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Trump’s ‘5 percent down’ plan for Europe (1 Viewer)

You seemed to have missed my point entirely. The US in far more mutual defense treaties than France is.

The USA has far more global interests than France does

It does not mean that the USA is better protected than France is

If you own one house, you might have a burglar alarms system
However you neighbor might own 5 houses and have an alarm system in each one. So he has five alarm systems versus your one
That doesn't mean your neighbor is better protected than you.
The EU combined has the second largest military budget in the world.

Which is really rather silly. That is 27 nations combined, and most spend a fraction of what the US does even as a percent of their GDP. Germany for example for decades has spent about 1/3 of their GDP less than the US has.

And GDP is a lot more complex of a thing than most people imagine it is. The majority of "Military Spending" is actually payroll. That is why some nations who pay their military members peanuts can have huge militaries, their payroll is much smaller so they can spend significantly more on weapons.

But to give an idea, China pays their military members about 1/8 what the US does. In addition to other things that keeps their expenses much lower.

Another top expense for the US military is dependent care and housing. Because the moment somebody gets married, the military pays them more. Another problem China does not have, as single term soldiers are prohibited from getting married. And any in the military who want to get married first have to get permission from the military.
It makes little sense to pivot to Asia while allowing Europe to go to hell in a handbasket.

Trump's plan to end the Ukraine War in 24 hours is poppycock. Putin still has his eye on swallowing all of Ukraine.

Which is really rather silly. That is 27 nations combined, and most spend a fraction of what the US does even as a percent of their GDP. Germany for example for decades has spent about 1/3 of their GDP less than the US has.

And GDP is a lot more complex of a thing than most people imagine it is. The majority of "Military Spending" is actually payroll. That is why some nations who pay their military members peanuts can have huge militaries, their payroll is much smaller so they can spend significantly more on weapons.

But to give an idea, China pays their military members about 1/8 what the US does. In addition to other things that keeps their expenses much lower.

Another top expense for the US military is dependent care and housing. Because the moment somebody gets married, the military pays them more. Another problem China does not have, as single term soldiers are prohibited from getting married. And any in the military who want to get married first have to get permission from the military.

Yeah but Germans console themselves that they have more tangible benefits from their tax dollars.
Which is really rather silly. That is 27 nations combined, and most spend a fraction of what the US does even as a percent of their GDP. Germany for example for decades has spent about 1/3 of their GDP less than the US has.

And GDP is a lot more complex of a thing than most people imagine it is. The majority of "Military Spending" is actually payroll. That is why some nations who pay their military members peanuts can have huge militaries, their payroll is much smaller so they can spend significantly more on

But to give an idea, China pays their military members about 1/8 what the US does. In addition to other things that keeps their expenses much lower.

Another top expense for the US military is dependent care and housing. Because the moment somebody gets married, the military pays them more. Another problem China does not have, as single term soldiers are prohibited from getting married. And any in the military who want to get married first have to get permission from the military.
Why look at China when the OP is about Europe?

China is no threat to Europe, and has no interest in Europe

As for China. It does have career officers who generally are well compensated. They are given housing for life, and good pensions.

A retired captain from the PLAAF receives $1200 a month ( equivalent) his father in law received $2500 ( colonel) until his death. They also get rights to an apartment for life. Along with health care coverage.
America really benefits from pissing off our allies, and now we'll get another four years of that. Thanks, Republican voters.
As for China. It does have career officers who generally are well compensated. They are given housing for life, and good pensions.

A retired captain from the PLAAF receives $1200 a month ( equivalent) his father in law received $2500 ( colonel) until his death. They also get rights to an apartment for life. Along with health care coverage.

Sorry, are you trying to say that the PLA is well run and not fatally hamstrung by endemic corruption ?
No, where did you see that in my post?

Your reference to PLA giving good pay. I was asking ***IF*** you were truing to suggest that the PLA is well run

It seems that you do not, so your reference to PLA compensation for career officers, lacks any real relevance.
Your reference to PLA giving good pay. I was asking ***IF*** you were truing to suggest that the PLA is well run

It seems that you do not, so your reference to PLA compensation for career officers, lacks any real relevance.

It does to the post I quoted regarding compensation
But that has no relevance on whether the PLA is well run.

I never stated if it was well run or poorly run. Or had any statement regarding how it was run. Just that it spends quite a bit on its officers both working and retired
Russia can even beat Ukraine

Let alone the rest of Europe.

So to spend close to triple on the military would be idiotic.

Germany France and Italy are in the midst of economic turmoil. Cutting benefits in the case of France all to buy a few more tanks that are not needed especially when budgets are tight and being cut
Well that is ridiculously wrong.
Conventional weapons - Russia would fall in a week.
You are going to entrust the lives of 100s of millions people that they would not use nukes?
You wanna take that chance?
I will submit to you, that I 100% believe Russia would use one or two nukes to make a horrific point they will not fall.
This is why WW III or any wide theater war in post nuclear age must be avoided at all cost.
Well, I guess it would be too much to ask Canada to meet their NATO commitments. You should thank the U.S. for picking up slack for you.

View attachment 67549412

Why thank the US for wasting its money?

The only country that can invade Canada is the US. No amount of spending by Canada would allow Canada to defend against a US invasion
Why thank the US for wasting its money?

The only country that can invade Canada is the US. No amount of spending by Canada would allow Canada to defend against a US invasion
So, do you believe that Canada should withdraw from NATO since they cannot meet their treaty obligations?

I guess that Canada could still supply peacekeepers to the UN.

Why thank the US for wasting its money?

The only country that can invade Canada is the US. No amount of spending by Canada would allow Canada to defend against a US invasion
Well, there's another country just across the Northwest Passage, who might disagree.
Well, there's another country just across the Northwest Passage, who might disagree.

That other country can't even beat Ukraine. Which is logistically much easier to support an invasion as opposed to having cross an ocean

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