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"Too often we judge other groups by their worst examples ... (1 Viewer)

... while judging ourselves by our best intentions."

-- George W. Bush

Read George W. Bush's Speech on the Dallas Shooting

Best, IMHO, speech that former president Bush has ever delivered.

Good post.

We all have a set of prejudices that we carry around with us.

I certainly have my own prejudices with certain groups that stem from a lifelong experiences, and interactions.
It's a story as old as mankind itself. Arbitrarily defined group A demonizes arbitrarily defined group B for the actions of cherry-picked members of group B, at which point random members of group A demand that all members of group B be punished or deprived of some kind of rights. Members of group B then retaliate by demonizing group A and a completely pointless wedge is driven between the two groups and the cycle continues.

For ****s sake people, can we finally just hold individuals responsible for their actions instead of continuing to play this dumbass game?
... while judging ourselves by our best intentions."

-- George W. Bush

Read George W. Bush's Speech on the Dallas Shooting

Best, IMHO, speech that former president Bush has ever delivered.

its a problem that unfortunately will always exist with some. Its a natural reaction from biased and or bigoted people.

anyway with that said, the statement is spot on and many people would benefit from waking up from that cloud they live in, unfortunately only a smal minorty of people wired that way change
President Bush II was and still is truly a compassionate conservative. It's a shame politics and world events warped that perspective of him and for him.

I never found him to be malicious in intent. I think he was just inept.
I never found him to be malicious in intent. I think he was just inept.

In the long scheme of things this is minor. But for some reason George has got those dancing feet anytime he hears music. It is kind of comical although sometimes embarrassing for his family .

I never found him to be malicious in intent. I think he was just inept.

Hard to call him inept when, particularly compared to the current resident of the Oval Office, President Bush II got a ton of programs and legislation through Congress, particularly in his first term. He wasn't so successful on SS reform and immigration, but those weren't his fault, at least in my view. Sometimes a country isn't up to the same speed as their leaders.

When people say things like "inept" when it comes to President Bush, they invariably are referring to Iraq. Sure, mistakes were made, but not necessarily by Bush himself. I will always hold that Iraq was lost when Bremner disbanded the Iraqi military and scattered them to the wind with lots of weapons and no jobs or clear future in sight. And he did nothing to stop the looting of Iraqi treasures. The US had won the war and was, indeed, welcomed as liberators by the vast majority of Iraqi's when Saddam fell - people forget that in the aftermath..

In any event, that's all yesterday's news.

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