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Tom Cotton hits a new low, even for R's (not an easy task) (1 Viewer)

These guys are just a bunch of bullies and jerks- truly unsavory characters.

Trumpsters here will tell us that Democrats play dirty too. Both sides do it. How? Because they’re investigating an insurrection by the president of the United States. You don’t want them to act like a bunch of bullies and jerks? Stop investigating the insurrection and just let it slide. It was just a kegger.
John Adams (our second president) is lauded for defending the British soldiers involved in the Boston Massacre. A case he won. That's when Americans were capable of looking beyond partisanship. Now we have idiots like Tom Cotton. Heaven help us.
Who elects these maggots?

I used to just roll my eyes when I heard some African Americans say that they won't go into this state or that state. Specifically I recall one co-worker of mine telling me that she would plan her stops leaving Houston to go to suburban Washington DC (Sprinfield VA I think it was ). She would only stop in New Orleans, Mobile, Pensacola, Atlanta, Roanoke. I sort of dismissed it. She stated that she was truly scared of stopping in a small town on the freeway to use the restroom or get gasoline.

The Trump era has pulled back the veneer of the nation and exposed some harsh truths.
John Adams (our second president) is lauded for defending the British soldiers involved in the Boston Massacre. A case he won. That's when Americans were capable of looking beyond partisanship. Now we have idiots like Tom Cotton. Heaven help us.
John Adams might have defended Nazis at the Nuremberg trials. You know what? Because we decided not to just shoot the prisoners (as Churchill wanted IIRC) and give them fair trials, they deserved lawyers, and those lawyers should be praised, not punished, for performing that duty. If the lawyers on the other hand supported crimes or did other wrongs, that could be condemned. Cotton of course is corrupt and despicable.
Sounds awful. Any context to the comment?
He thinks she is too "soft on crime." And for some reason, he decided going Godwin was a way to support this stance.
Yes, the Senator should have kept his mouth shut.

In fact, all GOP Senators should have said nothing.

They should either vote YES on the lady's nomination or NO.

Silence is the best policy if they wish to show their disapproval of her nomination and confirmation.

The nation is a-changing, so they should concentrate their energies on those battles that they have a chance of winning.
Yes, the Senator should have kept his mouth shut.

In fact, all GOP Senators should have said nothing.

They should either vote YES on the lady's nomination or NO.

Silence is the best policy if they wish to show their disapproval of her nomination and confirmation.

The nation is a-changing, so they should concentrate their energies on those battles that they have a chance of winning.
When has that ever happened for a Supreme Court nominee? Politicians aren’t going to keep their mouths shut for such a high visibility position, it’s not in their nature to do so.
I used to just roll my eyes when I heard some African Americans say that they won't go into this state or that state. Specifically I recall one co-worker of mine telling me that she would plan her stops leaving Houston to go to suburban Washington DC (Sprinfield VA I think it was ). She would only stop in New Orleans, Mobile, Pensacola, Atlanta, Roanoke. I sort of dismissed it. She stated that she was truly scared of stopping in a small town on the freeway to use the restroom or get gasoline.

The Trump era has pulled back the veneer of the nation and exposed some harsh truths.
Yes, the Senator should have kept his mouth shut.

In fact, all GOP Senators should have said nothing.

They should either vote YES on the lady's nomination or NO.

Silence is the best policy if they wish to show their disapproval of her nomination and confirmation.

The nation is a-changing, so they should concentrate their energies on those battles that they have a chance of winning.
They could choose to talk and be smart.
Yes, the Senator should have kept his mouth shut.

In fact, all GOP Senators should have said nothing.

They should either vote YES on the lady's nomination or NO.

Silence is the best policy if they wish to show their disapproval of her nomination and confirmation.

The nation is a-changing, so they should concentrate their energies on those battles that they have a chance of winning.
Comments like that are only ginning up the base they already have. They are not expanding their support with all this vitriol. Not sure what he expected to accomplish with that kind of statement. Other than to prove what a jerk he is.
I used to just roll my eyes when I heard some African Americans say that they won't go into this state or that state. Specifically I recall one co-worker of mine telling me that she would plan her stops leaving Houston to go to suburban Washington DC (Sprinfield VA I think it was ). She would only stop in New Orleans, Mobile, Pensacola, Atlanta, Roanoke. I sort of dismissed it. She stated that she was truly scared of stopping in a small town on the freeway to use the restroom or get gasoline.

The Trump era has pulled back the veneer of the nation and exposed some harsh truths.
If you care to watch 'the green book'. It's about places blacks could stop in their travels and feel safe back in the sixties I think it was? Interesting movie.
Comments like that are only ginning up the base they already have. They are not expanding their support with all this vitriol. Not sure what he expected to accomplish with that kind of statement. Other than to prove what a jerk he is.
And the vitriol being directed at Cotton for his dumb comment is doing exactly the same thing on the other side.
If you care to watch 'the green book'. It's about places blacks could stop in their travels and feel safe back in the sixties I think it was? Interesting movie.
Watched it more than once. What a great movie.
And the vitriol being directed at Cotton for his dumb comment is doing exactly the same thing on the other side.
I don't agree with that. What he said was wrong and can't just be ignored.
John Adams (our second president) is lauded for defending the British soldiers involved in the Boston Massacre. A case he won. That's when Americans were capable of looking beyond partisanship. Now we have idiots like Tom Cotton. Heaven help us.

Actually, politics has always been dirty, always partisan, and John Adams was among the dirtiest and most partisan. Whether America would survive as a democracy or descend into something else was very much an open question throughout much of the late 18th and well into the 19th Centuries.

The mid-late 20th Century was in some senses, democracy at its best. You had two mainstream parties that legitimately competed in the marketplace for ideas, with one party advocating a greater role of government in our lives and the other advocating a lesser role. Although politics never stopped being dirty, both parties generally accepted the legitimacy of the other and accepted political outcomes.

Unfortunately, over the last 20 years or so, we've begun to backslide, and Tom Cotton is evidence that this backslide is accelerating into open advocacy for an illiberal version of democracy. Competition in the market place of ideas is replaced with competition purely for naked power - the power to dictate how the others shall live under their misrule.
Public defenders cannot choose their clients and the clients have no say in who they get to defend them.
Some elected officials have figured out that splenetic rhetoric gets rewarded in votes as well as campaign donations.

The constituents are the greater problem than the reps….

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