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To vauge....tell us about the upgrades! (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Sep 25, 2005
Reaction score
Political Leaning
What improvements will be coming with this server upgrade? Tell us!
Right now, we are running on a Celeron 1.7 with 1Gig memory.
We are moving to a Pentium 4 2.6Gig with 1Gig memory.

We should notice a significant speed increase. *crossed fingers*

This should allow us to turn back on some of those small things we have had to disable recently.


Quote from the ticket: "Downtime will be about 1 hour and they will update this ticket when it is completed."
I've wondered why when I click on "new posts" the "new posts" don't always appear to be "new posts"?

Looking forward to faster response. My puter is slow enuff as it is....

Have a good weekend everybody!
Upgrade complete.

Email Subscription instant notification turned *BACK ON*.

Users viewing threads - turned back on.

Let me know if you have any errors or find anything out of wack.

This server is fast! Woohoo!
Hey, how come, all of a sudden, when I post, I am immediately "subscribed" to the thread and now I am getting emails in my box when people respond or post on that thread? It never was like that before. It is clogging up my email box.

Do I need to do something from my end?

Also, can anyone answer the question in my post above? #3
Captain America said:
Hey, how come, all of a sudden, when I post, I am immediately "subscribed" to the thread and now I am getting emails in my box when people respond or post on that thread? It never was like that before. It is clogging up my email box.

Do I need to do something from my end?

Also, can anyone answer the question in my post above? #3
Is the new posts not working?

To adjust email setting:
USER CP> Edit Options > Default Thread Subscription Mode
Change it to what you would like.

It was recently turned off for everyone due to slowing the server way down. It is now set back on the correct default (instant email notification) after the server upgrade.
vauge said:
Is the new posts not working?

To adjust email setting:
USER CP> Edit Options > Default Thread Subscription Mode
Change it to what you would like.

It was recently turned off for everyone due to slowing the server way down. It is now set back on the correct default (instant email notification) after the server upgrade.

Thanks, I was just going to ask how to turn that damn thing off, I had 50 odd e-mails this morning!:shock:
vauge said:
Is the new posts not working?

Not sure really. Whistlestopper is a forum much like this one in appearance. When I post there (shhhhh...I'm supposed to be banned from there:rofl ) I can click on "new posts" and my post is usually right there on top with any other "new posts"

I do that here and my post is no where to be found.

Myself, I use the "new post" icon a lot to stay current with real time posts.
Captain America said:
Not sure really. Whistlestopper is a forum much like this one in appearance. When I post there (shhhhh...I'm supposed to be banned from there:rofl ) I can click on "new posts" and my post is usually right there on top with any other "new posts"

I do that here and my post is no where to be found.

Myself, I use the "new post" icon a lot to stay current with real time posts.
WhistleStopper is running 3.0.6 - older version that utilizes cookies & session timers to find out if you have read a post or not. Everytime you login, you will see new posts - often you may have already read them. This is why topics fly by easier over there.

DP is runnin 3.5.3 (patched to .4) - we are using the database to determine if you have read a post or not. If you post it, you have read it. Here, it will stay emboldened until you read it or mark it as read. It makes for interesting topics to have quite a bit of replies.

You can "subscribe" to posts when you reply (additional options under the post box - Thread Subscription) - then go to your "subscribed threads" in your USER CP to find them quickly. Quite a few of our Veteran's use this as a feature to find their posts and see if anyone has responded. Another feature is the "self sticky" - click on thread options under a thread and you can create your own personal sticky. It will stay at the top for only you.

What do I want to have my option be if I do not want any e-mail notification?

"Do not subscribe"
"No e-mail notification"

I'm being overloaded with e-mails. :shock:
aps said:

What do I want to have my option be if I do not want any e-mail notification?

"Do not subscribe"
"No e-mail notification"

I'm being overloaded with e-mails. :shock:
"Do Not Subscribe";) Me too, I was like................:shock:
aps said:

What do I want to have my option be if I do not want any e-mail notification?

"Do not subscribe"
"No e-mail notification"

I'm being overloaded with e-mails. :shock:
"Do not subscribe", if you are not used to using the subscription features.

The reason this is active, is to help elliminate one hit wonders. If new user sees that a response has been made to his/her post, they will likely return. Without it, we will get much more folks that are only on for one evening.

I'm sorry this is screwing everyone up. :(
vauge said:
"Do not subscribe", if you are not used to using the subscription features.

