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@Trajan (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 23, 2005
Reaction score
South Shore of Long Island.
Political Leaning
Very Liberal
C'mon Trajan I know your reading this. Why are you turning into the new np? Every day, your posts get worse and worse and worse. It all started with the stupid one about how 'John Kerry Likens soldiers to Terrorists' and now, within every new post, you make generalizations about liberals and your posts lack both substance and honesty. Your turning into a Rush Limbaugh style partisan hack. Whats going on Trajan?

And also how can you call yourself a libertarian when you don't support basic civil liberties?
Although I'm not the happiest of campers when somebody does stuff like this...hell, I've done it myself!...This sounds more like an intervention, so I'll chime in...

Unfortunately, I agree with the first two posts...

Up until 2 or 3 weeks ago, Traj probably had the respect of most of the members of this community...Then he went downhill quick...

Usually, someone comes in to the forums thinking they're hot sh!t, and after a short time of understanding that the blatant partisan whining doesn't fly, they settle in and start acting with some sense of civility...

Here, it seems the opposite happened...

Most unfortunate...:(

PS - Hardcore Liberal, Moderate Liberal, and Moderate Conservative so far...
I have to support everything that has been said here. What happened? Come back to the table and bring your logic, civility and sense of humor back with you. And don't get mad - we wouldn't bother if we didn't care.

Thanks, Finn.
I date it to the night of the public spanking by Kelzie. Love spurned. I mean, look at Skilmatic. Same deal. It's Kelzies fault. If she'd just put out we wouldn't be having these problems with the early twenties males. Don't sweat the liberals and bowlegged Chi'town people Trojan. But cnredd? Ow.

Really bro, you should have paid the price that night, I could have had you make Kelzie tread water for her life in a sea of smack that I was willing to bestow upon you. Look at you now. But hey, you got a thread with your name in it. Welcome to the club. You got to be doing something wrong to have such. Take it from me. This is cause for a celebration.

From Belviews little sister.

Top ten signs of, causes of, and teachers general observations of the fall (or rise) of Trojan Octavius Maximus.

10.Trajan? Really. Did you think that would go unpunished. Take some El-lax and pick a new name.
9.This time of year they put something in the water down here in Tampa. But then I only drink beer. Or Bourbon, or Vodka, or...well, you get the point.
8.Billo stopped sending child support.
7.Galenrox got hold of his mom.
6.Extended bender brought about by the grief of not being able to reach the Godlike level of Libertarianism as displayed by teacher.
5.Higher than normal amount of drug use brought on by the associative humiliation that Galenrox claims to be a Libertarian.
4.I sent him into the world too soon.
3.He came to and saw the picture he posted of himself in the "member pic" thread.
2.Kicked out of Barney fan club due to indecent exposure charges.

And the number one bla bla bla.

1.Diaper rash.
Yes you may have noticed that in the last week or so I have crossed over to the dark side to use my superior intellect to bash the Dems and libs into submission the reasons are many fold so let's go over a few of them right now,

The 2006 elections draw ever closer so I figured I'd start up the partisan attack campaign ahead of schedule . . . it's like Christmas came early,

Due to my McCarthy was right thread, though no one can refute the veracity of any of the assertions I have made in that thread, I have had my credibility and reputation besmirched through ad-hominem attacks some have gone so far as to compare me to a nazi sympathizer,

The Dems, for purely political purposes, have decided to fillibuster the Patriot Act, which has so far prevented the possibility of another terrorist attack on U.S. soil from taking place,

The president has said that he will not veto the McCain amendment,

I actually read the McCain amendment and now under stand where Cheney was coming from in that this piece of legislation will single handedly outlaw any form of useful interogation techniques against alQaeda suspects,

John Kerry has resorted back to his Vietnam era tactics of defaming the U.S. military to pander to his radical base,

I read Kerry's full transcript of his testimony to the senate committee hearing of 1971 and came to the realization that these are the same tactics being used to spread misinformation about the war in Iraq,

