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To The Right Wing "christian" Piece of **** MOTHER****ERS OUT THERE (1 Viewer)

Youve Got To Be Kidding!

Active member
Jul 24, 2005
Reaction score
Political Leaning

May I introduce myself. My name is **** YOU. You piece of ****. I thought we got rid of you when we toppled the taliban and raped vietnamese children. Or perhaps when the Soviet Union fell. Perhaps even when Hitler Your Fuher BLEW his ****ING BRAINS OUT.

Are you that ****ing full of hatred? What the **** is wrong with you. Is it that or has the presidents friends poisoned your ground water so bad you got ****ing mercury on the brain you backwoods kentucky "christian" ****ing rednecks.

You like the bible yes? You ever care to read ANY OF THE MOTHER****ING NEW TESTAMENT>? PLEASE INTRIGUE ME. You should come prepared with some ****ing knowledge about the total ****ing garbage you spew.

Do you not understand your a ****ing FOOL. If your a working class individual on how much of a turncoat sorry worthless ****ing traitor you are. I wish they would cut off your balls so you could not make any more dumb ****ing kids and push your ******* inbred gene pool any ****ing longer. Just cause eves sons ****ed adams wife dont make it ok for you to do it to little Marry Anne. Mother****ers.

I am at a TOTAL MOTHER****ING LOSS. ARE YOU A ****ING COMMUNIST? SATAN HIMSELF?? WHAT THE **** IS WRONG HERE. Do you HATE america THAT ****ING MUCH that you insist upon ruining it. Or you like getting ****ed in the ass on your way to work? Im curious. You beat your wife so godamn much it makes it ok for bush to beat you.

What do you not ****ing understand about people who dislike him?? I am just ****ing curious. Actualy im intrigued as to what THE **** IS WRONG WITH YOU. Do I have a right to hate americans because they are you.? Are americans that ****ing hatefull ignorant and selfrighteous assholes?? I am starting to believe so. I think bush stole the election, But I do not believe he had to. I am starting to think the majority of you are ********in balwashers. You may as well take christ and SHOVE HIM UP YOUR ASS EAT **** AND THROW HIM TO REPACK HIM INSIDE YOU.

I want to rant and rant and rant but please answer this

Are you really a godamn bigot?

Or are you that godamn stupid.

Do you hate america that much you want to ruin it.

Or are you really just a ****ing inbred sheeple propagating your genes agains tyour daughters will.
Dear Dr. Needlman,

Our four-month-old son is very attached to his pacifier. He sucks it all night long. When he loses it at night, he screams until we put it back into his mouth. We tried not to give him the pacifier when we put him to bed, but he cried for two hours. We went in every 15 minutes to calm him, to no avail. How can we wean him of this terrible habit? — Guilty Mom in Portland, ME

Dear Guilty Mom,
Babies suck for two reasons: nutrition and comfort. Even in the uterus, where all their nutritional needs are taken care of, many babies suck on their hands or lips. Newborns often discover how to put their hands to their mouths so they can suck on their fingers or fist. As they suck, their bodies relax.

Pacifiers are fine, but as you've discovered, they have a major drawback: If a child loses his binky, he can only cry until someone finds it for him. Often enough, this is the middle of the night, and that "someone" is a tired parent!

So, I think the issue is less how can you stop your baby from sucking (which is a natural, healthy, self-soothing activity), and more how you can help him find his pacifier without your help. Some parents attach the pacifier via a metal clip and a short ribbon to the collar of their baby's sleeper. If you do this, be certain that the ribbon is short enough so that there is no risk of it getting wrapped around the baby's neck, leading to strangulation.

If you're not comfortable with this, you can simply remove the pacifier. This will probably make for a couple of unhappy nights for everyone, but then your child should be able to adjust. If you do this, though, make sure to leave his hands uncovered (no mittens or sleepers with hand covers) so that he can suck them for self-comforting.
— by Robert Needlman, M.D., F.A.A.P.

