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To legalize or not to legalize (1 Viewer)

Should marijuana be legal?

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Yeah because it can help cancer patients get there appetite. It's also helpful to people with Glaucoma. Besides it's not a heavy drug and Holland has it Legal and they're fine.
Its not something I would actively encourage people to do but I think it can be taken for the same thing as drinking. You are still in control of yourself whether your drunk or high so as long as they realize that, I don't see a problem with legalizing it.
Scotland Yard decided that they didn't have the resources to actively enforce the marijuana laws any more. Just had somewhere more important to allocate their time and money.

I suspect that the US may have a better use for the manhours and cash devoted to the enforcement of marijuanan laws.
This is a little off topic but I was watching this thing on court tv, and this wasn't a joke mind you, about this guy who dressed up as a clown so he could get a hooker and so they could then arrest the hooker. I couldn't believe we actually spend money on that bullshit.
Legalize it for people over age 21, then tax the everloving **** out of it.

Less international customs costs (for weed, anyway), less court costs, less jail costs, less law enforcement costs, less crime, more revenue for state/federal government. So it's a mood altering drug.....so what.... so are Oreos!:D
The happy cat and the earthworm totally agree.
But I would not smoke the stuff, nor tobacco for that matter..

Prohibition against alcohol did not work either - I wonder if the status quo:shock: people are aware of this ???
Well, at least the criminalization marijuana has accomplished it's original purpose: to keep them freakin' mexicans on their side of the border.
Yes, but sold in shops like tobacco, rather than a grow-your-own free-for-all. That way it can be regulated therefore kept mild and (relatively) safe.

Some of the pot sold nowadays is so stupidly strong it could make a horse psychotic.
Yes, I think it should be legal and I think you should also be able to grow your own. You can make beer or wine (not spirits) under certain guidelines and restrictions, you should be able to do the same with marijuana. :cool:
FinnMacCool said:
Its not something I would actively encourage people to do but I think it can be taken for the same thing as drinking. You are still in control of yourself whether your drunk or high so as long as they realize that, I don't see a problem with legalizing it.

You ever gotten high? I mean really high? hell yeah you are in control of yourself, a we bit less coordinated maybe, (it takes me maybe 30 seconds to open a bag of doritos, instead of 10, but so what) so one should drive or perform surgery. But who wants to do anything like that when stoned anyway, it ruins the high.

I've written essays, done statistical and mathematical (calulus) problems, learned card games, I have driven, but don't recommend it, and done a multitude of activites and acts that require mental focus. Sometimes, i may even do them better, which is why I sorely miss getting stoned.
vergiss said:
Yes, but sold in shops like tobacco, rather than a grow-your-own free-for-all. That way it can be regulated therefore kept mild and (relatively) safe.

Some of the pot sold nowadays is so stupidly strong it could make a horse psychotic.

Bah, f*** taxes. an infinite tax, is prohbition anyway. Screw that.

Let people grow it, sell it, smoke it, eat it, give it to the salvation army's Christmas Buckets, wear it, buy it, hell let people have sex on their own plants if they want, or even with their plants (of course, they better not sell them after).

If people wanna set up their own operations, grow their own plants, and sell them as vendors, let them.
libertarian_knight said:
Bah, f*** taxes. an infinite tax, is prohbition anyway. Screw that.

Let people grow it, sell it, smoke it, eat it, give it to the salvation army's Christmas Buckets, wear it, buy it, hell let people have sex on their own plants if they want, or even with their plants (of course, they better not sell them after).

If people wanna set up their own operations, grow their own plants, and sell them as vendors, let them.

Ya lol but only the pure stuff should be allowed here not that chemical crap and messud up stuff like ectasy
There has been studies about Marijuana and its physical impact in relation to other drugs. Marijuana is less habit forming, easier withdrawals, and more control while intoxicated than Alcohol. Also, think about it, an Alchie is angry and violent all of the time. A stoner is the opposite of violent, giggles, and munches. Why marijuana is still illegal and not even allowed for certifiable medical applications still baffles me
I personally like to toke it up especially after a hard day at the office. A good joint will do wonders for your stress. I also don't know why it's illegal. Here in Nebraska they have very lenient marijuana laws anyway. If you get caught with less than an ounce it's a $100 fine. That's nothing. You pay almost just as much for a parking ticket. :doh
vergiss said:
Yes, but sold in shops like tobacco, rather than a grow-your-own free-for-all. That way it can be regulated therefore kept mild and (relatively) safe.

Some of the pot sold nowadays is so stupidly strong it could make a horse psychotic.

You have been listening to the government lies about this subject haven't you? What could possibly be wrong with people growing their own?
You ever gotten high? I mean really high?

I tried it once but I'm not really into that ****. Too be honest, it kinda scares me. I heard its like 3 times as bad as regular smoking is.

I also know this kid who doesn't do anything except talk about weed. Thats kinda ****ed up. I don't really believe those potheads when they say its not addictive.
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FinnMacCool said:
I also know this kid who doesn't do anything except talk about weed. Thats kinda ****ed up. I don't really believe those potheads when they say its not addictive.

It's very addictive. I don't know if I could stop but at least I'm not addicted to vioxx, zoloff, or oxycotton-or whatever it's called. Now those scare me. It seems the FDA will pass all these "legal" drugs not even knowing what the heck they are made off. I jsut love those commercials. You won't be depressed anymore but side effects include heart failure, sexual side effects, liver damage, stroke, and thoughts of suicide. Classic!
FinnMacCool said:
I tried it once but I'm not really into that ****. Too be honest, it kinda scares me. I heard its like 3 times as bad as regular smoking is.

