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To save the country, support the president. (1 Viewer)


Active member
Oct 27, 2014
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It would have been difficult to predict the direction American leaders chose to go back in 1957 when the Russians launched the first satellite, Sputnik, into low Earth orbit. It caused a nationwide panic and led to the unfortunate phenomenon of student debt and lifetime jobs for college professors. The result is stunningly obvious as millions of students leave college each year, diploma in hand, barely able to to read the contents of a restaurant menu and unable to compose anything in writing that would qualify as a respectable grocery list.

Just a few years later in 1964/65, the War on Poverty was initiated followed by Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society. A massive welfare state ensued leading to an explosion of single motherhood unprecedented in the US. Democrat, Daniel Patrick Moynihan’s warning that paying young men to produce illegitimate children would lead to a breakdown of society was ignored and he was ostracized.

Today American society is teeming with fat, alcoholic, cannabis-addled slobs whose only goal is to be made comfortable and hope for a handicap parking space. American sovereignty is in serious jeopardy because the status quo has realized the sociological destruction imposed on America by educators and politicians has reached a point of no return. Leaders are throwing open our borders to import illegal immigrants because many Americans, are just too lazy, too obese and too chemically dependent to do the work necessary to keep the country going.

Universities and colleges have become stooge factories to maintain the status quo and the American press is replete with indoctrinated fellow travelers. As Dr. Thomas Sowell states in his book, Intellectuals and Society, the collective wisdom of the masses, will, in most cases, intervene to prevail over the mistakes of intellectuals but it may just be too late for the United States.

In order to protect the status quo, the US government may have actually lowered the mean intelligence of the average citizen by a full standard deviation. In doing so, a corrupt government can overthrow a sitting US president that was swept into office by the emergency action of the remnants of the population still able to make sense of the world.

The current president is the last best hope to save the country. The “dirty” government is on the verge of legalizing marijuana. The National Anthem could be replaced with the loony tune introduction of a Porky Pig cartoon.
“The current President is the last best hope to save the country.” If this is true, We the People are beyond any salvation.
Legalizing Marijuana!!! My lord get in the bunker kids!!!! LOL
The “dirty” government is on the verge of legalizing marijuana.

Why do you think the government has the right to throw you in prison for smoking some plant? I guess Big Brother knows what's best for you and if you don't obey you will be imprisoned. That's your idea of freedom?!

The United States has more people in prison per capita than any other country in the world. We lead the world in imprisoning our own citizens yet we talk about freedom.

Trump is not the last best hope for anything. Trump is hopelessly corrupt. That's the truth.

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