Youve Got To Be Kidding! said:

May I introduce myself. My name is **** YOU. You piece of ****. I thought we got rid of you when we toppled the taliban and raped vietnamese children. Or perhaps when the Soviet Union fell. Perhaps even when Hitler Your Fuher BLEW his ****ING BRAINS OUT.

Are you that ****ing full of hatred? What the **** is wrong with you. Is it that or has the presidents friends poisoned your ground water so bad you got ****ing mercury on the brain you backwoods kentucky "christian" ****ing rednecks.

You like the bible yes? You ever care to read ANY OF THE MOTHER****ING NEW TESTAMENT>? PLEASE INTRIGUE ME. You should come prepared with some ****ing knowledge about the total ****ing garbage you spew.

Do you not understand your a ****ing FOOL. If your a working class individual on how much of a turncoat sorry worthless ****ing traitor you are. I wish they would cut off your balls so you could not make any more dumb ****ing kids and push your ******* inbred gene pool any ****ing longer. Just cause eves sons ****ed adams wife dont make it ok for you to do it to little Marry Anne. Mother****ers.

I am at a TOTAL MOTHER****ING LOSS. ARE YOU A ****ING COMMUNIST? SATAN HIMSELF?? WHAT THE **** IS WRONG HERE. Do you HATE america THAT ****ING MUCH that you insist upon ruining it. Or you like getting ****ed in the ass on your way to work? Im curious. You beat your wife so godamn much it makes it ok for bush to beat you.

What do you not ****ing understand about people who dislike him?? I am just ****ing curious. Actualy im intrigued as to what THE **** IS WRONG WITH YOU. Do I have a right to hate americans because they are you.? Are americans that ****ing hatefull ignorant and selfrighteous assholes?? I am starting to believe so. I think bush stole the election, But I do not believe he had to. I am starting to think the majority of you are ********in balwashers. You may as well take christ and SHOVE HIM UP YOUR ASS EAT **** AND THROW HIM TO REPACK HIM INSIDE YOU.

I want to rant and rant and rant but please answer this

Are you really a godamn bigot?

Or are you that godamn stupid.

Do you hate america that much you want to ruin it.

Or are you really just a ****ing inbred sheeple propagating your genes agains tyour daughters will.

Are you mad at somebody ?
This is the funniest post I have read in years :rofl
Are you serious ?????
Sheesh. And to think that I'm the one here who's going through "that time of the month". :lol:
vergiss said:
Sheesh. And to think that I'm the one here who's going through "that time of the month". :lol:

And I thought I was looney :rofl
The Kentucky reference was uncalled for. After all, Deliverance was filmed in North Carolina.:lol:
Youve Got To Be Kidding! said:

May I introduce myself. My name is **** YOU. You piece of ****. I thought we got rid of you when we toppled the taliban and raped vietnamese children. Or perhaps when the Soviet Union fell. Perhaps even when Hitler Your Fuher BLEW his ****ING BRAINS OUT.

Are you that ****ing full of hatred? What the **** is wrong with you. Is it that or has the presidents friends poisoned your ground water so bad you got ****ing mercury on the brain you backwoods kentucky "christian" ****ing rednecks.

You like the bible yes? You ever care to read ANY OF THE MOTHER****ING NEW TESTAMENT>? PLEASE INTRIGUE ME. You should come prepared with some ****ing knowledge about the total ****ing garbage you spew.

Do you not understand your a ****ing FOOL. If your a working class individual on how much of a turncoat sorry worthless ****ing traitor you are. I wish they would cut off your balls so you could not make any more dumb ****ing kids and push your ******* inbred gene pool any ****ing longer. Just cause eves sons ****ed adams wife dont make it ok for you to do it to little Marry Anne. Mother****ers.

