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To Tashah (1 Viewer)


Sep 23, 2005
Reaction score
Political Leaning
This is addressed specifically to Tashah. I am not backing down from what I saw, I know I saw you made comments talking about how Islamic civilization is all about treating women bad. I will fight you tooth and nail, I will not surrender, I will not back down from you and I will not kiss your ass. I do not trust your proclaimations that you are "tolerant."
[Moderator Mode]

Moved to the Basement...personal, not topical...

[/Moderator Mode]
TimmyBoy said:
This is addressed specifically to Tashah. I am not backing down from what I saw, I know I saw you made comments talking about how Islamic civilization is all about treating women bad. I will fight you tooth and nail, I will not surrender, I will not back down from you and I will not kiss your ass. I do not trust your proclaimations that you are "tolerant."

She's too nice. How about me? That woman beating thug Mohamed started a whole religion to justify his treatment of women. They stone women for adultery, but not the men. They have happy little patrols in Saudi Arabia that go around beating women on the streets with sticks for infractions. This whole damn thing comes down to the women. They don't want to lose their slaves. And we are giving them the right to vote.

I've seen your posts. I've seen Tashah's. Give it up. She's a gazillion times smarter than you.

Oops, I just noticed your banned. Too bad. I really would have enjoyed this.
You are being very general. Its true that fundamentalists do this but the same could apply for all religions. The things that christians advocate in this country are scary but I wouldn't go as far as to call their whole religion a bunch of racist, women beaters.

Tashah never seemed to me a religious bigot. But I do find it ironic that she is so defensive about her religion that shecalls people anti semtic(so far I've seen her call me one and G>B.) but then makes general blanket statements about other peoples religions. I guess these are the roots that are seen in all religious conflicts.

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