I also know this kid who doesn't do anything except talk about weed. Thats kinda ****ed up. I don't really believe those potheads when they say its not addictive.

It is mentally addictive like Twinkies and fast food are for some people. It is not physically addictive though. No DT's from quitting like other legal drugs. Is Bush addicted to 9/11 because he doesn't do anything except talk about it?
americanwoman said:
It's very addictive. I don't know if I could stop but at least I'm not addicted to vioxx, zoloff, or oxycotton-or whatever it's called. Now those scare me. It seems the FDA will pass all these "legal" drugs not even knowing what the heck they are made off. I jsut love those commercials. You won't be depressed anymore but side effects include heart failure, sexual side effects, liver damage, stroke, and thoughts of suicide. Classic!

Yeah I heard this that Viagra can kill people. Weird huh?
The fact that it is not legal is all about the big pharm companies that own so much of our government - both parties. They would be the big losers here and won't let legalization happen.

Marijuana helps cancer victims with nausea, reduces eye pressure on glaucoma patients, MS patients can use marijuana for pain relief etc. etc. Hemp can also be a fuel and the fibres can be transformed into paper.

While health care benefits are going through the roof and we can't get cheaper meds from Canada. The government prohibits us from planting a few seeds in the ground!
It's Illegal because it soley about control. That is what the state is. Poeple pretend it's about organization, protection, etc whatever, it's garbage the State is about control and obedience, period. Therefor, even if they made a mistake, they can't admit it, because mistakes cause people to be less obedient. So, they twist facts and through propaganda and indoctrination fabircate a false reality surrounding their descision.

It's for these same reasons there is only one government of _____. There is only one government of the United States. There is only one government of New York. there is only one governmnet of China. and one an on.

In the market, there may be hundreds of people providing the same goods or services, but only "one government." The governments maybe be subdivided into Terrirotries, states, counties, parishes, or municipalities in a geographical region, but only on government per region, and all "lower" governments being subordinate to the national government.

Pepsi is not subordinate to Coca-Cola. Ford is not subordinate to Toyota or GM, or Boeing or coca-cola for that matter.

Government must have total subordination, of not only smaller governments, but people and businesses as well. Half of government is about toal control, at least in the areas it demands it should have total control, which is just about every area nowadays. The other half is about power and violence to make people abide by or believe the total control is necessary.

Being wrong about something, dimishes the governmnet's ability to speak authroitatively about toward total control. Alcohol prohibition was easy to end, because they let "the people" end it (and "start" it), through the Amendment process. Marijuana and Drug Prohibition was started by government fiat, and the US is "never wrong."

People in government know they are only human, bureacrats know they are only human. They know poeple make mistakes, make bad policy, even lie cheat and steal. Yet, when acting "as government" they can not admit it.

Anyone else find it ironic the the Declaration of Independence and the Consitution of the United States are written on paper that can't be made in the USA today? On Paper in fact, the DEA would have made possession of a federal crime through fiat just a few years ago? YES that's right, the Declaration of Indepenence and the Constitution would have been declared CONTRABAND by a DEA crackdown on non-psychotrpic hemp, along with shirts, bracelettes, some canvas, ropes, sails, oil, shampoo, and soap!

See, the government also MUST promote the government, and in doing so, they hire, promote, and appoint people that already share state beliefs. When do you think a Judge will be appointed, who believe the Federal Income tax Unconsitutional? Or a DEA head that believe the drug war illegal?

What happens in fact, is the state picks as it's bureaucrats, enforcers, and policy makers, from ONLY those that agree with the state line. Should others be hired, appointed or promoted on accident, generally they are fired, asked to resigned, or let their term run out.

And, as the state takes more and more stances on offical policies and practices, the pool of people shrinks and shrinks, till only a relative few people, an elite if you will, are allowed access to the heart of the state. Causing alienantion and strife on the part of the population, and a disconnect between the governors and the governed.

It's for these reasons DEA officials don't even know the difference between commecrial hemp and canabis for drug use, let alone medicinal and recreational use. Anyone that actually knew the difference, or tried to argue it, wouldn't likely NOT work for the DEA long.

Let's call it, bureaucratic tunnelvision.

The state can't admit it's swrong, and can't allow people into it, that believe it's wrong.
americanwoman said:
Yeah and they can get erections for 8 hours. If only my man could:lol:

Never met a woman that could handle 8 hours on a regular basis.
FinnMacCool said:
I tried it once but I'm not really into that ****. Too be honest, it kinda scares me. I heard its like 3 times as bad as regular smoking is.

I also know this kid who doesn't do anything except talk about weed. Thats kinda ****ed up. I don't really believe those potheads when they say its not addictive.

3 times as bad as regular smoking, except you don't smoke 20 times a day. The typical cigarette smoker smoke 1 pack a day. getting high maybe twice a day is a lot. Not to mention, with better bud, one somes less than in a cigarette.

When i smoked, it would be three bowl packs to make a joint that had the same amount as a cigarette. So, smoking on say, my day off, wake and bake, one after lunch, and one before bed (a very high day indeed), might be as much as 3 cigarettes.

a typical day, would be one "cigarette's" worth of pot. not much considering the amount of tar in total.

Also, how bad is typical air polution comapred to cigarettes.

Oh and yeah, I quit smoking pot at will; I've been trying to quite cigarettes for a year, more than that acutally. IT SUCKS.

FURTHERMORE, there are other was to ingest marijuana for medicinal or psychotropic uses: Vaporization, eating (in some nice chocolate brownies) and pills of THC. None of which have the detriments actual smoking does.

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