I am at a TOTAL MOTHER****ING LOSS. ARE YOU A ****ING COMMUNIST? SATAN HIMSELF?? WHAT THE **** IS WRONG HERE. Do you HATE america THAT ****ING MUCH that you insist upon ruining it. Or you like getting ****ed in the ass on your way to work? Im curious. You beat your wife so godamn much it makes it ok for bush to beat you.

What do you not ****ing understand about people who dislike him?? I am just ****ing curious. Actualy im intrigued as to what THE **** IS WRONG WITH YOU. Do I have a right to hate americans because they are you.? Are americans that ****ing hatefull ignorant and selfrighteous assholes?? I am starting to believe so. I think bush stole the election, But I do not believe he had to. I am starting to think the majority of you are ********in balwashers. You may as well take christ and SHOVE HIM UP YOUR ASS EAT **** AND THROW HIM TO REPACK HIM INSIDE YOU.

I want to rant and rant and rant but please answer this

Are you really a godamn bigot?

Or are you that godamn stupid.

Do you hate america that much you want to ruin it.

Or are you really just a ****ing inbred sheeple propagating your genes agains tyour daughters will.

Ummm....I'm pretty sure you're not supposed to refer to someone as a mother****** and then refer to the Bible. I don't think the New Testament would approve of your response.
cnredd said:
Dear Dr. Needlman,

Our four-month-old son is very attached to his pacifier. He sucks it all night long. ...

ROTFLMFAO again! That's two in a row cnredd! :rofl
Iriemon said:
ROTFLMFAO again! That's two in a row cnredd! :rofl

Thank GOD somebody caught that!:2wave:
What's wrong with a little passion in their politics. Like he wasn't without probable cause! There is nothing in post #1 that is anywhere near as obscene as the Bush Presidency.

To all you Right-wing Bullshit Christians, dropping a cluster bomb in a crowded suberb is far worse than a little profanity. FO&D!
Billo_Really said:
What's wrong with a little passion in their politics. Like he wasn't without probable cause! There is nothing in post #1 that is anywhere near as obscene as the Bush Presidency.

To all you Right-wing Bullshit Christians, dropping a cluster bomb in a crowded suberb is far worse than a little profanity. FO&D!

To f***g right you pece of lefta**rs sh**ho go scratch yer f**k**
In a bowl of tw****g *****.
The man is maligned he is f*****g tw**ng sh** gud at f***g sayin
***** . i THINK HE IS C**Nting mity coz he mite be OZ.
Only a f**** c*** thing says b***d f**** rite
Originally posted by ****y:
To f***g right you pece of lefta**rs sh**ho go scratch yer f**k**
In a bowl of tw****g *****.
The man is maligned he is f*****g tw**ng sh** gud at f***g sayin
***** . i THINK HE IS C**Nting mity coz he mite be OZ.
Only a f**** c*** thing says b***d f**** rite
Would you like to buy a vowel, you dish-rag ******!
Billo_Really said:
Would you like to buy a vowel, you dish-rag ******!

Wot about u ***n *****pece .AND *****B*** c**t
I hav *****g tw**faced bog off B***rd I speke.
P**d we fartin .So f***n b***stad c*****ng goatz
Windy :(
I want to rant and rant and rant but please answer this

Are you really a godamn bigot?

Or are you that godamn stupid.

Do you hate america that much you want to ruin it.

Or are you really just a ****ing inbred sheeple propagating your genes agains tyour daughters will.[/QUOTE]

1. I'm not a bigot but obviously by labeling every Republican as a quote mother f****ker you are.

2. I'm pretty f****n dumb but I'm still smart enough to have gotten with your moms last night . . . guess that will fill up the old gene pool huh? Oh, and you can call me dad now son. LMFAO Oh and if the Reps are so stupid it sure doesn't say a whole hell of alot about the Dems considering the fact that they can't even produce a candidate to beat GW a man who can't even pronounce the word terrorists.

