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Tom Homan’s Message to Illegals and the Cartel (1 Viewer)

Yes, the days of "dereliction of duty" on our border is over. Homan's a Pitbull unapologetic in defending or border and enforcing our laws.
Tom Homan has been traveling with Dr Phil. Homan like his title means very little.
This is music to every true Americans ears.

Someone just got put on notice.

Hes very exciting compared to the banal Adolph Eichmann, who was responsible for transferring all the Jews out of Germany.

However, as with the Jews, deporting immigrants is a pointless waste of time and money.
If Biden wanted to do this - you would support it.

You don't like it because it is Trump.

This is something that should have happened 20 years ago when the cartel was half the size they are now.

We've been trying to covertly go after the cartels for decades.
I would have absolutely zero problems with gaining intelligence on numerous locations, then bombing the dogshit out of those locations.

What would these "locations" hold?
There are only 2 options - which do you like better?
Option 1 - continue to do nothing and let 100,000s of people die every year from their drugs in America, many are teens.

Maybe America should figure out why there is a drug problem.
Option 2 - Wipe out the cartel, secure the border and send a loud and clear message to any large scale drug pushers.
Hahahaha...there are cartels all over Central and South America, good luck "wiping them out". What a nonsensical fantasy.
Trump's chance of doing anything to any cartels:

Homan is requesting $89 Billion. Are you prepared to fund that?

He also wants to bring back family detention.
Hes very exciting compared to the banal Adolph Eichmann, who was responsible for transferring all the Jews out of Germany.

However, as with the Jews, deporting immigrants is a pointless waste of time and money.
Soooo, you support Israel?
But once Trump labels them a terrorist organization we can go after then no matter where they hide or what the host country approves or not.

Drone the crap out of them and kill them all.

You really think it's that easy?

I'm not saying it's not the right thing to do but I think you are really underestimating how costly and bloody the battles will be.
You really think it's that easy?

I'm not saying it's not the right thing to do but I think you are really underestimating how costly and bloody the battles will be.
Bloody for the keystone cop cartel. They are bush league and a couple of JDAMS etc will have them running like cockroaches.
The cartel cross our border at will. But so what?

Like the Taliban and ISIS label them as a terrorist org then we can Obama drone the daylights out of them.

Just like Israel is doing to Hamas

Not really. Hamas isn't exactly established in Israel the same way the cartels have infiltrated the US. Would you be willing to drone strike Montana? How far into this do you really want to go?
It wouldn't be an invasion if the Mexican government invites the US military in, possibly join operations, which would appear to be most effective, provided operational security is at it's highest levels, which it would need to be.
You think Mexican government would invite in US military?

Do you not know how the Mexican government operates?
Bloody for the keystone cop cartel. They are bush league and a couple of JDAMS etc will have them running like cockroaches.

The cartel and their armies running like cockroaches? Lol you really do understate them and that's not the way to win. We owe billions to China, they have billions in cash.

Again, I am not saying it's right to keep ignoring them but we have got to be realistic it has grown into a major issue and not dream that some drone strikes will just end it all and they will run without a fight. Trump would have to launch a major war effort. You down with that?
Your not very good at this.

Read a book
“Read a book” says the MSAGAts who want to ban books.

What books have you read that describe how Mexican cartels operate?
Don't break it down so easy for him. Debate requires a little bit of thinking on the others part. :ROFLMAO:
“Thinking” says the MSAGAts who who posts shit from ZeroThought 🤣🤣🤣🤣
You think Mexican government would invite in US military?

Do you not know how the Mexican government operates?
US and Mexico have a history of join operations and exercises.

Well, this would keep families together, rather than getting split up.

So you're OK with fellow citizens being forced out of the country if they want to keep their family together?
So you're OK with fellow citizens being forced out of the country if they want to keep their family together?
I was more thinking of a migrant family unit being detained together and being kept together, rather than splitting them up in different detention centers.
That said, seems like you are way off on the fringes somewhere.
I was more thinking of a migrant family unit being detained together and being kept together, rather than splitting them up in different detention centers.
That said, seems like you are way off on the fringes somewhere.

Oh, you're OK with American citizens in detention centers. There is certainly a precedent for that idea.

You have yet to substantiate your wild assertions, nor the frequency with which you believe they occur.

This an unrelated diversion.

What wild assertion?

How is it unrelated?
Bloody for the keystone cop cartel. They are bush league and a couple of JDAMS etc will have them running like cockroaches.
The problem is and always was that when you take out one leader, there are 25 lower-level soldiers ready and willing to take his spot.

When we finally arrested El-Chapo, or Pablo Escobar, how much reduction in drug activity across the border and in America did we see?

The problem isn't the cartels, but the insatiable hunger for the drugs in America. The problem is here, at home. If we take out the Mexican Fentanyl suppliers, don't think China won't find a new way to get their Fentanyl (and other drugs) into America.

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