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To: The Atlantic, Washington Post, New York Times, Kansas City Star, CNN, Bloomberg, Business Insider WHY Is Trump Not Being Prosecuted? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Dec 1, 2017
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Prosecuting Trump would set a risky precedent. Not prosecuting would be worse.​

Are we afraid to test the principle that no one is above the law? Why is Congress allowing presidents to break the law and get away with it?​

This is not normal
But the United States claims to be an advanced democracy. The costs of not prosecuting Trump have already been significant — and they’re already grounds for fear.

Trump continues to stir up violence; he acts as if he remains untouchable.

He praised the anti-public-health trucker convoy that shut down a key bridge linking Detroit to Ontario and has wreaked havoc in Ottawa: “I see they have Trump signs all over the place and I’m proud that they do,” Trump bragged to “Fox & Friends,” before suggesting that the truckers do the same in the United States, an even greater “tinderbox.”

Trump’s acolytes take his cue. Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) expressed his hope that the truckers would bring their mayhem inside America’s borders, while the Republican National Committee defended the police-beating armed rioters at the Capitol who sought to block Biden’s electoral certification by Congress as engaged in “legitimate political discourse.”

Although Trump has long sanctioned violence among his supporters — calling white supremacists in Charlottesville “fine people”; ordering the Proud Boys to “stand back and stand by”; urging a crowd to “march” on the Capitol and “fight like hell” to overturn the allegedly stolen election; tweeting “liberate Michigan” to followers a few months before a plot to kidnap and murder the state’s Democratic governor, Gretchen Whitmer, was discovered — the failure to prosecute Trump for any crimes he himself commits empowers him to do it louder.

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Is it time the nation remove capitol hill as an investigative body and do away with the position of Attorney General?

Hopefully the country will step up and demand that Trump be fully investigated and charged accordingly which is what it took to bring Watergate to Justice.

Should the the office of president be relieved of pardoning privileges?
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Good things are worth waiting for.
I have faith in the American system. Trump will get his due.
Is it time the nation remove capitol hill as an investigative body and do away with the position of Attorney General?

Hopefully the country will step up and demand that Trump be fully investigated and charged accordingly which is what it took to bring Watergate to Justice.

Should the the office of president be relieved of pardoning privileges?
The congressional investigations sweep so much under the rugs as if they are trying to preserve their dignity when in fact how is that possible?
The real chicken heart in this whole sordid affair is the new Manhattan DA. That he is not prosecuting reeks to high heaven.
Watching some news commentators last night who are obviously pissed off however can do nothing about it
so it is up we citizens become more involved than ever. Yes we can do it it has been done before which prevented Nixon from walking away.

Yes the evidence is over whelming beyond reality. Capitol Hill is breaking the law by not pushing the matter forward to indictments and such. Screw Donald Trump and all politicians who use their positions to screw
The lack of accountability regarding the Trump administration is certainly going to piss-off over half of the voters.
People know damn well that our justice system has been a disgusting mess for many years. How many times have we seen the poor
receive harsh sentences for minor or medium law-breaking actions.
As I've posted before>> I used to date a court reporter lady. She truly opened my eyes on how the justice system works.
One of the main subjects she noticed was when the wealthy went to court, the lawyers would point out stuff like
"Your honor, this teenager comes from a prominent wonderful family. ...To put this young man in jail for a boys-will-be-boys thrill ride
would ruin his life (The little bastard stole a car, crashed into a store and injured 3 people)" ...he got probation. Grrrrrr.
The next case would feature a shop-lifting person ...first offense ever.... a boom box...and received 18 months in jail.
She told me the above scenarios were so common that sometimes she was brought to tears regarding how disgustingly unfair the justice
system works. It was a real eye opener for this poster. (I was about 25 then)

Prosecuting Trump would set a risky precedent. Not prosecuting would be worse.​

Are we afraid to test the principle that no one is above the law? Why is Congress allowing presidents to break the law and get away with it?​

This is not normal
But the United States claims to be an advanced democracy. The costs of not prosecuting Trump have already been significant — and they’re already grounds for fear.