3. I don't hate America and that's probably a question that would be better asked to someone like you, I mean you freaking people cheer every time another U.S. soldier is killed in Iraq, because it helps with your cause which, sad to say, is not very much different from that of Al Qaeda.
Trajan Octavian Titus said:
I want to rant and rant and rant but please answer this

Are you really a godamn bigot?

Or are you that godamn stupid.

Do you hate america that much you want to ruin it.

Or are you really just a ****ing inbred sheeple propagating your genes agains tyour daughters will.

1. I'm not a bigot but obviously by labeling every Republican as a quote mother f****ker you are.

2. I'm pretty f****n dumb but I'm still smart enough to have gotten with your moms last night . . . guess that will fill up the old gene pool huh? Oh, and you can call me dad now son. LMFAO Oh and if the Reps are so stupid it sure doesn't say a whole hell of alot about the Dems considering the fact that they can't even produce a candidate to beat GW a man who can't even pronounce the word terrorists.

3. I don't hate America and that's probably a question that would be better asked to someone like you, I mean you freaking people cheer every time another U.S. soldier is killed in Iraq, because it helps with your cause which, sad to say, is not very much different from that of Al Qaeda.[/QUOTE]

To whom were you refering Traj ?:confused:
Windy said:
To whom were you refering Traj ?:confused:

The ones with numbers in front were his answers to the questions he pasted from the bottom of the original rant on Post #1...even though the last two questions don't even have question marks at the end of them(and "America" is not capitalized)...

I'm still trying to find out what a "sheeple" is...
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cnredd said:
The ones with numbers in front were his answers to the questions he pasted from the bottom of the original rant on Post #1...even though the last two questions don't even have question marks at the end of them(and "America" is not capitalized)...

I'm still trying to find out what a "sheeple" is...

Thanks cnredd I gotya now..I thought it sounded a bit like a guy I was talking to last week ..He said he was gonna jump all over my my Moms
grave..I told him 'Go ahead' shes buried at sea.:lol:
Windy said:
Thanks cnredd I gotya now..I thought it sounded a bit like a guy I was talking to last week ..He said he was gonna jump all over my my Moms
grave..I told him 'Go ahead' shes buried at sea.:lol:

Nice!....I do that too...when someone goes for the mom insult, I insult her too while insulting them...stuns them into silence...

"I banged your mom last night..."

"No you didn't...She's gotta 2 inch penis rule"...
cnredd said:
Nice!....I do that too...when someone goes for the mom insult, I insult her too while insulting them...stuns them into silence...

"I banged your mom last night..."

"No you didn't...She's gotta 2 inch penis rule"...

Is that maximum or minimum?

Of course, as I gay man I have no interest in your mother.

What's your dad like?
Originally posted by cnredd:
Nice!....I do that too...when someone goes for the mom insult, I insult her too while insulting them...stuns them into silence...

"I banged your mom last night..."

"No you didn't...She's gotta 2 inch penis rule"...
Mines only 4 inches. Now, most women don't mind that. Other women hate it that wide!
Listen yu left Wing dogs, it is ok to kill, lie, and deceive. It is ok for us on the Right to tell you how to believe. Being good rightwing Christians, it is ok to tell you the right way to believe. Heck we can save your soul, if you listen, but if you cannot listen, we might as well Killl ya. Ask our great leaders Robertson, and Falwell.
Youve Got To Be Kidding! said:

May I introduce myself. My name is **** YOU. You piece of ****. I thought we got rid of you when we toppled the taliban and raped vietnamese children. Or perhaps when the Soviet Union fell. Perhaps even when Hitler Your Fuher BLEW his ****ING BRAINS OUT.

Are you that ****ing full of hatred? What the **** is wrong with you. Is it that or has the presidents friends poisoned your ground water so bad you got ****ing mercury on the brain you backwoods kentucky "christian" ****ing rednecks.

