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Tom Noe - The Tom Delay Mini Me (1 Viewer)


Slayer of the DP Newsbot
DP Veteran
Aug 27, 2005
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Houston, TX
Political Leaning
Tom Noe of Ohio is not only being investigated by the Attorney General of Ohio, but also by a grand jury in Toledo, for a number of felonies, including theft from the state's coin fund, money laundering, and using government money to fund Republican candidates in the last election.

According to sources, indictments against Noe and others are expected sometime early next year.

And the investigations and indictments of key regional and national GOP figures keep coming and coming and coming.....................

Article is here.
Republican George Ryan of IL is still in deep on a number of charges.
least of which is eltronic voting staion scam conspiracy !
Doesn't he also have the lowest approval rating in the country? I am sure that he is doing a decent job at governing, but that rating does lower his ability to govern, at least in my opinion. Oh well, my governator has the second lowest and a recall effort was just started. All I have to say to that is that is about time becauswe he has been doing a really horrible job especially on education.
ShamMol said:
Doesn't he also have the lowest approval rating in the country? I am sure that he is doing a decent job at governing, but that rating does lower his ability to govern, at least in my opinion. Oh well, my governator has the second lowest and a recall effort was just started. All I have to say to that is that is about time becauswe he has been doing a really horrible job especially on education.

Cant believe you Californians are recalling Arnie. From what I hear about him, he is more Liberal than many Democrats. The GOP could have picked someone compatible with their ideology in Tom McClintock, but didnt. I wonder why? Could it be that Republicans are not Conservative, as they have the unmitigated audacity to claim?

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