.

Yeah, we got your number.

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