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Tracing Trump’s Postal Service obsession — from ‘loser’ to ‘scam’ to ‘rigged election’ (1 Viewer)


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Dec 3, 2017
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Soon after taking office in 2017, President Trump seized on the U.S. Postal Service as an emblem of the bloated bureaucracy. “A loser,” he repeatedly labeled one of America’s most beloved public institutions, according to aides who discussed the matter with him.

Allies coddled Trump by telling him the reason he lost the popular vote to Hillary Clinton in 2016 was widespread mail-in balloting fraud — a conspiracy theory for which there is no evidence — and the president’s postal outrage coarsened further.

Then Trump complained to senior White House advisers that Jeff Bezos — a presidential foe in part because he owns The Washington Post, whose news coverage the president thought was unfair and too tough on him — was “getting rich” because Amazon had been “ripping off” the Postal Service with a “sweetheart deal” to ship millions of its packages, one of them recalled. They explained that this was not true and that the Postal Service actually benefited from Amazon’s business, the adviser added, but the president railed for months about what he described as a “scam.”
Trump's fixation with the USPS. From discarding million $ sorting machines to removing curbside drop boxes - Trump looks like he's all in on crippling the USPS.
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Soon after taking office in 2017, President Trump seized on the U.S. Postal Service as an emblem of the bloated bureaucracy. “A loser,” he repeatedly labeled one of America’s most beloved public institutions, according to aides who discussed the matter with him.

Allies coddled Trump by telling him the reason he lost the popular vote to Hillary Clinton in 2016 was widespread mail-in balloting fraud — a conspiracy theory for which there is no evidence — and the president’s postal outrage coarsened further.

Then Trump complained to senior White House advisers that Jeff Bezos — a presidential foe in part because he owns The Washington Post, whose news coverage the president thought was unfair and too tough on him — was “getting rich” because Amazon had been “ripping off” the Postal Service with a “sweetheart deal” to ship millions of its packages, one of them recalled. They explained that this was not true and that the Postal Service actually benefited from Amazon’s business, the adviser added, but the president railed for months about what he described as a “scam.”
Trump's fixation with the USPS. From discarding million $ sorting machines to removing curbside drop boxes - Trump looks like he's all in on crippling the USPS.

Trump is truly a sick man.
Let us know when the USPS doesn't get your credit card bills to you in time to pay them.
maybe Trump feels that since he's had to use FEDERAL Bankruptcy Protection (and US Banks won't lend him enough to buy a pillow) that other people need to go bankrupt too.

Soon after taking office in 2017, President Trump seized on the U.S. Postal Service as an emblem of the bloated bureaucracy. “A loser,” he repeatedly labeled one of America’s most beloved public institutions, according to aides who discussed the matter with him.

Allies coddled Trump by telling him the reason he lost the popular vote to Hillary Clinton in 2016 was widespread mail-in balloting fraud — a conspiracy theory for which there is no evidence — and the president’s postal outrage coarsened further.

Then Trump complained to senior White House advisers that Jeff Bezos — a presidential foe in part because he owns The Washington Post, whose news coverage the president thought was unfair and too tough on him — was “getting rich” because Amazon had been “ripping off” the Postal Service with a “sweetheart deal” to ship millions of its packages, one of them recalled. They explained that this was not true and that the Postal Service actually benefited from Amazon’s business, the adviser added, but the president railed for months about what he described as a “scam.”
Trump's fixation with the USPS. From discarding million $ sorting machines to removing curbside drop boxes - Trump looks like he's all in on crippling the USPS.

Back in the pre Pelosi days, the House and the Prez would be working this out already. It’s obvious to both parties and the Prez that the post office needs attention.

The compromise seems to lie in some way to screen out the dead and the moved so those ballots don’t get sent at all. Elected officials are really lazy when they are winning.
Back in the pre Pelosi days, the House and the Prez would be working this out already. It’s obvious to both parties and the Prez that the post office needs attention.

The compromise seems to lie in some way to screen out the dead and the moved so those ballots don’t get sent at all. Elected officials are really lazy when they are winning.

It's impossible to compromise with a group of people who do not believe you even have the right to vote.

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