Trump continues to stir up violence; he acts as if he remains untouchable.

He praised the anti-public-health trucker convoy that shut down a key bridge linking Detroit to Ontario and has wreaked havoc in Ottawa: “I see they have Trump signs all over the place and I’m proud that they do,” Trump bragged to “Fox & Friends,” before suggesting that the truckers do the same in the United States, an even greater “tinderbox.”

Trump’s acolytes take his cue. Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) expressed his hope that the truckers would bring their mayhem inside America’s borders, while the Republican National Committee defended the police-beating armed rioters at the Capitol who sought to block Biden’s electoral certification by Congress as engaged in “legitimate political discourse.”

Although Trump has long sanctioned violence among his supporters — calling white supremacists in Charlottesville “fine people”; ordering the Proud Boys to “stand back and stand by”; urging a crowd to “march” on the Capitol and “fight like hell” to overturn the allegedly stolen election; tweeting “liberate Michigan” to followers a few months before a plot to kidnap and murder the state’s Democratic governor, Gretchen Whitmer, was discovered — the failure to prosecute Trump for any crimes he himself commits empowers him to do it louder.

I agree 110%! We need to stomp out any and all dissenting discourse in this nation. There can be no freedom until everyone thinks, acts and believes the right stuff and vociferously decries all discourse that is objectionable. The people MUST be crushed if we are ever to have peace and freedom. It's the only way democracy can every be restored.
Someone who tried to undermine democracy should be barred from running again.
Wrong thread.

This thread is asking a bunch of media outlets why they're not prosecuting someone. Apparently the legal system in our country has moved from the courts to the Internet.
Wrong thread.

This thread is asking a bunch of media outlets why they're not prosecuting someone. Apparently the legal system in our country has moved from the courts to the Internet.
Wrong again and apparently not ...... the logic is to begin demanding chit chat through the people then making changes accordingly .

congress should not be the investigating body ever. Too many conflicts of interest and possible conflicts of interests. The ALEC GOP wingnuts and their foot/voice soldiers stand by their criminals.
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Wrong thread.

This thread is asking a bunch of media outlets why they're not prosecuting someone. Apparently the legal system in our country has moved from the courts to the Internet.
He's effectively above the law. However, an attempted coup should still disqualify one from office.
He's effectively above the law. However, an attempted coup should still disqualify one from office.
What about lying, and spreading such lies - characterizing what happened on Jan 6 as an "attempted coup?"

I would think that also would disqualify one from holding office - ANY office or position of authority. Don't you?
I agree 110%! We need to stomp out any and all dissenting discourse in this nation. There can be no freedom until everyone thinks, acts and believes the right stuff and vociferously decries all discourse that is objectionable. The people MUST be crushed if we are ever to have peace and freedom. It's the only way democracy can every be restored.
Except it won't be democracy. It'll be dictatorship.
Except it won't be democracy. It'll be dictatorship.
...which is in fact the goal. Elimination and silencing of all opposition, be it via legal means (which would be illegal), physical means (which would be illegal), or social means (which would be immoral and illegal).
Because Merritt Garland is an insipid, feckless tool who should be removed immediately and replaced by Preet Bharra.
What about lying, and spreading such lies - characterizing what happened on Jan 6 as an "attempted coup?"

I would think that also would disqualify one from holding office - ANY office or position of authority. Don't you?
an obvious voice soldier for the Anti American ALEC GOP wingnuts = never speak out against the conservative powers that be....... always put forth an illusion.
Wrong again and apparently not ...... the logic is to begin demanding chit chat through the people then making changes accordingly .
Um... you just disagreed with my post, and then in the same sentence agreed with it - and offered proof what I was saying was in fact so.
Because Merritt Garland is an insipid, feckless tool who should be removed immediately and replaced by Preet Bharra.
I've heard similar conversation for some time............. Biden is not escaping criticism in this matter.
an obvious voice soldier for the Anti American ALEC GOP wingnuts = never speak out against the conservative powers that be....... always put forth an illusion.
What in the Wide Wide World of Sports are you talking about???

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