The reason this is active, is to help elliminate one hit wonders. If new user sees that a response has been made to his/her post, they will likely return. Without it, we will get much more folks that are only on for one evening.

I'm sorry this is screwing everyone up. :(

I was obviously incorrect, because I'm still getting e-mails, must be "no e-mail notification" am I correst in assuming this is the correct option?:confused:
Deegan said:
I was obviously incorrect, because I'm still getting e-mails, must be "no e-mail notification" am I correst in assuming this is the correct option?:confused:
If you respond to a thread that is currently set up for email subscription you can turn it off by looking below the submit button for thread subscription during a reply. That should stop the emails. ;) Or, you can remove the email subscription from your USER CP > Subscriptions.

I also went ahead and created a global announcement for folks that might not make down here that may have questions about it on the homepage.
Deegan said:
I was obviously incorrect, because I'm still getting e-mails, must be "no e-mail notification" am I correst in assuming this is the correct option?:confused:

That's what I use, Deegan. When you use "Do not subscribe", it won't subscribe you to a thread automatically when you post to it.
We had to turn this off the other day because it was completely bogging down the old server.

Shuamort felt the pain within a few hours - he uses it extensively. I would not doubt he uses the folder options too. We can put our subscriptions into folders too. It can make them simple to find based on topic, mood, or whatever you want to classify them as.

It really is a sweet system, but it has a learning curve.
vauge said:
We had to turn this off the other day because it was completely bogging down the old server.

Shuamort felt the pain within a few hours - he uses it extensively. I would not doubt he uses the folder options too. We can put our subscriptions into folders too. It can make them simple to find based on topic, mood, or whatever you want to classify them as.

It really is a sweet system, but it has a learning curve.

I was going nuts the other night 'cause I noticed on the main page that some of the threads I subscribe to were being updated, but they weren't showing up in my User CP....even threads that I'd be subscribed to for a few days! Lucky for me Kelzie was online at the time and was able to help out.....:mrgreen:
vauge said:
If you respond to a thread that is currently set up for email subscription you can turn it off by looking below the submit button for thread subscription during a reply. That should stop the emails. ;) Or, you can remove the email subscription from your USER CP > Subscriptions.

I also went ahead and created a global announcement for folks that might not make down here that may have questions about it on the homepage.

vauge, am I doing something wrong? I have "do not subscribe" and yet I am still getting e-mails about responses to the threads I have posted in. :confused:
aps said:
vauge, am I doing something wrong? I have "do not subscribe" and yet I am still getting e-mails about responses to the threads I have posted in. :confused:
You should be setup right, but folks are still responding to the posts that were auto-subscribed.

I deleted all your subscriptions. Let me know if you still get emails.

If anyone else has this issue, let me know.
vauge said:
You should be setup right, but folks are still responding to the posts that were auto-subscribed.

I deleted all your subscriptions. Let me know if you still get emails.

If anyone else has this issue, let me know.

Thank you. :2bow:
I'm still getting them, I have it on "no e-mail response" Now my wife got the e-mail about our sex life, and me having a headache!:doh :shock:

Now I got another unwanted e-mail, this one is from my angry wife!:confused:
Deegan said:
I'm still getting them, I have it on "no e-mail response" Now my wife got the e-mail about our sex life, and me having a headache!:doh :shock:

Now I got another unwanted e-mail, this one is from my angry wife!:confused:

You may have to go into some threads and unsubscribe from them, and then resubscribe and select the no email option.
Deegan said:
I'm still getting them, I have it on "no e-mail response" Now my wife got the e-mail about our sex life, and me having a headache!:doh :shock:

Now I got another unwanted e-mail, this one is from my angry wife!:confused:

You will recieve no more emails. I deleted all your subscriptions.
Sorry about that.
vauge said:
You will recieve no more emails. I deleted all your subscriptions.
Sorry about that.

Thanks, that's what I get for getting too personal here, it was bound to happen. I share the e-mail account with my wife, as she uses it for her Ebay habit, it's not the first time I have gotten myself in trouble.:doh
Deegan said:
I'm still getting them, I have it on "no e-mail response" Now my wife got the e-mail about our sex life, and me having a headache!:doh :shock:

Now I got another unwanted e-mail, this one is from my angry wife!:confused:

Deegan, LOL, do the "no subscription" choice. It worked for me (well, it may have been vauge going in there and fixing it).

Oops. I guess I should have read all the posts before I posted the above. :3oops:

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