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To Republicans.... Which presidents or candidates represent your views? (1 Viewer)

which candidates represent your views?

  • Donald Trump

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • George Bush Jr

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Richard Nixon

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • William Scranton

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • None of the Above

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Slayer of the DP Newsbot
DP Veteran
Aug 27, 2005
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Houston, TX
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You can pick more than one. Please explain why the people you have chosen represent your values. Poll coming right up.
Seriously, Danarhea...Barry Goldwater??? I'd love hear to your explanation for that choice. lol
You can pick more than one. Please explain why the people you have chosen represent your values. Poll coming right up.

Eisenhower. A healthy skepticism for political counter-culture, a belief in a muscular US foreign policy, the cautious adoption of the modern welfare state, a general but not fanatical adherence to the power and importance of the market, a willingness to invest (even on a deficit) in major public works projects, decisiveness in the face of illegal opposition to desegregation, I mean I could go on and on.

He is precisely the kind of individual I would want to be President and I believe he would be ashamed at the fanaticism of the present day GOP.
Goldwater. That was easy. He was a real conservative. He was also very much like i am - fiscally conservative but socially moderate. He thought as I do that the way to fix problems is not to toss government interference or money at them.
Eisenhower. A healthy skepticism for political counter-culture, a belief in a muscular US foreign policy, the cautious adoption of the modern welfare state, a general but not fanatical adherence to the power and importance of the market, a willingness to invest (even on a deficit) in major public works projects, decisiveness in the face of illegal opposition to desegregation, I mean I could go on and on.

He is precisely the kind of individual I would want to be President and I believe he would be ashamed at the fanaticism of the present day GOP.

Ike was my 2nd choice. You did a great summation here.
Goldwater. It's not a perfect match, but he was one of the only true conservatives on the list, perhaps the last true conservative. Plus, he realized that keeping religion out of the Republican Party was essential, catering to the religious right has been disastrous for the party.
Goldwater. It's not a perfect match, but he was one of the only true conservatives on the list, perhaps the last true conservative. Plus, he realized that keeping religion out of the Republican Party was essential, catering to the religious right has been disastrous for the party.

'Liberal critics painted him as a reactionary, while supporters praised his crusades against the Soviet Union, American labor unions, and the welfare state.

I had to google him.He was a true capitalist I think ,not true conservative
I had to google him.He was a true capitalist I think ,not true conservative

What happens in the modern GOP and conservatism are not the same thing.
Eisenhower. A healthy skepticism for political counter-culture, a belief in a muscular US foreign policy, the cautious adoption of the modern welfare state, a general but not fanatical adherence to the power and importance of the market, a willingness to invest (even on a deficit) in major public works projects, decisiveness in the face of illegal opposition to desegregation, I mean I could go on and on.

He is precisely the kind of individual I would want to be President and I believe he would be ashamed at the fanaticism of the present day GOP.

As an ex-Republican of 35 years-

Amen... About 100 times... Amen...............^^^^^^^

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