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Tom Homan’s Message to Illegals and the Cartel (1 Viewer)

Yes, this one:

Isn't the topic the Southern US border and the detention of migrants at that border?

How is that wild?

Homan, the subject of this thread, wants to force citizens to leave if they want to stay with their parents who are deported.

Do you oppose this?
There are literally hundreds of American liberal judges and lawyers "standing by" waiting on orders from the Democrat party to shut down Homan's activities.

The Republicans have a long way to go before they catch up to the lawfare tactics of the left.
But once Trump labels them a terrorist organization we can go after then no matter where they hide or what the host country approves or not.

Drone the crap out of them and kill them all.
Tom Clancy fantasy in Amerika.
How is that wild?
It appears to be an extreme claim / assertion, and one which you've not supported, so it appears to be your usual poo flinging.

Homan, the subject of this thread, wants to force citizens to leave if they want to stay with their parents who are deported.
Along with your usual poo flinging, I suspect that this a contortion or distortion of what was actually said.

Do you oppose this?
Let's take care of the above 2 things before we get to that.
force citizens to leave if they want to stay with their parents who are deported.
your thought doesn't make any sense. ^^^^^^^

If they want to stay with their parents how does Homan force them to do what they want to do anyway?
There are literally hundreds of American liberal judges and lawyers "standing by" waiting on orders from the Democrat party to shut down Homan's activities.

The Republicans have a long way to go before they catch up to the lawfare tactics of the left.

If you said lawfare then you can tell me which charge against trump in the federal cases are not supported by the evidence. Otherwise it's the prosecution of crime, and that's not lawfare.
Do you think LE should be empowered to carry out drone strikes on cartels on US soil?
Like I’ve said. Our Law Enforcement is capable of dealing with terrorist like the cartel within our borders.

Buckle up

It starts today.

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