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Tom Homan’s Message to Illegals and the Cartel (1 Viewer)

My message to Trump supporters: “you better start packing now, we are sending you back to Russia”. Both my message and his carry about the same weight.
How do I go back to a place I've never been?

Also could you imagine 75 million gun toten Americans in Russia country would probably be more prosperous than any other.

If we go to Russian it'll include most of the military so we'll just take the US back from you. It'll be easy we just use the wrong pronouns and you all fall on the ground crying.
Would you support drone striking cartel activities on US soil?
What do you mean by drums striking? I'm dropping bombs no. Firing guns at them for sure.

I was put down the strikes in other countries and if it's an act of war and then you're supporting a terrorist organization and we're at war with you.
What do you mean by drums striking? I'm dropping bombs no. Firing guns at them for sure.

I was put down the strikes in other countries and if it's an act of war and then you're supporting a terrorist organization and we're at war with you.

Go shoot everyone that's ever bought drugs then. They're supporting terrorist organisations
So if you purchase something imported from China and it was created by slave labor you should be punished?

Unironically yes. Although the US has more slave labour than China does. That aside, the US policy in the War on Terror was to bomb anyone tangentially linked to their targets. Why not use the same policy inside the US? I for one can't wait for a wedding in Ohio to be bombed because one of the guests rocked up with a couple of grams of Mexico's finest.
Unironically yes.
So you better not own anything yet or you should demand to be put in jail because just about everything you own as Chinese components made in Chinese sweatshops
Although the US has more slave labour than China does. That aside, the US policy in the War on Terror was to bomb anyone tangentially linked to their targets.
War on terror was first a dumb concept second and absolute fiasco, third over.

So I'm not sure why you would reference that.
Why not use the same policy inside the US?
It's a stupid policy.
I for one can't wait for a wedding in Ohio to be bombed because one of the guests rocked up with a couple of grams of Mexico's finest.
That's strange. I'm not sure I'd talk about this publicly.
This is music to every true Americans ears.

Someone just got put on notice.


Trumps gonna send troops to Mexico to get the cartels? Is Mexico okay with this invasion?

Notice the “true American” tossed in there.
Is this how MSAGAts pretend they are more patriotic than others because they want to rid the US of brown people?
Nope. We can't invade a sovereign country to go after "terrorists". That proposed bill would only allow Treasury to block some financial transactions that occur in the US.

You should research these things before presenting them.
um... we have done it throughout the Middle East for the past 20 years, and just did it in Syria a couple weeks ago.
Please show us in that proposed bill where the US will be allowed to "drone the crap out of them".

Hint: it's not in there.
MSAGAts are fully erect at the thought of killing brown people.

Trumps gonna send troops to Mexico to get the cartels? Is Mexico okay with this invasion?

Notice the “true American” tossed in there.
Is this how MSAGAts pretend they are more patriotic than others because they want to rid the US of brown people?
No boots on ground.

Ever heard of drones?
No boots on ground.

Ever heard of drones?
You don’t think these Cartels also have drones and other ways of defending themselves? You think these guys walk around in the open? 🤣🤣🤣

This isn’t a Western where John Wayne walks into a bar and shoots the bad guys, who are all wearing eye patches.
But once Trump labels them a terrorist organization we can go after then no matter where they hide or what the host country approves or not.

Drone the crap out of them and kill them all.
I think you forgetting the part about the Mexican government being in the pocket of the cartels. A very large portion of Mexican LE is corrupt. You're talking about starting a war with our southern neighbor.
I think you forgetting the part about the Mexican government being in the pocket of the cartels. A very large portion of Mexican LE is corrupt. You're talking about starting a war with our southern neighbor.
I’ve said it a million times - MSAGAts think killing cartels are so easy. Like these guys (especially the higher ups) walk on the streeet wearing hats that say “Mexican Cartel” on them 🤣🤣
um... we have done it throughout the Middle East for the past 20 years, and just did it in Syria a couple weeks ago.
And? Mexico is not the Middle East. The US is in armed conflict with several groups. We are not in said conflict with cartels. Even if Trump tries to call them a terrorist group, Mexico is not going to stand by and allow the US to carry out military missions in their country.
You don’t think these Cartels also have drones and other ways of defending themselves? You think these guys walk around in the open? 🤣🤣🤣

This isn’t a Western where John Wayne walks into a bar and shoots the bad guys, who are all wearing eye patches.
Your not very good at this.

Read a book

Trumps gonna send troops to Mexico to get the cartels? Is Mexico okay with this invasion?
It wouldn't be an invasion if the Mexican government invites the US military in, possibly join operations, which would appear to be most effective, provided operational security is at it's highest levels, which it would need to be.

Notice the “true American” tossed in there.
Is this how MSAGAts pretend they are more patriotic than others because they want to rid the US of brown people?
And? Mexico is not the Middle East. The US is in armed conflict with several groups. We are not in said conflict with cartels. Even if Trump tries to call them a terrorist group, Mexico is not going to stand by and allow the US to carry out military missions in their country.
If Biden wanted to do this - you would support it.
You don't like it because it is Trump.
This is something that should have happened 20 years ago when the cartel was half the size they are now.
I would have absolutely zero problems with gaining intelligence on numerous locations, then bombing the dogshit out of those locations.
There are only 2 options - which do you like better?
Option 1 - continue to do nothing and let 100,000s of people die every year from their drugs in America, many are teens.
Option 2 - Wipe out the cartel, secure the border and send a loud and clear message to any large scale drug pushers.
It wouldn't be an invasion if the Mexican government invites the US military in, possibly join operations, which would appear to be most effective, provided operational security is at it's highest levels, which it would need to be.
Don't break it down so easy for him. Debate requires a little bit of thinking on the others part. :ROFLMAO:

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