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Trick-or-treating, costume masks and Halloween parties discouraged by CDC this year (1 Viewer)


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(CNN)The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has issued its first guidance for the holidays, including Halloween, amid the raging coronavirus pandemic in a new posting on its website Monday night.
Door-to-door trick-or-treating and costume masks and parties are discouraged this year due to the pandemic, the CDC said.

"Many traditional Halloween activities can be high-risk for spreading viruses," the agency said in its posting. "There are several safer, alternative ways to participate in Halloween."

The new guidance lists "low-risk, moderate and higher risk activities" for celebrating All Hallow's Eve.
Damn, & I wanted to wear my Trump fright mask that night.

Seriously, we plan to put out an 'honor system' bowl of candy & razor-blade-loaded apples for any kiddies foolish enough to venture out.

(CNN)The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has issued its first guidance for the holidays, including Halloween, amid the raging coronavirus pandemic in a new posting on its website Monday night.
Door-to-door trick-or-treating and costume masks and parties are discouraged this year due to the pandemic, the CDC said.

"Many traditional Halloween activities can be high-risk for spreading viruses," the agency said in its posting. "There are several safer, alternative ways to participate in Halloween."

The new guidance lists "low-risk, moderate and higher risk activities" for celebrating All Hallow's Eve.
Damn, & I wanted to wear my Trump fright mask that night.

Seriously, we plan to put out an 'honor system' bowl of candy & razor-blade-loaded apples for any kiddies foolish enough to venture out.

Deplorables don't care.

(CNN)The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has issued its first guidance for the holidays, including Halloween, amid the raging coronavirus pandemic in a new posting on its website Monday night.
Door-to-door trick-or-treating and costume masks and parties are discouraged this year due to the pandemic, the CDC said.

"Many traditional Halloween activities can be high-risk for spreading viruses," the agency said in its posting. "There are several safer, alternative ways to participate in Halloween."

The new guidance lists "low-risk, moderate and higher risk activities" for celebrating All Hallow's Eve.
Damn, & I wanted to wear my Trump fright mask that night.

Seriously, we plan to put out an 'honor system' bowl of candy & razor-blade-loaded apples for any kiddies foolish enough to venture out.
I was going to dress up as Biden and when the kids shouted "Trick or Treat" I'd tell them I can't remember where I put the candy. Maybe wear shorts so they could see my hairy legs. :LOL:
"Creepy Joe" should be a hit this year. 😂


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