You like the bible yes? You ever care to read ANY OF THE MOTHER****ING NEW TESTAMENT>? PLEASE INTRIGUE ME. You should come prepared with some ****ing knowledge about the total ****ing garbage you spew.

Do you not understand your a ****ing FOOL. If your a working class individual on how much of a turncoat sorry worthless ****ing traitor you are. I wish they would cut off your balls so you could not make any more dumb ****ing kids and push your ******* inbred gene pool any ****ing longer. Just cause eves sons ****ed adams wife dont make it ok for you to do it to little Marry Anne. Mother****ers.

I am at a TOTAL MOTHER****ING LOSS. ARE YOU A ****ING COMMUNIST? SATAN HIMSELF?? WHAT THE **** IS WRONG HERE. Do you HATE america THAT ****ING MUCH that you insist upon ruining it. Or you like getting ****ed in the ass on your way to work? Im curious. You beat your wife so godamn much it makes it ok for bush to beat you.

What do you not ****ing understand about people who dislike him?? I am just ****ing curious. Actualy im intrigued as to what THE **** IS WRONG WITH YOU. Do I have a right to hate americans because they are you.? Are americans that ****ing hatefull ignorant and selfrighteous assholes?? I am starting to believe so. I think bush stole the election, But I do not believe he had to. I am starting to think the majority of you are ********in balwashers. You may as well take christ and SHOVE HIM UP YOUR ASS EAT **** AND THROW HIM TO REPACK HIM INSIDE YOU.

I want to rant and rant and rant but please answer this

Are you really a godamn bigot?

Or are you that godamn stupid.

Do you hate america that much you want to ruin it.

Or are you really just a ****ing inbred sheeple propagating your genes agains tyour daughters will.

Dear Garbage mouth, ....I 'am not a church goer per se, but I'am a bible believer.

It sounds to me that YOU are giving way to much credit to the christian right for helping to defeat liberal candidates. (This is not so actually)

THe democratic party USED to care about decency, morality, & fair play, & also believed in a strong military, & traditional values. THE democratic party does not represent ANY of those things anymore whatsoever, & the mainstream voting majority knows it!

It NO longer represents most mainstream voters, as it has gone to shyte in a hand basket.

It seems all the democratic party does is INVENT focus groups to pander to for votes, ..& the endless race game of accusing republicans of always being racist etc. Same liberal democratic shyte & tactics but w/different faces as always when employing strategy.

Also...the wonderful nuance of sodomy now, ..Sure...lets make the homosexuals feel good about themselves by letting them marry. Indeed thank the liberals, & the democratic party.

You can also thank them for ALWAYS condemning their own country first, ..& then blaming their own leaders whenever there is some war or conflict, ..& LOrd knows how they all love to "handwring" when counting body bags, ..but they don't seem to ever want to count the dead victims of hiv/aids etc??

No hell no, we must not go there unless of course we can blame Bush for only funding 6-billion dollars for aids research, ..but now we would NOT want to tell the g-damn "twinkies, & foo-foos" that it is by THEIR OWN choices, & sexual behavior that is putting them at risk, now would we?

Why hell no, ..why they gots their civil rights, & their freedoms to spread hiv all over!

Liberals also want people to believe that ONLY ''whites" are capable of racism, & bigotry., & in the same vein THEY also want people to believe that only blacks are victims of "exploitation, underprivilege, or economically locked out", & THEY NEVER want AFFIRMATIVE ACTION TO END because THIS IS HOW LIBERALS KEEP GETTING ELECTED!

Immorality, pacifism, appeasement, hate for their own country, class envy, race baiting, criminal rights, abortion on demand...disguised by code words like, "Family planning, or Choice"! Some choice, ...there is NO choice after the living child is sucked out of the womb.

Why in the hell cannot the damn liberals, & democrats TELL the damn truth, & call it WHAT it really is...which IS PRO-ABORTION OR PRO-DEATH, & lets stop the pretend word games.