I read the winter soldier report and am thoroughly disgusted with anti-war protesters,

The Dems have decided to take it upon themselves to rewrite the lead up to the war in Iraq,

Just as in Vietnam the call for a premature withdrawl from a fledgling Democracy is becoming more and more prevalent and it now seems as though, driven by a partisan political conflict at home, the U.S. will once again abandon its allies and Iraq will become a haven for terrorists,

I have come to the realization that the liberals will not be happy until we have been defeated and layed prostrate before the enemies of this great nation.
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So when are you appointing yourself Emperor, Trajan? Sheesh......I am not impressed.
Trajan Octavian Titus said:
Soon enough peasant soon enough. :mrgreen:

I actually posted this one on the Napoleon thread before, but being that the resemblance is remarkable, I thought you might appreciate it. :mrgreen:


  • napoleon for trajan.jpg
    napoleon for trajan.jpg
    97.3 KB · Views: 57
mixedmedia said:
I actually posted this one on the Napoleon thread before, but being that the resemblance is remarkable, I thought you might appreciate it. :mrgreen:

The resemblence is uncanny isn't it just check out my pic in the member pic thread, god dammit I better not be ****ing French.
Trajan Octavian Titus said:
The resemblence is uncanny isn't it just check out my pic in the member pic thread, god dammit I better not be ****ing French.

I have seen your pic in the member pic thread, thusly so I make this astonishing discovery....
Yes you may have noticed that in the last week or so I have crossed over to the dark side to use my superior intellect to bash the Dems and libs into submission the reasons are many fold so let's go over a few of them right now,

Bash them into submission? Yeah sure. I've never thought that you could consider taking bits and pieces of Rush Limbaugh and throwing into your posts and acting like some kinda psuedo-intellectual/O'reilly ass humper would make you bash liberals into submission. Perhaps you should try thinking for yourself and not hanging off conservative radio show hosts dicks. Then maybe I'll even think of considering you up on my level of debating.
FinnMacCool said:
Bash them into submission? Yeah sure. I've never thought that you could consider taking bits and pieces of Rush Limbaugh and throwing into your posts and acting like some kinda psuedo-intellectual/O'reilly ass humper would make you bash liberals into submission. Perhaps you should try thinking for yourself and not hanging off conservative radio show hosts dicks. Then maybe I'll even think of considering you up on my level of debating.

You said that behind Putin Bush's death would benefit the world the most so don't give me any of your holier than thou, 'I'm a moderate,' horeshit, o.k. cuz I aint buyin it.
You said that behind Putin Bush's death would benefit the world the most so don't give me any of your holier than thou, 'I'm a moderate,' horeshit, o.k. cuz I aint buyin it.

When did I ever say I was moderate? I am as liberal as liberals can be. I just don't like when I am expected to stand accused of crimes that my fellow "liberals" do.
FinnMacCool said:
When did I ever say I was moderate? I am as liberal as liberals can be. I just don't like when I am expected to stand accused of crimes that my fellow "liberals" do.

I have not made one baseless accusation yet I have backed everything I've stated with evidence it aint my fault if you don't want to hear the truth.
I have not one baseless accusation yet I have backed everything I've stated with evidence it aint my fault if you don't want to hear the truth.

If you call op-ed pieces and that **** evidence then I'm a conservative. Blatant generalizations are never "evidence" in my mind. Reason, facts, and a bit of research is evidence. That **** you post isn't evidence.

And there is no "Evidence" that "liberals" do this or that because you cannot provide evidence for a blanket statement.
FinnMacCool said:
If you call op-ed pieces and that **** evidence then I'm a conservative. Blatant generalizations are never "evidence" in my mind. Reason, facts, and a bit of research is evidence. That **** you post isn't evidence.

And there is no "Evidence" that "liberals" do this or that because you cannot provide evidence for a blanket statement.

