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Treatment of Muslims (1 Viewer)

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DP Veteran
Mar 30, 2016
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I've been seeing this a lot and I don't understand why it's the case that people seem to think it's a-ok to talk **** about Muslims, even stating things which are blatantly untrue and calling for authoritarian measures to be utilized, just because their Muslims.

Doing this would be throwing American principles in the gutter and stomping all over the Constitution.
I've been seeing this a lot and I don't understand why it's the case that people seem to think it's a-ok to talk **** about Muslims, even stating things which are blatantly untrue and calling for authoritarian measures to be utilized, just because their Muslims.

Doing this would be throwing American principles in the gutter and stomping all over the Constitution.

Then you don't understand much. It is because of what Muslims are doing, and what these Muslims you defend are not doing.

Free speech is what critisism of Islam is. Isn't free speech the most important thing in the Constitution? You surpress free speech, you surpress truth. Doesn't sound like you understand American principles, much.
I've been seeing this a lot and I don't understand why it's the case that people seem to think it's a-ok to talk **** about Muslims, even stating things which are blatantly untrue and calling for authoritarian measures to be utilized, just because their Muslims.

Doing this would be throwing American principles in the gutter and stomping all over the Constitution.

It is no different than talking **** against the Nazis or ISIS.
Then you don't understand much. It is because of what Muslims are doing, and what these Muslims you defend are not doing.

Free speech is what critisism of Islam is. Isn't free speech the most important thing in the Constitution? You surpress free speech, you surpress truth. Doesn't sound like you understand American principles, much.

That's a highly selective idea of free speech. There's also the fact that free speech applies to everyone, not just those you agree with.
I've been seeing this a lot and I don't understand why it's the case that people seem to think it's a-ok to talk **** about Muslims, even stating things which are blatantly untrue and calling for authoritarian measures to be utilized, just because their Muslims.

Doing this would be throwing American principles in the gutter and stomping all over the Constitution.

Right about now is a good time to use the FDR method of moving all Moslems to concentration camps the same as he did the Japanese until this jihad is over.
It is no different than talking **** against the Nazis or ISIS.

No. No it really isn't.

It'd be like if somebody started talking **** about all Christians because of the Lord's Resistance Army, or the IRA, or the NLFT
That's a highly selective idea of free speech. There's also the fact that free speech applies to everyone, not just those you agree with.

Am I surpressing, or anyone, restricting Muslims from speaking? Seems to me you are pretty confused, it is usually Islams critics that are restricted and condemned.
Am I surpressing, or anyone, restricting Muslims from speaking? Seems to me you are pretty confused, it is usually Islams critics that are restricted and condemned.

Yeah, because they want to keep people who have done nothing wrong from practicing their religion and speaking their mind. They seek to deny others their basic rights yet complain they are the ones being persecuted.
Uh huh. Locking up loyal Americans is a "perfect plan". Brilliant.

You don't know who the loyal ones are.

Islam makes no provision for loyalty to a Nation.

Any Moslem loyal to a Nation is NOT a devout Moslem.

There is nothing in Islam such as Christianity's "render unto Caesar that which is Caesars".

This is because the Quran is simply a long amateurish rant against Judaism, Christianity, and local Arab polytheism.
Yeah, because they want to keep people who have done nothing wrong from practicing their religion and speaking their mind. They seek to deny others their basic rights yet complain they are the ones being persecuted.

Any Islamic practicing their religion is a threat to the rest of the non-Islamic world.
You don't know who the loyal ones are.

Islam makes no provision for loyalty to a Nation.

Any Moslem loyal to a Nation is NOT a devout Moslem.

There is nothing in Islam such as Christianity's "render unto Caesar that which is Caesars".

This is because the Quran is simply a long amateurish rant against Judaism, Christianity, and local Arab polytheism.

Ah, and then the paranoia card comes out.

More then anything else it seems like a new kind of McCarthyism to me.

"We have no actual proof that these people are traitors, but they totally are and there's thousands of them"
Ah, and then the paranoia card comes out.

More then anything else it seems like a new kind of McCarthyism to me.

"We have no actual proof that these people are traitors, but they totally are and there's thousands of them"

San Bernardino CA is proof enough.
I have heard of them. How come Muslims haven't formed an all Muslim combat regiment yet? Are you saying if they were in camps they would?

Well, let's see. Starting with the fact that that's not even allowed anymore in the US military....

There have been Muslim soldiers in the American military since at least the civil war(African American ex slaves) and there's anywhere from 3500-5000 at least currently in the military.
Ah, and then the paranoia card comes out.

More then anything else it seems like a new kind of McCarthyism to me.

"We have no actual proof that these people are traitors, but they totally are and there's thousands of them"

And you suggest a new type of "Chamberlainism"?
Well, let's see. Starting with the fact that that's not even allowed anymore in the US military....

There have been Muslim soldiers in the American military since at least the civil war(African American ex slaves) and there's anywhere from 3500-5000 at least currently in the military.

That many and no combat unit?
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