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Tony Blair; If Syria get out of (1 Viewer)


Jan 14, 2005
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Political Leaning
Hey Tony Blair ; To the Iris people you are A terrorist you are strongly supporting the with draw of Syria from Lebanon because they are a foreign force in a foreign and i.e Terrorists then you should get the British out of Ireland and allow the Irish to govern then selfs

Tony Blair is an Irish terrorist and NO I'm not Irish

Freedom69 said:
Hey Tony Blair ; To the Iris people you are A terrorist you are strongly supporting the with draw of Syria from Lebanon because they are a foreign force in a foreign and i.e Terrorists then you should get the British out of Ireland and allow the Irish to govern then selfs

Tony Blair is an Irish terrorist and NO I'm not Irish


Please Freedom don't state something you apprantly know nothing about. I grew up and live in Belfast, Ireland or Northern Ireland. The British Government are not terrorists - the IRA and loyalist gangs are, and are working with the Irish government to install a government in Belfast that the people of Northern Ireland (Irish and British settlers) can govern themselves.

Most Irish Americans don't have a clue about the real Northern Ireland. If you think the British Government are terrorizing the people of Northern Ireland nowadays, your a grossily mistaken.

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