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Tom Homan’s Message to Illegals and the Cartel (1 Viewer)


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DP Veteran
Sep 12, 2019
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This is music to every true Americans ears.

Someone just got put on notice.

Trump's chance of doing anything to any cartels:

I am sure the cartels are just shaking in their boots. Not that I don't agree with targeting them. It's just that Trump is typically all hat and very few cattle. On the other hand, the defenceless migrants will probably be at least a little concerned.
This is music to every true Americans ears.

Someone just got put on notice.

My message to Trump supporters: “you better start packing now, we are sending you back to Russia”. Both my message and his carry about the same weight.
There are literally hundreds of American liberal judges and lawyers "standing by" waiting on orders from the Democrat party to shut down Homan's activities.

The Republicans have a long way to go before they catch up to the lawfare tactics of the left.
This is music to every true Americans ears.

Someone just got put on notice.

Yes, the days of "dereliction of duty" on our border is over. Homan's a Pitbull unapologetic in defending or border and enforcing our laws.
My message to Trump supporters: “you better start packing now, we are sending you back to Russia”. Both my message and his carry about the same weight.
Oh look..

A funny

They don't operate on US soil.
The cartel cross our border at will. But so what?

Like the Taliban and ISIS label them as a terrorist org then we can Obama drone the daylights out of them.

Just like Israel is doing to Hamas
The cartel cross our border at will. But so what?
Generally they send lower level people across the border, the people that run the cartels don't generally come to America often.

The biggest problems you have with the cartels is getting to their operations in other countries. You have to work with those countries governments and have them let you fight the cartels, then like terrorist organizations if you actually manage to kill a leader you have to then find the next leader.

I think Trump might have some success, but not enough to make a difference.
Like the Taliban and ISIS label them as a terrorist org then we can Obama drone the daylights out of them.

Just like Israel is doing to Hamas
The cartel cross our border at will. But so what?

Like the Taliban and ISIS label them as a terrorist org then we can Obama drone the daylights out of them.

Just like Israel is doing to Hamas
If they cross over on US soil and are caught, then those can face consequences. But that will be a miniscule part of the cartels. Those people are expendable.
If they cross over on US soil and are caught, then those can face consequences. But that will be a miniscule part of the cartels. Those people are expendable.
But once Trump labels them a terrorist organization we can go after then no matter where they hide or what the host country approves or not.

Drone the crap out of them and kill them all.
But once Trump labels them a terrorist organization we can go after then no matter where they hide or what the host country approves or not.

Drone the crap out of them and kill them all.
This is false. Why do you believe lies?
But once Trump labels them a terrorist organization we can go after then no matter where they hide or what the host country approves or not.
No they can't, that would be an invasion of that country. The host country has to approve or it is an act of war.
Drone the crap out of them and kill them all.
Yes, this would be great, with approval of the host country.
This is music to every true Americans ears.

Someone just got put on notice.

On Sunday, when we go to church, we are all praying to the same God.
Something to think about while pointing fingers.

S.698 - Drug Cartel Terrorist Designation Act will fix that. :ROFLMAO:

Nope. We can't invade a sovereign country to go after "terrorists". That proposed bill would only allow Treasury to block some financial transactions that occur in the US.

You should research these things before presenting them.
Nope. We can't invade a sovereign country to go after "terrorists". That proposed bill would only allow Treasury to block some financial transactions that occur in the US.

You should research these things before presenting them.
Nope. You should research things before looking so foolish in your uneducated responses.

We will drone the crap out of them like we do ISIS and the Taliban.

Why do you support the cartels?

I'm embarrassed for you.
Nope. You should research things before looking so foolish in your uneducated responses.

We will drone the crap out of them like we do ISIS and the Taliban.

Why do you support the cartels?

I'm embarrassed for you.
Please show us in that proposed bill where the US will be allowed to "drone the crap out of them".

Hint: it's not in there.
Nope. We can't invade a sovereign country to go after "terrorists". That proposed bill would only allow Treasury to block some financial transactions that occur in the US.

You should research these things before presenting them.

Trump Announces Anti-Drug Ad Blitz, Vows To Designate Mexican Cartels As Terrorists​

I am sure the cartels are just shaking in their boots. Not that I don't agree with targeting them. It's just that Trump is typically all hat and very few cattle. On the other hand, the defenceless migrants will probably be at least a little concerned.
Good maybe they'll stay out of our country. Or at least try to enter it properly.

I don't know why so many people are so in favor of human trafficking it's really rather strange.

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