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To vauge....tell us about the upgrades! (1 Viewer)

I don't want Vauge to feel responsible, I was angry when I realized this had happened, but I should have been more honest with my wife, this actually helped. That said, someone who is on as much as I am, obviously does not need to be reminded of threads that have changed, as I'm glued to this damn box most times.;)

Now if you'll excuse me, I have some unfinished business to take care of, wish me luck.:3oops: :lol:
Deegan said:
I don't want Vauge to feel responsible, I was angry when I realized this had happened, but I should have been more honest with my wife, this actually helped. That said, someone who is on as much as I am, obviously does not need to be reminded of threads that have changed, as I'm glued to this damn box most times.;)

Now if you'll excuse me, I have some unfinished business to take care of, wish me luck.:3oops: :lol:

Let me talk to her. I'll put in a good word for you.
aps said:
Let me talk to her. I'll put in a good word for you.

Thanks aps, but somehow.................I think that may backfire, lol. My wife is a very careful about who I talk with, and she is very uneasy about forums period. I had an instance where a girl from another forum, who discovered we lived close by, asked for a lunch date!:shock:

I have yet to hear the end of that one, and I would certainly have not done that, as it would be very inappropriate, but still, she found out about in this same way. But thanks again for your kind words, I'm sure we will get through this, I should have been more honest, that is what I have learned from this, and the sex has been great lately, so go figure.;)
Deegan said:
Thanks aps, but somehow.................I think that may backfire, lol. My wife is a very careful about who I talk with, and she is very uneasy about forums period. I had an instance where a girl from another forum, who discovered we lived close by, asked for a lunch date!:shock:

I have yet to hear the end of that one, and I would certainly have not done that, as it would be very inappropriate, but still, she found out about in this same way. But thanks again for your kind words, I'm sure we will get through this, I should have been more honest, that is what I have learned from this, and the sex has been great lately, so go figure.;)

Your wife sounds like my husband. He is also uneasy about my posting here. I hear what you're saying. It's times like these that make a relationship stronger. I think you all will be fine.

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