You people do nothing but post the words of Chomsky and the New York Times as gospel and now I'm being lectured at slanted sources, tell me what op eds have I posted I've backed up my assertions with facts get that facts just because the facts do not shed a good light on the liberal agenda does not make them any less factual.
You people do nothing but post the words of Chomsky
I don't recall ever posting quotes of Chomsky.
and the New York Times as gospel and now I'm being lectured at slanted sources, tell me what op eds have I posted I've backed up my assertions with facts get that facts just because the facts do not shed a good light on the liberal agenda does not make them any less factual.
As for Op-ed pieces, that huge one that you posted in its entirety as if anyone would bother to read it all on the other thread in NEWS.

Also I do not regard the NYT as gospel. All your doing is making generalizations that aren't true. You cannot "prove" a generalization. Keep it up.
galenrox said:
That's a mighty long post, and I don't intend to read it all, because what I read was similar to watching a dog hump a leg, funny, but pointless.

And you know that the filibuster was co-led by the republican senator from Idaho, right?

So you're idea for election time is to change from a logical human being into a flaming retard? If others follow suit, christmas came early for us too!

Fifty-three senators, including two Democrats, initially voted to end the filibuster, seven shy of the required number. Majority Leader Bill Frist (R-Tenn.) switched his vote from yes to no at the last minute, a parliamentary move allowing him to seek another roll call later. The official tally was 52 to 47 in favor of ending debate.

The senate consitsts of 55 reps 44 Dems and 1 independent one Dem voted to end the fillibuster 4 Reps voted to keep it they are: Chuck Hagel (Neb.), Lisa Murkowski (Alaska), John E. Sununu (N.H.) and Larry E. Craig (Idaho) every single Dem voted to keep it except two it seems like a pretty partisan issue to me.

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galenrox said:
Dude, seriously, stop!!! I don't know what exactly crawled up your ass and ate the majority of your brain stem before it died, but it's time to cut it out.

You're turning into Navy Pride. You take every insult as an attack from the left, as opposed to seeing it for what it is, an attack from people who know you, and know you're being an idiot. I'm not calling you a moron on behalf of the left, I am calling you a moron on behalf of myself personally, because you used to be smart, and now you're posts carry the intellectual weight of a retarded kid trying to figure out why he can't walk through a glass pane.

I know you're sick of being schooled by Kelzie, but do you really want to become the next Skilmatic? Getting schooled repeatedly by teacher and myself as you cry and masturbate asking God why Kelzie doesn't love you? Trust me, if you keep going in this direction, your time here is just gonna get worse and worse.

praise from Caesar :lol:
Trajan Octavian Titus said:
I have not made one baseless accusation yet I have backed everything I've stated with evidence it aint my fault if you don't want to hear the truth.

Rumors of your fact checking are greatly exaggerated. :mrgreen:
Like the moonie post today?
galenrox said:
Dude, seriously, stop!!! I don't know what exactly crawled up your ass and ate the majority of your brain stem before it died, but it's time to cut it out.

You're turning into Navy Pride. You take every insult as an attack from the left, as opposed to seeing it for what it is, an attack from people who know you, and know you're being an idiot. I'm not calling you a moron on behalf of the left, I am calling you a moron on behalf of myself personally, because you used to be smart, and now you're posts carry the intellectual weight of a retarded kid trying to figure out why he can't walk through a glass pane.

I know you're sick of being schooled by Kelzie, but do you really want to become the next Skilmatic? Getting schooled repeatedly by teacher and myself as you cry and masturbate asking God why Kelzie doesn't love you? Trust me, if you keep going in this direction, your time here is just gonna get worse and worse.

:rofl Ah poor Skil. Who am I going to pick on now? Oh that's right. Trajan's shaping up to be an even bigger punk....With less debating skills. Not that that's saying a lot.
hipsterdufus said:
Rumors of your fact checking are greatly exaggerated. :mrgreen:
Like the moonie post today?

WTF is a moonie post? Show me one post where I made a serious accusation against the libs without supplementing it with factual evidence? And I do mean serious if I did then I will prove it immediately.

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