Its the same w/ the word "GAY"! NOW...come on, "gay" means happy, ..NOT homosexual. IF these people are proud of their behavior THEY should employ the correct words of homosexual. ITS TIME THEY WERE GENUINE about their behavior, & what they espouse, & time to STOP the word games!

BTW, ..its the liberal democrats who have ALWAYS had an affinity for socialist/communist doctrine, ..not people like Bush!

You would do well to know what the hell you are talking about w/regard to party ideology; & brushing up on history....NO, I did NOT say liberal revisionism so you suckers can buy intio their bullshyte as easily as the ignorant, & uninformed usually do!

The Christian right actually plays a very small role these days; its the mainstream majority....(NO that does not mean YOUR fellow ideologues), who is taking all your fun away.

One thing about liberal democrats....you don't have to look far if you want to empower the atheists, the humanists, the immoral bastards, the homosexuals, the anti-american groups, the ACLU, the criminals, the socialists, the whackos, the revisionists, the conspiratorialists, those who love taxes, those who love WELFARE, & other PHONEY programs, ...or even self righteousness. You will find all that, & more in "TODAYS" modern Democratic party!

And....isn't it your lucky time to be alive, ..we have Bush bashing, hate & rage towards Bush, & all that good stuff for you to feel good about as it is entirely in vogue these days.

Hell yea, & Bush must have caused 9/11, & murdered his own citizens, & you just know that Bush must be a racist, & Bush must have caused high gas prices, & Bush just lusts at taking away all your rights , ..& Bush must have wanted all the victims of the hurricane to die, & Bush must have stolen the election, & hell man....Bush even found a way to harness nature to cause that big tsunami because he hates foreigners too, & he sure wiped out a bunch, ..huh?

Don't I make you feel better about your rant now? You can hate Bush, & the Christian right, & blame BOTH for the price of one!:smile:
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cnredd said:
Dear Dr. Needlman,

Our four-month-old son is very attached to his pacifier. He sucks it all night long. When he loses it at night, he screams until we put it back into his mouth. We tried not to give him the pacifier when we put him to bed, but he cried for two hours. We went in every 15 minutes to calm him, to no avail. How can we wean him of this terrible habit? — Guilty Mom in Portland, ME

Dear Guilty Mom,
Babies suck for two reasons: nutrition and comfort. Even in the uterus, where all their nutritional needs are taken care of, many babies suck on their hands or lips. Newborns often discover how to put their hands to their mouths so they can suck on their fingers or fist. As they suck, their bodies relax.

Pacifiers are fine, but as you've discovered, they have a major drawback: If a child loses his binky, he can only cry until someone finds it for him. Often enough, this is the middle of the night, and that "someone" is a tired parent!

So, I think the issue is less how can you stop your baby from sucking (which is a natural, healthy, self-soothing activity), and more how you can help him find his pacifier without your help. Some parents attach the pacifier via a metal clip and a short ribbon to the collar of their baby's sleeper. If you do this, be certain that the ribbon is short enough so that there is no risk of it getting wrapped around the baby's neck, leading to strangulation.

If you're not comfortable with this, you can simply remove the pacifier. This will probably make for a couple of unhappy nights for everyone, but then your child should be able to adjust. If you do this, though, make sure to leave his hands uncovered (no mittens or sleepers with hand covers) so that he can suck them for self-comforting.
— by Robert Needlman, M.D., F.A.A.P.


I have to say that I think a young person acting out like this is definately warranted today the way that the Christians act towards young people. I think this guy's intention was to liven up the 'basement'. I found it funny too and would have used more damming words against the 'christians' who act as if they have a gift that no one else is privy to. Christians think that they have a private source to religious experience that others somehow lack which is just plain ignorance. Carl Jung said that an individual's subconsciousness is our ONLY true link to religious experience. That is where God truly lies, yet the modern American Christian does not yet know this fact in most cases.

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